Yet another blog list! 
Monday, June 12, 2006, 09:51 PM - Random Thoughts
I have been tagged... FOUR meme!
I got this from Dewey’s Dartboard (Doug’s Site). .


1. Pizza driver
2. Roofer
3. Cellular Phone Salesman
4. Pretrial Release Investigator


1. Any of the David Suchet Hercule Poirot films. I am watching the Mystery of the Blue Train now.
2. Syngenor.
3. High Planes Drifter.
4. For a Few Dollars More.


1. Atlanta, GA
2. Columbia, MD
3. York, PA
4. Baltimore MD


1. The Sentinel
2. Stargate SG1
3. Space 1999
4. Babylon 5


1. Nagshead NC
2. Williamsburg, VA
3. Grand Cayman
4. St Thomas USVI



1. Scones.
2. Wonderful, freshly ground coffee.
3. Some deliciously decadent dessert, like Key line pie
4. Anything Mexican


1. On a cruise ship in the Caribbean
2. On a cruise ship in the Mediterranean.
3. Rock climbing or hiking.
4. Ireland


1. Coco
2. Debbi
3. Jeff (Jay’s Ramblings)
4. Joan (from church)

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The Montecello Adventure 
Sunday, June 11, 2006, 02:14 PM - Cool Stuff
Doug and I went to Montecello yesterday, the home of Thomas Jefferson. I thought it was an absolutely beautiful and efficient home. Unlike typical mansions of the rich, everything in the Jefferson home had purpose and function. I liked the fact that he believed in ordinary staircases instead of the huge spirals that were so popular with the wealthy of the time.

It was also cool how he designed all the bedrooms such that the beds were built into the walls. How efficient! Many of the rooms had high ceilings and skylights.

He designed his own home. He invented the double-pane window concept. He also made windows that also worked like doors (you slid them up from the floor and just walked out!)

The only sad note was the knowledge that he owned over 100 slaves in his lifetime. While it is generally thought that he did not abuse or torture his slaves, the fact that he actually OWNED other human beings is something that strikes me as abhorrent. It was a pretty standard practice in the Southern states, however. And although Jefferson was an enlightened man of his time, he was still OF THAT TIME.

Jefferson's genious made me realize, of course, how short-changed we are nowadays with respect to Presidents. Here's how I see it:

Thomas Jefferson: He could speak, read, and write seven different languages fluently.
George W. Bush: He has never demonstrated the ability to read or write. He can barely speak English, much less any other language.

Thomas Jefferson: He couild play two musical instruments and composed music in his spare time.
George W. Bush: He cannot play any instruments. He has no interest in art of any kind and is generally fearful/distrustful of those that do.

Thomas Jefferson: As a man of science, he collected many scientific instruments and enjoyed performing experiments in his house.
George W. Bush: He has no interest whatsoever in science and has a pathological fear of those who do.

Thomas Jefferson: Was a man who promoted religious tolerance and the seperation of Church and State.
George W. Bush: He is a Bible-thumping religious bigot who misuses the Bible to push his austere Right-Wing agenda. He promotes the idea of a theocratic oligarchy based on ultra-conservative Christo-fascism.

Thomas Jefferson: He owned over 5000 books and read every single one of them.
George W. Bush: He is not known to have read any book except for the Bible. He is not known to actually own any books at all.

Thomas Jefferson: He was a natural-born tinkerer. He designed locks, clocks, doors, and all manner of appliances for the home.
George W. Bush: He has never demonstrated any desire to invent anything, and generally distrusts/fears those who do.

Thomas Jefferson: He was an expert chef and knew how to prepare French cuisine.
George W. Bush: It is not known if this man has EVER prepared a meal for himself.

Thomas Jefferson: He was skilled at various money-making trades, including farming, brewing, map making, surveying, architecture, and wine making.
George W. Bush: He has never held down a single job that his daddy didn't get for him -- including the Presidency.

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Sentient Satelite 
Thursday, June 8, 2006, 08:48 PM
I had another odd dream last night. In this dream, the Baltimore/Washington area was going to come under missile fire from some terrorist agency. In a military instalation, a lead general's advisor said, "Use that satelite that has only 6' of visibility".

He was referring to an anti-missile satelite that was nearly perfectly cloaked except for a 6' solar array that kept it charged while dormant. The general gave the command to fully activate the anti-missile drone.

High in orbit, a dark machine received its signal and became fully visible. The scene was sharp, clear, and vibrant. It was like actually being there. It unfurled a much larger solar array and began powering to full. What no one had anticipated was that in the years of solitude, the satelite had somehow become sentient and self aware. It was also desperately lonely. It's self-awareness also caused it to need more energy to function, and it was desperately in need of more power.

