Dreams of my Grandfather 
Sunday, November 9, 2008, 11:55 AM - Odd Dreams
Indigo Incarnates

Cedar Light Grove held their Samhain ritual last night (Turning Circle had theirs last week). It was a more somber rite than some of the other Wiccan/Druid Sabbats because it honors the dead. But it's good to have a faith that believes in balance.

Part of the ritual involved each person telling something of what they remembered of a relative who died. So I told of how my dad's father spent a lot of his adult life involved in children's charities. I never knew what he did with his spare time until after he died. But so many people came to his funeral to say what a positive difference my grandfather made in their lives. He was a lifelong Baptist but didn't have an ounce of hate in him. He met Doug twice and fully accepted Doug and didn't shun me. My grandfather, Frazier, was completely unlike my father-monster.

I had a dream about my grandfather last night. It was pretty innocuous. We drove in his Chevy Cavalier and had lunch together. It was pleasant.

In life, it was hard to really get to know my grandfather as well as I would have liked. He was emotionally distant through no fault of his own. He had to take powerful drugs that treated his epilepsy and it sort of made him emotionally "not there" a lot. He was highly intelligent and he worked hard. He apparently was actively involved in charity too.

In the dream, the emotional dampening effect of his medicines we not present. I felt like I really got to interact with him. In the dream, I really had the sense that he really did love me. I always knew that. I never doubted it.

Where he is now, he no longer has epilepsy. I am glad that the power of the Samhain rite allowed him to visit.

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Racing Thoughts 
Tuesday, February 19, 2008, 06:21 AM - Odd Dreams
Sometimes my thoughts race and I have trouble falling asleep. Last night was like that, since it just seemed like my mind would not be quiet long enough to fall asleep. I guess that just happens on occasion since there are five people sharing one body, ha ha.

So I finally fell asleep and it was a dream that was somewhat disturbing but ultimately helpful I think. In the dream, I was in a 12-years-old's body again (which would have made it just after I came into existence in 1982) and I was in some place that I knew was a secret place that was safe and no one knew where I was. Oddly enough, the song "Under Pressure" was playing on the radio. I was crying. I was about to try to stop when I realized that it was safe to cry and okay to do so. And so I did, for a long time.

I woke up for a few minutes after that and I felt a lot better. My mind stopped racing and I fell asleep again almost right away. It's funny how the mind workds sometimes, eh?

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Odd dreams when ill -- II 
Saturday, February 2, 2008, 08:17 AM - Odd Dreams
Last night's wasn't as bad, fortunately. It just seemsed to be a jumbled-up hodge-podge of sci-fi.

So... there was Kirk's Enterprise somehow flung thousands of years into the future (like what happened to the ship on Andromeda) and was in the process of being salvaged by pirates. One of the pirate dudes was Starbuck (Battlestar Galactice -- the Dirk Bennedict version). The trouble came when Starbuck discovered that the ship was also invaded by cylons and by dalecks (from Doctor Who). Somehow Starbuck managed to defrost Spock, except that he came out of the freezer in pretty rough shape and wasn't too useful to anyone. Some parts of the ship looked like the Enterprise while others looked like the Andromeda Ascendant. Of course, when the dalecks ran into the cylons, they both started killing each other instead of hunting down humans. Starbuck was under the impression that taking over the ship wasn't goiing to be too tough since both robot races were probably going to mutually destroy each other.

Yeah... not a nightmare, but it was pretty bizarre and didn't make a whole lot of sense.

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A Wiccan by the lake  
Sunday, April 29, 2007, 09:32 PM - Odd Dreams
I had an odd dream last night. There was a thin, young woman standing calf-high in water at the edge of a lake. It was a warm day but cloudy. I think she was a Wiccan because she was thinking about nature and was contemplating how there was no hard dividing line between the natural and spiritual realms. She believed the two blended into one another.

She spoke the words of a ritual, but I did not understand the words. Then she waved her hands over a batch of green reeds that grew out of the water. It was a harmless ritual that was supposed to honour nature. It was not “witchcraft” in the horror movie sense.

Just as she finished, two cops came up and harassed her about why she was standing in the water. She told them a plausible lie, but I wondered why she had to lie at all.

She left the lakeside. She met with a friend from college. He was studying psychology or philosophy (or something like that). She sensed in him the potential to make communion with the natural forces. She asked him if he would ever try to become “awakened”. He did not know what she meant.

She was sad because she wanted him to be able to experience the world’s life-force firsthand. She wanted him to be able to commune with the elemental forces.

