Cool Weekend 
Sunday, September 21, 2008, 10:20 PM
Indigo Incarnates

As far as weekends go, this one was pretty darned good. :)

On Friday, I got to torment my friends with my World of Gaianar RPG. The brave adventurers were given the task of hunting down and destroying a franchise unit of Murder Incorporated (the local assassins' guild). Of course, the guild was located in the heart of the dreaded Spider Woods which, od course, happened to be infested with giant spiders (the townsfolk are so creative!) So after mashing a bunch spiders the size of Volkswagons, the heroes found the enterence to the Murder Inc headquarters. Of course, the dungeon was a nearly inpenetrable labirynth, heh heh. Mixing mazes with random teleporters is always a blast!

On Saturday, Doug and I did our usual breakfast at First Watch. Yum! I also got to attend a Mabon service at Cedar Light Grove. I also finished writing the draft version of the ritual I'm leading in November. It will be my first ritual as a celebrant.

Lemme tell ya: The Mabon service was great and Pagans are very fun to hang out with. Pagan worship services are not the guilt-ridden, self-flaggelating events that Christian services can *sometimes* be. Then there is the awesome phenomenon of creating sacred space. When the celebrant creates thw sacred space he is esswntially creating an area of overlap between the spirit world and the material world. One of the neat effects is that it can cause heightened senses. When I was looking into the big bonfire, I could see so much detail about the flames, logs, embers, and smoke. I could see all the subtle variations of color and scent that I would ordinarily miss. And I could hear every pop, crackle, and hiss. It was quite amazing!

Of course, it's always nice having munchies and finger food after the service too. :)

Sunday I did a long walk outside since the weather was nice. I could really feel the change between the light and dark parts of the year. It was cool, sunny, and bright. Thistle got to fly. It's good for us to have energy. It'll be harder soon when the sunlight weakens with the coming of winter. So it was good for Thistle to fly while the sun is still bright.

Then Doug, Jeff, and I went to Field of Screams near Lancaster. That one has the haunted hay ride (featuring undead pigs, cars on fire, redneck zombies, and killer clowns), a doomed asylum (I guess it's a HMO hospital? heh heh), and a crumbling haunted mansion. It was pretty cool.

So, all in all, I had a pretty nice time this wekend!

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The World Series of Losing 
Thursday, September 18, 2008, 06:32 PM
Indigo Incarnates

I'm not a big sports fan by any stretch of the imagination, but the Baltimore Orioles have always been the subject of morbid curiosity. This is a team that manages to finish in last place more often than they win the World series. They also hold the record of longest losing streak (0:22) and most stunning single-game defeat (33-3). Well, last night they plunged into last place by snatching defeat from the jaws of victory (they ended 7-6 after holding a 0-6 lead for several innings).

So I came up with a concept for a sporting event that even the O's can!t screw up.: the World series of Losing. Basically, you take the two worst teams each year and have them play seven games each other. Whoever *loses* 4 out of 7 games wins the World Series of Losing.

What do ya think?

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Cooler weather finally! 
Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 07:59 AM
Indigo Incarnates

As much as I like warm weather and sunny days, I am glad that Autumn is upon us at last. It's nice walking out the front door in the morning to be greeted with cool, crisp air. There is a cycle to things, and it's time for the weather to change.

The trees haven't changed color yet, but I think that will happen soon. I'm glad that the little tree in our tiny front yard has prospered. When we got the house seven years ago it was almost dead. Then five years ago it grew all of its leaves back. The year after, it grew a few purple blossoms. Well... now the tree is about four times bigger than it once was, it takes up the whole front yard, and has flowers blooming out of every possible twig. Willow's pretty happy about this development.

Mabon Sabbat is next Saturday. It's the celebration of the second harvest (fruit and vegetables). I am going to be brave and actually try to bake a fruit pie of some kind, since we're supposed to bake something nice in honor of the Harvest Lord (the Wiccan God). Pagans are fun people and our services are joyful. I'm looking forward to this weekend :)

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Monday, September 15, 2008, 09:10 PM
am willow

can feel the season change
trees are getting ready to sleep
trees are getting sleepy
sunlight was nice
pretty clouds
walked past a stream
lots of rocks and the water passed over

glad trees are not in a hurry
like trees
nice trees

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Sunday, September 14, 2008, 03:10 PM
indigo incarnates

I didn't feel too well today. Sometimes everything just feels too heavy and I feel dizzy. I just have so little energy today. I hate feeling like this. I want to write a better post but I can't. I'm just so tired.

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Bad Wiring 
Thursday, September 11, 2008, 09:57 PM
Indigo Incarnates

So, I finally got nagged into seeing a doctor because of some ongoing physical problems. My friend Doris is a really caring friend and convinced me to get a stress test done ya cardiac test) because I've been having problems with dizziness, discomfort, and a sort of fiery vision disturbance when I exercise. I had been putting up with it for a while, but Doris convinced me to get it checked out.

I did a run on a treadmill while wearing an EKG harnass. It was very gadgety and high-tech, heh heh. My resting heart rate is 67 and I have a BP of 100/70. Kewl. That was the good news.