The people on the ground station were surprised when the satelite directly asked for more energy. The general ordered a smaller drone containing nuclear fissionables to dock with the satelite. I knew that time was running short. The dream ended with the the smaller drone docking in order to give the bigger satelite the energy it needed.

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Lots of Good News 
Thursday, June 8, 2006, 08:12 AM
Yesterday was a very good day for a lot of reasons. Some of them are good for everyone and some were merely good for just me. But hey, I'll take all the good news I can get!

--- Great for Everyone
> Bush's anti-gay Constitutional Ammendment went down in flames for the THIRD time. He couldn't even get a simple majority, much less 66 Senate votes. In fact, 7 Republicans jumped ship and voted against it. Thank you, John McCain (R-AZ) for being one of the FEW voices of reason and common decency on the Republican side.

> Zarcowi got blown up last night. Okay, I can't spell his name. But he was the #2 terrorist in the entire world. He personally beheaded several Red Cross workers and used Islamic suicide bombers to murder thousands of civilians. Good riddance!

--- Great For Me
> I passed the six month interval on my 12-month job probation. I'd have to REALLY screw up to not make it to the end of the year, since the six-month review is when most people who aren't making the grade get let go.

> I got my 5km run down to 30m05s. I was also able to jog 5.05 miles in 50m, which means that I could sustain a 10-minute mile for almost an hour!

God stuff!

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Trotting out the tired racehorse called "Gay Panic" 
Tuesday, June 6, 2006, 09:11 AM - Dumb Happenings
If there's ever a tired old nag that needs to be sent to the glue factory, it's the racehorse called "Gay Panic". And yet, Bush seems to trot out this nag every time his poll numbers hit rock bottom. Since his latest approval rating was in the mid-30s, it's no surprise to me that he's choosing NOW to once again "get tough on gays".

I'm really hoping that the Religious Reich isn't as stupid as Bush seems to think they are. Let's look at the Bush resume again:
-- Huge tax cuts for the rich that actually ended up with higher taxes (on the state/local level)
-- Huge deficit spending (because he has not issued a single veto in six years).
-- Terrible foreign policy that has not only alienated our allies, but severely weakened our influence in world affairs.
-- A losing, incredibly costly two-front war that has not only made America LESS SAFE, but has given nations like Iran and Syria carte blanche to develop super-weapons.
-- An immigration policy that is nothing but amnesty by another name. It's just another way for Bush's Big Business Buddies to get cheap labor and avoid paying payroll taxes and Workers' Comp.
-- Energy prices: a 245% increase over six years.
-- And he gave $40 billion to ExxonMobile as a pork-barrel gift (our money, of course).
-- He makes people DISAPPEAR, thanks to the Patriot Act.
-- He taps our phone conversations and reads our emails, thanks to the Patriot Act.
-- He gave Dick Cheney's Haliburton many no-bid exclusive contracts worth billions of dollars.
-- He has built 600 secret prisons in the United States that can house 1,500 people each. They're empty for now...
-- He has abused his vacation privilege to a ludicrous degree.

BUT THE Religious Reich is supposed to forgive all that because Bush just reminded them all that he still hates gays. I really hope they don't ride this tired old nag a third time.

I can see it now: "My son's dead in Iraq, I lost my farm because I can't afford the diesel fuel to run my machinery, my power bill's tripled, and some corporation is stealing my house by using 'eminant domain', but since Bush is going to protect me from the gay agenda, I guess I'll vote Republican... again."

I desperately hope that the Red State folk aren't really that stupid.

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Timeless Avatar 
Monday, June 5, 2006, 05:25 PM - Odd Dreams
I had this really odd dream last night. In this dream, I was a timeless, immortal avatar of some cosmic power of Good and Law. I understood that the universe was something that seemed to start, grow, wither, and die -- only to be reborn from the basic elements of what once was. My part of the deal was that at the end of every universal cycle, some evil power of destruction would try to prevent the universe from being reborn. I had to prevent this adversarial power from suceeding so that the next cycle of the universe couild begin as it should.

I remembered having "recently" defeated the avatar of my enemy, that being Chaos and Evil. My awareness ceased for some indeterminant time since I was not needed for a while. Now it was midway through the current universal cycle and I became aware again of my existence. Apparently part of the my job was to start recruiting mortals to believe in the existence and power of goodenss and structure (Good and Law). I began this instance of my being on some green world that I had never seen before. But when I closed my eyes, I could see anywhere on this world that I wanted. The world was mostly ocean with a long archipelagos of islands. It was pretty and pristine. The population of humans (or humanoids) was quite low, and they had not yet developed the technology required to do real damage to their ecosystem. I could feel their life forces, but I did not have the power to read their minds.