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After the War of the Machines 
Friday, March 23, 2007, 01:35 PM - Odd Dreams
I had a dream that took place in a different time and a different setting. In this dream, most of the world had been destroyed by vast machines and there was only one valley left that was protected by an impenetrable ring of mountains. The valley was green and pretty. Maybe 30,000 people lived here.

A certain man lived in the village who was responsible for sealing the valley against the onslaught of the machines. But his son had died in that final conflict. He thought about his son every day.

There was a day each year when the barrier between the living and the dead was the thinnest. So he climbed the highest mountain that protected the valley. There, at the top, he could talk to his son for two or three minutes. It was sad that he only had that brief time just once per year.

The man’s son was only 11 years old when he was killed during the final war against the machines. But each year that his spirit briefly manifested on the mountain top, he appeared as the same age. The father aged normally however, and appeared leathery and lean from a lifetime of hard, honest work.

The child was thin (but not gaunt), fair skinned and had short blonde hair. He looked happy, but also looked a bit wistful (probably because he missed his father too).

I could not hear what they talked about. But after a few minutes, the child faded from view as if he had been only a piece of a dream. The father turned away to start climbing down back into the green valley.

I caught a glimpse of the father’s thoughts. He was thinking of that terrible day on that last battle against the machines. There had been no ring of mountains then. The hulking war machines had come from the south to exterminate all life. They stood 30’ tall and crushed houses and people as they ruined the town.

One house had the child inside. The father was some kind of ranch hand who was walking home after doing repairs to a wooden fence that kept a herd of cattle contained. He saw the destruction of his home and his family.

In rage and despair, he raised his fist to the sky and yelled, “This shall not be!”

A wave of energy pushed the machines back. The ground rumbled and a ring of high mountains rose up from the ground. That was the only supernatural act he had ever done. He saved the town, but he could not save his son.

That was 10 years ago. Now he was a ranch supervisor and he had a new home. But he never remarried and never had any more children.

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Werewolf Spirit Combat 
Sunday, March 18, 2007, 10:30 AM - Odd Dreams
I had an odd dream last night. It started in a small town that reminded me of Hollidaysburg, where my grandmother lived when she was still alive. It was a pleasant looking town full of little houses and narrow streets. The weather was nice: warm, breezy, and sunny. And yet, everyone in town was being drawn away to some strange spectacle at the edge of the village. Out of curiosity, I walked down the main road to see what was supposed to be so interesting.

The sight in question was interesting alright. The dream that created this town was unfinished. The road hung, unsupported, in a bright, empty sky and ended about 500 feet into a white, cloudy sky. Interesting indeed. I wanted to see what an unfinished dream looked like, so I walked to the end of the road that hung in the empty sky. The close I got to the edge, the more dizzy I became. I got vertigo and my vision swam.

I lost my balance and fell into the misty expanse. I fell into a different dream. But I had the feeling that this other dream wasn’t one that humans were supposed to see.

I saw a vast, swirling cyclone of wind, mist, and energy in an otherwise gray, shapeless expanse. Inside the vortex, two powerful spirits fought one another. One was a wolf spirit and one was a werewolf spirit. I somehow knew that I had to decide which one I would help. They were so evenly matched that even my comparatively limited psychic Profile would tip the balance if applied to one combatant or the other. I decided that the wolf spirit should win because wolves were natural animals that hunted for the sake of having food, whereas the werewolf was an unnatural animal that killed for sport.

I said a wish, and suddenly the werewolf spirit was bound inside a translucent box. It was not dead, but slumbering. The wolf spirit, in some wordless way that I somehow understood, explained that spirits may be defeated, but never destroyed. Someday the werewolf spirit would awaken and the fight would start afresh.

I also understood that I was not supposed to be where I was. I felt like I was drowning.

My awareness began to float upwards, and I began to be aware of a sudden and intense pain in the center of my back. I got my voice back and screamed, “Stop it! Stop it!”

I opened my eyes and found myself on the floor of my room. For some reason my friend Mike was there and he had been striking me on the back, hard.
I asked him what the hell he was doing. I did not realize at that point that I was, in fact, still dreaming. He said that he had to hit me because I had stopped breathing and he didn’t know what else to do.

Then I woke up for real, gasping for air. I think I actually HAD stopped breathing.

Very odd.

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Saturday, August 5, 2006, 10:56 AM - Odd Dreams
It's really bizarre, but I keep having dreams about owning a Honda FIT. It's a cute little car, and there's certainly a possibility that I will own one someday, but I've had five dreams so far that involve this car. Weird, eh? It's always a Honda FIT "Sport" edition with the 5-speed automatic configured with manumatic paddle shifters.