The bad news is that my heart apparently beats in an abnormal rhythm. It's not a big deal. It's not particularly dangerous and is apparently easily treatable through either meds or a fairly low-risk surgery. If I do nothing about it, there *probably* won't be any lasting effects other than what I'm experiencing.

There was a bunch of medical jargon, but I forgot what the condition was called. Essentially, my heart sort of has a "wiring fault" since under certain conditions it will beat incorrectly because the electrical impulses travel along an incorect path.

Well, it was good to get the test done. At least I know why I've been having these symptoms and that it's not a really big deal.

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Election Year Rant 
Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 08:38 AM
Indigo Incarnates

Ya know, I really bothers me how every four years the Presidential candidates have to bow and scrape in order to appease the "Religious Right". All of the sudden you have presidential candidates who had once been reasonable, thinking human beings all of the sudden spouting off how much they love God, guns, war, and "traditional family values". And somehow, the middle-of-the-road voters get drawn into the hysteria of how the mere presence of gays in THEIR neighborhood presents a "clear and present danger" to the community.

So, it seems to me that the Neo-Conservative Republican American Values seem to be:

War without end is good for America. American troops don't mind being the defenders of unstable, Third World countries that even now plot our destruction.

It's good for CEOs of major corporations to outsource American jobs to China and India so that the employees on the Executive level can get multi-million dollar bonuses.

It's good for America for old ladies to have their Social Security checks discontinued

Women who are raped should be forced to bear the offspring of rapists (and even give visitation rights to the rapist)

It's better for America that the pharmaceutical industry be freed from the constraints of the FDA. American's need untested, unsafe medicines NOW!

There's just too much free speech in America. People who criticize the government are disloyal and should be investigated and/or imprisoned.

It's ok for our government to torture defendants, but it's an act of war when other countries do that to Americans.

Jesus was a rich, white CEO.

God occasionally sends terrorists and hurricanes in order to punish America for not killing gays.

It's good to let Big Business denude our National Parks (oil drilling, logging, strip mining, etc.)

Conservation is evil. Jesus is coming back soon, so anyone who cares about the environment is anti-Christian.

Divine Right states that Americans should all own big, gas-guzzling SUVs.

Cheap products imported from China is good for America -- especially since it gives 5-year-olds in China gainful 70-hour-per-week employment at pennies per hour.

Why develop solar and wind power when the Coal lobby gives the politicians so much money?

It's bad for individuals to be able to declare bankruptcy -- even if the indebtedness is the result of medical expenses or the death of a spouse. But it's good policy to hand billions of dollars to bail out failing corporations in which the CEOs have squandered the company's finances.

It's good for national security to expel gay soldiers and gay Arabic translators.

It's okay for a president to not show up for work for weeks or months at a time.

It's okay for the Vice President to have significant influence over major corporations that benefit from bloated, no-bid Federal contracts.

God forgives murderers but not gays

Anyone who is not a Fundamentalist Christian is a "threat" to traditional family values.

Policies that help the poor constitute a "nanny state" while policies that hand money to the rich constitute "economic stimulus".

When it comes to tax cuts: it's perfectly fair to give the middle class $300 each and give the rich $250,000 each.

Voting for a Democrat invites a repeat of 911 (despite the fact that the event in question occurred under Bush's watch!)

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 05:13 PM - halo's thoughts
halo incarnates

feel haunted. am remembering. used to be bad long ago. monster was mean to us. hated being hated. hated being ashamed of. made us hate ourselves. never good enough. hated ourselves too. monster liked to watch us be hurt. monster's second wife hit us. monsster liked to watch. liked watching. liked us getting hurt. called us coward. called us stupid. called us fat. didn't let us eat. hated living in fear. hated having to steal for food. made us feel like garbage. made us feel worthless. monster said we were worthless. liked us to be hurt. liked to watch us be hurt. long ago. gone now. monster is far away. still haunts us. hate being haunted. hate being hated. am not a coward. am not worthless. am not stupid. am not bad. am not defective. monsster was bad. monster lied. hate being lied to. monster was a liar. is far away. good. will be ok. monster is far away. can haaunt us but not hurt us. can only haunt.

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Sunday, September 7, 2008, 03:39 PM
Thistle Incarnates

It was good to fly today. It is good to have energy and sunlight. The sky was clar and blue. The sunlight was pure, warm, life-sustaining. It empowers me. I am glad.

This incarnation is a blessing. I am happy to guide and befriend, to protect and to love. It is what I do. I feel fulfilled when I can do what I am created to do. I am thankful for this life. When I think of God, it is one who transcends gender but is instead fully whole. This Being shines like the sun and gives life. I am glad to have been created. I am at peace with my incarnation. :)

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A Page for Willow 
Saturday, September 6, 2008, 02:35 PM
Indigo Incarnates

Well, I finally figured out how to create a subdomain on my el cheapo hosting account. So I decided to make a page for Willow that tells of his interests. After all, it's good to know what kinds of things a 3-year-old Alter likes, eh?

So... if you go to http::// you can see Willow's page :)

---> Thanks for visiting, Foam. I do actually have the "Feedback" box functioning now. YAY!! :)

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