By concentrating, I opened a spiritual gateway that allowed three Angels to pass through into this world. I knew that they wouild be empowered to do all manner of good deeds for the people who lived on this world.

My own power was just beginning. I knew I had hundreds of thousands of years (if not more) before I would encounter the reborn avatar of Chaos and Evil. For now, I had peace -- like the calm before a great storm.

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Finally cleaned out my car 
Monday, June 5, 2006, 11:26 AM
One of my MANY flaws is that I am an incorrigible slob. My car, in particular, is pretty much a rolling SuperFund Site (an ecological catastrophe site, for you Brit readers).

Well, I decided to clean it out from top to bottom yesterday. I removed an entire trash bag full of wrappers, cans, styrofoam cups, receipts, packaging from various things, dead ballpoint pens, fried CDs, and other misc items. Then I scrubbed all the surfaces to remove 4 years worth of dust, dried-up spilled coffee, french fry residue, etc. The net result is that I used half a bottle of Windex and an entire roll of paper towels.

Now my car is actually clean! All I need now is a new set of floor mats! Doug is VERY happy about this since he thought the interior condition of my car was pretty loathesome. But no more! It's lookin' good!

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A Sermon that I just couldn't agree with 
Sunday, June 4, 2006, 01:42 PM
The priest at my church gave a sermon today whose message I couldn't disagree with more. It was about how we need to "reach out" to the Islam community in the hopes of bringing "understanding" between our two religions. He even used the parable of the Good Samaratin as encouragement to treat muslims as "neighbors".

I can't do that.

I will just never forget how, on September 11th 2001, the muslims in THIS country rejoiced and praised both Allah and Osama Bin Laden for murdering 5000 Americans in a cowardly act of terrorist. The muslim community in THIS COUNTRY still believe that Osama Bin Laden is some kind of folk hero and avenging angel. I can tell you from firsthand experience, as a retail store manager on duty that day, the obvious and hateful glee these bastards had over what members of THEIR religion had done.

They are not my "neighbors".

Members of Islam are sworn by their unholy Koran to kill all Jews and Christians. Their unholy text extols the virtues of striking at an enemy from afar, from a place of concealment. The muslim Beltway Snipers obviously took this verse to heart.

Members of Islam who reside in this country do not consider themselves Americans. They consider themselves muslims who happen to reside in America. But they certainly do hate America.

It is just inconceivable that I should "reach out" to someone whose first goal is to see me dead.

My firsthand experience with muslims is this: they are hateful, arrogant people who loathe women, loath anyone outside their faith, loathe freedom, and loathe America. They typically have lengthy criminal records for violent crimes. While they don't drink alcohol, they frequently engage in cocaine and heroin. They father multitudes of illegitimate children. They are rarely employed and seem to have no problem collecting welfare or some trumped-up disability.

Muslims, without a doubt, would spare no time slitting the throats or Christians and Jews if given the opportunity.

That's not a neighbor. That's an enemy.
Islam isn't a religion, it's a sociopathological phenomenon.

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Yet another questionaire! 
Saturday, June 3, 2006, 11:41 AM - Random Thoughts
This little gem is from Debbi's Blog!

