nice park 
Thursday, July 3, 2008, 08:53 PM
am willow. saw a nice lake today. had lots of trees. lake had lots of rocks in it. people had fast boats. saw some birds and some big bugs. one bird ate a really big fish. it must have been hungry. ate it one one big gulp! saw two trees that got put together somehow. they ended up becoming one really big tree. Neat! lake was pretty. lots of pretty clouds too. got to have cheese and crackers. yum!

went to a nursery and got to see sunflowers. got to see big plants that looked kinda like torches. they have a huge tree there. i touched it. tree seemed happy. strong. tall. wide. so present.

nice talking to doris. nice person. doris-mom. likes willow.

rode in a great big truck too. neat!

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The long, long, long drive! 
Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 10:13 AM
indigo incarnates

I'm visiting my friend Doris for the July 4th holiday and it sure is a long drive there! I don't mind driving since she drove the same distance to see me in May. i am 250 miles into a 589 mile trek. So far so good. I've remained incarnate for the when drive thus far. It's also sunny out so Thistle has been able to fly a lot today. Our endurance is always higher when we have sunlight. It's nice being a changeling!

---- 9.5 hours later...
Ok! I made it here in one piece. Halo did the last hour of the drive. I was able to incarnate again once I got a shower. Yay!

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 04:08 PM

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Attack of the Killer Bees (or "B's"?) 
Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 04:06 PM - Random Thoughts
Indigo Incarnates

In this case, I should write "Attack of the Killer Bs", as in B-movies, har har. I've been watching some of the new Netflix "Instant View" films that got uploaded to their server and -- wow -- did they digitize some real dogs! Fortunately, I'm a big fan of cheesy movies. Looking for some "Killer B's"? Look no further!

Dreamland: A young couple should have had their used car purchase checked out on CarFAX first, since they would have known that the major problem with the vehicle was that it was possessed by Adolph Hitler! Yes indeed, the 2-ton V8 gas guzzler was not powered by Premium Unleaded, but rather the Furhur. So the car tries to run the couple over when they get out to check the oil. Then they get chased into the desert where they run into Creepy Glowing Eye Girl and Creepy Undead Soldier Dude. Why? Who knows? But if your car's radio ever gets stuck playing the Nazi National Anthem, it might be time to junk it before it's too late.

Dark Moon Rising: In the redneck town of Louisville (KY? Not sure, they didn't say), strange things are afoot at the car rental agency. A zombie businessman shuffles into the office and bites some of the customers, turning them into zombies too! Who can save they day? The gay, vegetarian car clerk, of course! Wielding a baseball bat and a belt-fed machine gun, our heroic homosexual teams up with Butch Lesbian Chick (wielding a machete and a shotgun) to rid the town of the walking dead. Oh, the zombies also don't like air freshener or Lysol. And they keep tripping over discarded luggage again and again. When one of the zombies tears apart some dude's rental car, our brave hero declares, "I guess you should have opted for that $4.99/day comprehensive insurance, eh?"

Dead and Deader: A soldier gets bit by a radioactive spider in Cambodia and turns into a half-zombie, while the rest of his unit turns into full-fledged flesh-eating Undead. With his trusty sidekick (the cook, who isn't Undead), they hack and slash their way to gory glory! How does someone become a "half-zombie"? Why was he sorta-spared while his companions became crazed flesh-eaters? And why was there some creepy scientist who thought he could somehow turn zombification into the fountain of youth? Who knows? I always figured that being "a little bit zombie" was like being a "little bit" pregnant, ha ha ha. At the end of the movie, amidst the smoking, reeking carnage, our hero states, "Being dead really makes me appreciate life!" Ha ha ha!

Today wasn't too bad at work either. I got a burglar arrested on an open warrant. I didn't get stuck training trainees. the useless Training Coordinator didn't nag me about anything. My Wiccan ceremonial robe came today and is over at the post office for me to pick up. Yay! Just in time for visiting my friend Doris tomorrow. She has two Wiccan kids, so we'll have something in common already!