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Timeless Avatar 
Monday, June 5, 2006, 05:25 PM - Odd Dreams
I had this really odd dream last night. In this dream, I was a timeless, immortal avatar of some cosmic power of Good and Law. I understood that the universe was something that seemed to start, grow, wither, and die -- only to be reborn from the basic elements of what once was. My part of the deal was that at the end of every universal cycle, some evil power of destruction would try to prevent the universe from being reborn. I had to prevent this adversarial power from suceeding so that the next cycle of the universe couild begin as it should.

I remembered having "recently" defeated the avatar of my enemy, that being Chaos and Evil. My awareness ceased for some indeterminant time since I was not needed for a while. Now it was midway through the current universal cycle and I became aware again of my existence. Apparently part of the my job was to start recruiting mortals to believe in the existence and power of goodenss and structure (Good and Law). I began this instance of my being on some green world that I had never seen before. But when I closed my eyes, I could see anywhere on this world that I wanted. The world was mostly ocean with a long archipelagos of islands. It was pretty and pristine. The population of humans (or humanoids) was quite low, and they had not yet developed the technology required to do real damage to their ecosystem. I could feel their life forces, but I did not have the power to read their minds.

By concentrating, I opened a spiritual gateway that allowed three Angels to pass through into this world. I knew that they wouild be empowered to do all manner of good deeds for the people who lived on this world.

My own power was just beginning. I knew I had hundreds of thousands of years (if not more) before I would encounter the reborn avatar of Chaos and Evil. For now, I had peace -- like the calm before a great storm.

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Lost Child 
Saturday, April 22, 2006, 12:02 PM - Odd Dreams
In my dream last night, I was sort of an invisible shadow-spirit that was somehow linked to a small 3 or 4-year old child. I could look out the child’s eyes or use my own perception. I had no control over where we went. I don’t think the boy knew that he dragged me along as if I was some sort of helium balloon.

The weird thing was how *huge* everything looked if I used the boy’s eyes to see. Stairs really did have to be *climbed*.

The scene was in some suburban neighbourhood. The child had apparently been playing at some playground but had wandered off. Now it was twilight and the boy was getting scared. He did not know how to get home.

He chose a house at random and walked up the driveway to the back door. From the boy’s perspective, the bushes on either side of the pavement might as well have been 20’ tall. He climbed the stairs using his hands and feet and banged on the back door.

He could not reach the doorknob. But even though my body was insubstantial and invisible, I was able to grab the knob and turn it.

The boy walked into an unlit kitchen just as an elderly white-haired man came downstairs. He turned on the lights and said with surprise, “I wasn’t expecting a visit from you!” He said it in a kind way, however. He must have known the boy’s parents, since he followed it up with, “What say we get you home?” His accent sounded a lot like Edward Woodward’s (aka “The Equalizer”).

The man looked like a thin giant to the boy, even though I could see that he was about 6’1”.

He led the boy out to an old pickup truck. I followed, since I was tethered to him. The boy was just tall enough to climb into the truck unassisted -- but barely so.

I guess this happened in England, since the truck was a right-hand drive. The boy cried a little -- not out of sadness, but out of relief that someone was helping him. He was glad he was going home.

That’s where the dream ended.

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Corporate Raider? 
Saturday, April 1, 2006, 10:51 AM - Odd Dreams
So... I had this odd dream that I was a corporate spy who was given the task of breaking into another company's headquarters so that I could steal their financial documents. I guess the theft was going to manipulate the share prices.

Things got a little weird when I broke into the basement level through a secret tunnel. The basement was actually some sort of garishly decorated decorated apartment. No one was home, but the couch and living room recliner were bright red and shaggy. Colored strings of beads hung all over the walls. The dim lighting was bluish and I couldn't tell where it was coming from.

I left the odd apartment and the next room was some kind of interrogation booth. Three corporate goons were giving the Third Degree to some poor schlep who apparently had autism. Needless to say, the guy gave the same answer, regardless of the question asked. I got the feeling that autistic fellow didn't Care how long he was there, and probably didn't know anything that the corporates wanted to know.

I took the elevator to the top floor.I could overlook alarge auditorium in which some overpaid corporate mouthpiece was trying to convince the staff that cutting wages and outsourcing a third of the staff in NO WAY indicated that the company was in trouble was in trouble. Yeah, right.

At the top level, the files I sought were located in a nondescript brown leather brief case that had been stashed in a janitor's closet. So much for corporate security! The dream ended there, but I have to assume I would have made it out.

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