1) How old do you wish you were? 21. That was before the hang gliding accident, two motorcycle accidents, two car accidents, and a diving accident. My body worked MUCH better back then.
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened? I was at work in Columbia Maryland, doing a stock count at one of the retail stores I managed. All of the Muslim “customers” were praising Allah and practically dancing a jig. I will never forget the fact that these so-called “Americans” celebrated the fact that madmen of their religion could turn aircraft into mass drivers and cause thousands of deaths in the name of their false god Allah. I wish we could deport the Muslims because they are nothing more than terrorists waiting to be activated.
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money? I kick them. Then I try to use the “killing word” from the movie “Dune” (which, btw, doesn’t actually work).
4) Do you consider yourself kind? Most of the time, yes. But I have these “Ashen” moments of ruthless honesty.
5) What did you eat for breakfast today? Coffee and cereal.
6) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? I’d get a Celtic knot, on my forearms.
7) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? Spanish. Since Bush wants to give our country over to the illegal aliens, I suspect Spanish will soon become the de facto language.
8) Do you know your neighbors? Some. I’m just not that social and neither is Doug.
9) 9) What do you consider a vacation? Going on a cruise and then doing really active stuff like mountain biking or rock climbing.
10) Do you follow your horoscope? Not just no but hell no.
11) Would you move for the person you loved? Yes.
12) Are you touchy feely? I am very tactile. I touch things.
13) Do you believe that opposites attract? Yes. Although there must be some common ground too.
14) Dream job? Getting a few books published and then getting big royalty check$.
15) Favorite channel(s)? BBC America, SCI FI channel, History channel
16) Why do people always delete questions out of these? Because they can take a lot of time!!!!
17) Favorite place to go on weekends? Gym, and to visit friends.
18) Showers or Baths? Showers.
19) Do you paint your nails? No. I’m gay, but fairly “straight acting”.
20) Do you trust people easily? I trust people until they give me a reason NOT to trust them.
21) What are your phobias? 1.) Being abandoned. This is a huge, HUGE phobia. 2.) Becoming the Incarnation of Darkness and Death Magic (okay, that’s not a very rational phobia, but there it is.)
22) Do you want kids? I used to. But then I worked in retail sales for a decade and that taught me that children are greedy little monsters.
23) Do you keep a handwritten journal? I've tried, but it made me dissociate too much.
24) Where would you rather be right now? Ireland.
25) Who makes you feel guilty? Me.
26) Heavy or light sleep? Light. Sometimes it’s very difficult to sleep at all.
27) Are you paranoid? Afraid so. I always think I’m doing my job incorrectly and that people will find out.
28) Are you impatient? Hell yes. It’s one of my worst faults.
29) Who can you relate to? I don’t really understand most people.
30) How do you feel about interracial couples? To be honest, I think non-white interracial couples are OK, but whites should only marry whites. If that makes me a racist, well, I just don’t want to see my racial stock diluted.
31) 31) Have you been burned by love? Yes. My very first partner was a closet bisexual and he left me for a woman.
32) What's your life motto? I hold myself to a much higher standard than others, because the average person will let me down.
33) What's your ringtone on your phone? It’s still set on the factory default.
34) What were you doing at midnight last night? Still trying to fall asleep.
35) What did the last text message on your phone say? I sent a message to a friend that my hybrid got 54 MPG out of the last trip.
36) Whose bed did you sleep in last night? Mine
37) What color shirt are you wearing? None. I’m waiting for the laundry to dry.
38) Most recent movie that you watched? Couldn't tell ya. I don't remember
39) Name three things that you have on you at all times. PDA, cell phone, wallet.
40) How much cash do you have on you right now? Nothing right now. I’m not really dressed yet.
41) What's your favorite town/city? I’m not a big fan of cities.
42) I can't wait to (til): I can get promoted so I can get a raise!
43) Who got you to join myspace? Nope. I have my own Blog.
44) What did you have for dinner last night? Indian food.
45) When do you wanna get married? Yup!
46) Who is the last person you spent $50 on? My partner
47) Do you have an air freshener in your car? Does old stinky gym clothes count?
48) Does anything hurt on your body right now? Nope!
49) If you could choose, how would you pass on? In a drive-by shooting.
50) Any sex today? Alone? Or with someone else? Nope, but the day is still young!
51) Do you miss anyone? I miss my grandmother who died two years ago.
52) Do you like revenge? Yep. I’d like to see my father pay for what he’s done. But God rewards those who have hurt me.
53) Know how to swim? Very, very well.
54) Do you know how to skate? I am adequate at roller skates and roller blades, but I’m poor at ice skating.
55) Did you do sports in high school? No. I think Ashen was the dominant personality then, so we were mostly aloof and sullen. We had a motorcycle and only dressed in black – ever.
56) If you could have one wish come true, what would it be? I would like it if the dead could come back as flesh-hungry zombies, and that people of faith and goodness would have the power to destroy the legions of the Undead. That would be my wish.

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Confessions of a Choir Phoney 
Friday, June 2, 2006, 02:20 PM
Well... I guess the main problem I have in vocal choir is that I can't sing and I can't read sheet music. So, you might ask, how is it possibly that I've been in vocal choir for nearly 15 years? It's because I have the ability to mimic others.

I have the ability to sound a LOT like the person I'm standing next to. The trouble is that in the tenor section, there are only two strong tenor singers and neither were there at practice last night. This means that the Choir Master got to hear what I sound like when I'm not being a mimic. It wasn't pretty.

Handbell choir is always easier since I can rely on Thistle's musical ability (which seems to be quite good in handbells, but next to nothing in singing).

I just wish I could do it for REAL. I just feel like a fraud most of the time.

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