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Sux Flags 
Sunday, June 29, 2008, 11:52 AM - Dumb Happenings
Indigo Incarnates

Jeff and I always get season passes for Six Flags each year, but I think this is the last year for doing so. the amusement park seems to have been in a three-year-long decline and yesterday's misadventure was the last straw.

I like roller coasters a lot (as does Willow) so we were really looking forward to going on some cool rides. Alas, it was not to be. Jeff and I arrived there only to find that seven of the major roller coasters were not in operation (maintenance problems, anyone?) The park was packed solid, too, which means that there were very long lines for what few rides were working. Part of the water park was closed as well, which, again, meant extremely long lines for the attractions that remained functional. The administration also raised prices on EVERYTHING. It now cost $15 just to park (er... kinda defeats the purpose of a season pass, doesn't it!) A soda was $4, a snowball was $4.50, and a scoop of Dots ice cream was $5. ::sigh:: So, we certainly didn't eat of drink anything there, despite the fact that it was 95 degrees that day.

Well, we finally got to go on ONE ride. Guess what happened? That ride decided to break down while we were riding it! So we were trapped in the restraints for half an hour. Lemme tell ya something about changeling physiology: we DON'T like being involuntarily confined -- not at all. The discomfort quickly grew from "annoyance" to something close to "panic" over that half-hour period. It didn't even have to be half an hour, if it was not for the fact that the ride attendant had to call for maintenance THREE TIMES before anyone responded.

So... did anyone from management apologize? Nope. Did we get any coupons or any other token for our inconvenience? Nope. Apparently having a bunch of broken rides has become "business as usual" at Six Flags. We left after that. It was a real waste of a day. It cost us time, money, and gasoline and we got ZERO amusement from an amusement park that is apparently falling apart.

Next year, we're doing Hersey Park!

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Road Trip MeMe 
Saturday, June 28, 2008, 08:07 AM
Indigo Incarnates

Doris (Java) tagged me for a MeMe since I'll be taking a really, REALLY long road trip next Wednesday. the great thing, is that the trip is so I can visit her and her wonderful family. Yay! So... here's the bits and pieces of this MeMe:

-- Pick five CDs for the trip.

-- Pick three essential items.

-- Pick one outrageous wardrobe item (something that will make you stand out at a party; you must own this item already).


My Five CDs

-- Caribbean Blue (Enya)

-- Cumulous Mood Twang (Flowchart)

-- Absolutely Live (The Doors)

-- Lord of the Dance (Michael Flatley)

-- Oro (Moira)


My Three Essential Items

-- TabletPC

-- Cell Phone

-- Ritual Tools


My Outrageous Wardrobe Item

-- My Wiccan ceremonial robe. It's blue hooded robe and has Celtic knotwork all over it. I purchased it last week and I'm hoping it ships in time for my road trip next week.



-- Dewey (my partner)

-- Joan

-- Pink (since she travels all over the place!)

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Only Tired Now 
Thursday, June 26, 2008, 06:47 PM - halo's thoughts
halo incarnates

was okay today. not haunted. just tired. really tired. wish to sleep. can't sleep during the day. just tired. am ok. not in danger. am okay. will be okay. am okay. just tired.

indigo incarnated until 3:30pm. lost energy then. halo helps. can make body work until he has energy to come back. halo helps. am good.

bright outside. like night better. sun is too bright. indigo bought sunglasses for halo. helps. can see when not blinded by sunlight.

am home now. am safe. is okay. can rest. will be okay. no more duties to do today. can rest. will be okay. safe for indigo to come back. will be okay when he has energy. will be okay.

