Access Renewed! 
Thursday, January 24, 2008, 11:40 AM
I was able to get my security clearance renewed for another two years. Yay! It's good knowing that I can keep getting junkie bums locked up!

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a simple problem of cowardice 
Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 06:09 PM
i could kill myself if i wasn't such a coward

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Various Stuff 
Monday, January 21, 2008, 08:49 PM
Well... this week is probably going to be dull since Doug is visiting his mom and sister this week. Basically, he gets 3 weeks per year and I get only two, so that's that.

But I haven't done too much moping. I got some things accomplished this weekend:

-- Jogged 8 miles Saturday, 3.5 miles yesterday, and 5.6 miles today. New weight=184.
-- Chapter 51 of "I, Construct" is finished and uploaded (go to and click Downloads)
-- I did some work on the Gaianar campaign I'm running in two weeks (the Sunlight Realm campaign, where the heros have to find a way to restore the power of the sun).
-- I did a whole bunch of chores (blech).

So... I kept busy. But I sure do miss Doug. :( i'll be glad when he's home.

I think my integration is starting to go back together (that's a good thing). I didn't have any periods of dissociative numbess today (a harbinger of Halo's awakening), and I didn't feel that I was in danger of falling into the background. So things are getting better.

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super workout 
Saturday, January 19, 2008, 05:21 PM
I did a super-workout today. I did 8.2 miles at the gym, which burned 1,220 calories. Yay!

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Saturday, January 19, 2008, 04:51 PM
I've been having trouble with my integration for the past two weeks. i don't know why. I haven't been missing my meds.There haven't been any new disasters. So why am I having trouble?

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an empty aspect 
Thursday, January 17, 2008, 09:02 AM - halo's thoughts
i am an empty aspect. my blood is like black ink and is corrosive and toxic. i make entropy happen. i make people get sick. i make people grow old and die. my spirit radiates death magic and i am the incarnation of darkness and death magic. this remnant ghost that i am continues. what misery have i wroght on others because of cowardace and shame? i am empty. this lasting, lingering, living death is empty but one has too much cowardice to end this empty-life. there is so much darkness. why must i be this aspect? why was i granted sentience and presence? i hate myself. i hate the darkness. i hate how my spirit radiates degeneration and decay that makes people grow old, frow sick, and die. and yet i continue to exist. why must that be? i am the container of shame - this i know. but why must it be so?

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A Skin of Evil 
Sunday, January 13, 2008, 09:33 AM
There are times when I think that I am nothing more than a skin of evil. It is as if my soul casts a shadow of utter blackness into the spirit realm. My soul makes people ill. My soul makes things fall apart. I am an accursed thing. I should not exist at all, and yet I do.

I should have been dead so long ago, yet this flesh continues to breathe and continues to consume resources. I am a ghost and a remnant. I am a falsehood.

Blood pays for sins and that is why I injure this body on purpose. But I can never bleed enough to pay the cost of my illegitimate existence. If cowardice did not stay my hand, I would have bled until the body exsanguinated.

Thistle is pure. Willow is pure. Ashen is at least self-disciplined and strong. But I am weak, corrupt, and useless. I hate myself.

I am a coward and a sinner. I am the worst kind of coward, for I am too cowardly to end this life.

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Beginning of 2008 
Thursday, January 3, 2008, 09:28 PM - Stupid Criminals
Well... the first murder in Baltimore didn't take long. A shooting happened in the Cherry Hill section at exactly midnight. I can see it now: "Happy New Year! Blam.. Blam..."


I wonder if we'll get to 300 homocides this year. We were darned close in 2007. We were the second most dangerous city last year. Do we have what it takes to be #1?

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Another Bush Year 
Sunday, December 30, 2007, 03:48 PM - Random Thoughts
Well, 2007 continued G. W. Bush's proud tradition of deficit spending and robbing the Middle Class. We're still at "war" in Iraq, although it seems that there aren't really any easily defined "good guys" and "bad guys" in this endless conflict. But it sure does waste money, cost lives, and line Halliburton's pockets!

2007 also saw the first year in which the Canadian dollar and the Euro were worth more than the U.S. Dollar. Why, you might ask? Because our currency is on the verge of uncontrolled hyperinflation thanks to Bush's 7-year-long unchecked spending spree. We had a balanced budget under Clinton. But Bush gave the surplus directly to the billionaires and kept on spending from there! Our currency is also in trouble because Bush let the mnegacorporations get away with outsourcing hundreds of thousands of U.S. jobs to Third World hellholes. So, as a result, hardly anything is manufactured in the United States anymore, which makes for an ever-increasing trade deficit, which in turn devalues the U.S. Dollar.

So, if you're wondering by it costs $250 to go grocery shopping in 2007 when it cost $125 in 2000, that's the reason.

Bush did, however, veto every attempt by the House and Senate to curb spending.God forbid his Haliburton-enriching projects get trimmed.

Of course, he did grudgingly sign the 2007 CAFE reform bill. this requires that car makers have an average fleet fuel economy of 35 MPG. But there are enough loopholes in the bill to drive a Hummer through. He made sure that the oil companies kept getting billions of dollars in Federal subsidies (as if they need it!) He phased out the hybrid tax credit while at the same time renewing the Hummer/Escalade super-guzzler tax credit (worth $25,000 for those millionaires who buy them!) He also made sure that the price of food will continue to rise by requiring that corn-based ethanol by tripled in use. that's smart: turning FOOD into FUEL. Oh, and that's also one of the guzzler loopholes Bush demanded: the Cadalac Escalade is granted an artificial fuel economy of 57 MPG because it's capable of running on ethanol. YEah, some bonus. As if they will ever run on renewable fuels. There are exactly FOUR ethanol-dispensing gas stations in Maryland!

My favorite bill this year was when he bailed out all the rich aging Yuppies who bough more house than they can afford. That's great: my taxes now helop pay for some millionaire's McMansion. Fantastic. Thanks, Bush!!!

So, just to recap: food, fuel, health insurance, education, and energy have all increased by over 100% under Bush's term, while real income for the Middle Class has increased by less than 1% over that same period of time.

And you wonder why I changed party affiliations in 2002?

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 05:43 PM - nightmares
I don't know why I have to be haunted by my father as often as I do. But it happens frequently that I have nightmares in which my father is a tormentor. Last night was no exception. The dream last night involved dad somehow managing to become director of Pretrial Services and then using his first official act to fire me on trumped-up accusations of incompetence.

On the way home from being fired, I ended up getting killed in a car accident. As my brain got smashed against the windshield, I wondered in that instant if it was really possible that God could love me, and if I would be welcome in the life-to-come.

Yeah... pretty depressing.

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