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Couldn't Speak 
Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 09:18 PM - halo's thoughts
halo incarnates

was at counselor. couldn't talk to her. wanted to. could not. tried to. could not. she asked: what does "if we don't move, they can't see us" mean? wanted to say.

bad memory. long ago. bad place. bad people. wanted to talk. couldn't make it happen. was mute.

we remember that place. living in fear. hungry all the time. bad place. bad father. bad people. living in fear. hate being afraid. felt like a coward. am not a coward. felt like a coward. hated how it used to be. wanted to never be seen.

didn't like being hit. didn't like being tortured. bad.

remembered. a time. we locked ourselves in the bathroom. was going to be beaten. remembering the fear. lock disassembled bit by bit. taunted. threatened. lock came apart. tried to hold the door shut. body was too small. couldn't keep the door shut.

dragged out onto porch. held down. kicked and punched. kicked and punched. kicked and punched. slapped. taunted. was bad. was afraid. hurt. hurt. hurt. hated being hurt. hated that place. hated being called a coward. hated being hit. hated being kicked.

wanted to not move. wanted to not be seen.

we learned from that. learned to try to not be seen. learned to shut up. learned to be quiet. learned to stay out of the way. learned to try to never need.

learned to live with being afraid.

was called a coward.

am not a coward. am not a coward. am not a coward.

hate myself. am not bad. am not evil. am not bad. am not a coward. hate myself. hate myself.

wanted to talk about this. could not talk. could not make it happen.

a dead horror. don't want it to have power over us.

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The horror... the horror... 
Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 06:14 AM
Indigo Incarnates

I managed to survive a truly hellish day yesterday. I went in to work on about three hours sleep and with a churning stomach. I did hold down breakfast, but it didn't settle well. I had eight cases instead of five because my lazy coworker called out again. (Side note: where the heck does she get all this leave time from?!) Thankfully our useless Training Coordinator saddled me with only one trainee yesterday. But... Wow... Yesterday was really, really tough. I did it, however. Halo helped when I ran out of energy towards the end of the day. But the work got done.

None of the eight defendants had jobs, of course. One was a drug-addicted career criminal who was griping about how he was homeless now as a result of those mean old cops arresting him. Of course, the arrest was concerning a domestic violence charge, where he made the smooth move of beating up his wife who had a job and was paying all the bills. Gee... she kicked him out. Well, better late than never, I suppose.

My stomach feels better today, and I got some sleep. I'm not back to 100% yet, but I'm getting there. I should be just fine by tomorrow. Little things like food poisoning can't keep a changeling down! We're made of sterner stuff, ha ha!

It's only one week until I get to see my friend Doris in South Carolina. It'll be so great! She said her family is excited about meeting me too. I'm also going to Six Flags with my friend Jeff on Saturday, so that should be a lot of fun. I love roller coasters!

Poor Jeff... He likes martial arts so much, but he keeps getting injured doing it. I know what it's like to love a hobby but not excel at it. I wanted to be an artist once (in high school) and I regrettably have no talent in that regard (and that's not false modesty. I really can't paint or draw. Oh well). I used to do martial arts ten years ago. I wasn't good at it to begin with and it became an impossibility after I was injured in a completely unrelated diving accident that left me with just enough of a reduction in balance and dexterity that I couldn't do the moves anymore. Life goes on. It could have been so much worse. I'm not in a wheelchair, so I count myself lucky. Really lucky.

Today is the biweekly staff meeting. What a snooze that thing is. I'll try to stay awake, har har. On the bright side, my raise kicks in on the next payday. Yay!

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Monday, June 23, 2008, 10:00 PM
halo incarnates

stomach is upset. must have had bad food. stomach churns. uncomfortable.

am tired. body is tired. long drive today.

was good to visit the Cruel Mother. is her nickname. not really cruel. comes from a bad lullaby. likes her nickname. Cruel Mother was glad for visit. glad to do sabbat. glad her weight is up again. Cruel Mother gets too skinnym gets really sick. we worry.

stomach is upset. icky. churning. want it to stop.

sad too. don't want to be seen. don't want to move. want to cut. didn't cut. need to cut. didn't cut. don't like cutting, but need to sometimes.

am tired. sad. frustrated. feel trapped in this body. not afraid of the dark. not feeling well. tired.

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