Saturday, August 5, 2006, 10:56 AM - Odd Dreams
It's really bizarre, but I keep having dreams about owning a Honda FIT. It's a cute little car, and there's certainly a possibility that I will own one someday, but I've had five dreams so far that involve this car. Weird, eh? It's always a Honda FIT "Sport" edition with the 5-speed automatic configured with manumatic paddle shifters.

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Timeless Avatar 
Monday, June 5, 2006, 05:25 PM - Odd Dreams
I had this really odd dream last night. In this dream, I was a timeless, immortal avatar of some cosmic power of Good and Law. I understood that the universe was something that seemed to start, grow, wither, and die -- only to be reborn from the basic elements of what once was. My part of the deal was that at the end of every universal cycle, some evil power of destruction would try to prevent the universe from being reborn. I had to prevent this adversarial power from suceeding so that the next cycle of the universe couild begin as it should.

I remembered having "recently" defeated the avatar of my enemy, that being Chaos and Evil. My awareness ceased for some indeterminant time since I was not needed for a while. Now it was midway through the current universal cycle and I became aware again of my existence. Apparently part of the my job was to start recruiting mortals to believe in the existence and power of goodenss and structure (Good and Law). I began this instance of my being on some green world that I had never seen before. But when I closed my eyes, I could see anywhere on this world that I wanted. The world was mostly ocean with a long archipelagos of islands. It was pretty and pristine. The population of humans (or humanoids) was quite low, and they had not yet developed the technology required to do real damage to their ecosystem. I could feel their life forces, but I did not have the power to read their minds.

By concentrating, I opened a spiritual gateway that allowed three Angels to pass through into this world. I knew that they wouild be empowered to do all manner of good deeds for the people who lived on this world.

My own power was just beginning. I knew I had hundreds of thousands of years (if not more) before I would encounter the reborn avatar of Chaos and Evil. For now, I had peace -- like the calm before a great storm.

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Lost Child 
Saturday, April 22, 2006, 12:02 PM - Odd Dreams
In my dream last night, I was sort of an invisible shadow-spirit that was somehow linked to a small 3 or 4-year old child. I could look out the child’s eyes or use my own perception. I had no control over where we went. I don’t think the boy knew that he dragged me along as if I was some sort of helium balloon.

The weird thing was how *huge* everything looked if I used the boy’s eyes to see. Stairs really did have to be *climbed*.

The scene was in some suburban neighbourhood. The child had apparently been playing at some playground but had wandered off. Now it was twilight and the boy was getting scared. He did not know how to get home.

He chose a house at random and walked up the driveway to the back door. From the boy’s perspective, the bushes on either side of the pavement might as well have been 20’ tall. He climbed the stairs using his hands and feet and banged on the back door.

He could not reach the doorknob. But even though my body was insubstantial and invisible, I was able to grab the knob and turn it.

The boy walked into an unlit kitchen just as an elderly white-haired man came downstairs. He turned on the lights and said with surprise, “I wasn’t expecting a visit from you!” He said it in a kind way, however. He must have known the boy’s parents, since he followed it up with, “What say we get you home?” His accent sounded a lot like Edward Woodward’s (aka “The Equalizer”).

The man looked like a thin giant to the boy, even though I could see that he was about 6’1”.

He led the boy out to an old pickup truck. I followed, since I was tethered to him. The boy was just tall enough to climb into the truck unassisted -- but barely so.

I guess this happened in England, since the truck was a right-hand drive. The boy cried a little -- not out of sadness, but out of relief that someone was helping him. He was glad he was going home.

That’s where the dream ended.

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Corporate Raider? 
Saturday, April 1, 2006, 10:51 AM - Odd Dreams
So... I had this odd dream that I was a corporate spy who was given the task of breaking into another company's headquarters so that I could steal their financial documents. I guess the theft was going to manipulate the share prices.

Things got a little weird when I broke into the basement level through a secret tunnel. The basement was actually some sort of garishly decorated decorated apartment. No one was home, but the couch and living room recliner were bright red and shaggy. Colored strings of beads hung all over the walls. The dim lighting was bluish and I couldn't tell where it was coming from.

I left the odd apartment and the next room was some kind of interrogation booth. Three corporate goons were giving the Third Degree to some poor schlep who apparently had autism. Needless to say, the guy gave the same answer, regardless of the question asked. I got the feeling that autistic fellow didn't Care how long he was there, and probably didn't know anything that the corporates wanted to know.

I took the elevator to the top floor.I could overlook alarge auditorium in which some overpaid corporate mouthpiece was trying to convince the staff that cutting wages and outsourcing a third of the staff in NO WAY indicated that the company was in trouble was in trouble. Yeah, right.

At the top level, the files I sought were located in a nondescript brown leather brief case that had been stashed in a janitor's closet. So much for corporate security! The dream ended there, but I have to assume I would have made it out.

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Jellyfish Angels 
Thursday, March 23, 2006, 08:47 PM - Odd Dreams
It was one of these odd dreams that mixed the metaphysical with science fiction. Of course, that's one of my favorite combinations!

In this dream. I controlled a small fighter-ship in a really dark region of space. It seemed that a kind of "hole" had opened in space opened in space connected our Universe with a more sinister, evil universe. A dark aperature opened and a squadron of triangular black ships emerged. I fired on then with the ship's weapons, but it didn't seen to have any effect.

My engineering Construct (a type of sentient machine) had the clever idea to fire on a passing asteroid. The shrapnel ripped two alien ships to Shreds. that left about Six or seven more.

The black ships began emitting a kind of "halo" of darkness that I instinctively knew would quench a living being's life force. They closed on ship. It seemed that we were about to be consumed by the darkness.

It was at that moment that these two huge creatures appeared in space. I knew that they were composed of energy, light, and spirit. They were not solid, and yet they shore with an iridescent light that slowly strobed from blue to violet blue to violet back to blue. I knew, somehow, that these two beings weres omehow angels. they appeared like jellyfish. The "cap" part was translucent and sparkled from within. Blue and purple tendrils flowed in their wake. They were simply breathtakingly beautiful. Words cannot really describe how delicately beautiful they were.

Their light drove back the black ships and dispersed their life-draining halos. But before these angelic creatures vanished from where they came, they made the hull of my ship shine the same way they did. I knew then that I would never again fear the black. ships or their death energy.

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By speaking, it happens 
Monday, March 20, 2006, 08:28 AM - Odd Dreams
I had this dream that started with me running my "World of Gaianar" role-playing game. In the dream, I was describing to two players an encounter with an Illuthielite Priest (an Undead cleric of the evil god Illuthiel). But then the room vanished and was replaced by the scene I had described:

It was on the ruins of an ancient highway and it probably bordered the Deadwoods, since all the trees were twisted, blackened, leafless horrors. The stunted grasses were dry as tinder.

An Illuthielite Priest approached us. Its skin was waxy and stretched tightly over its face like a corpse prepared for the coffin. There was no spark of life in its sunken, dead eyes. It wore rusty chain mail armor and a filthy tabard that displayed the "holy" symbol of the Illuthielite faith. It had a short sword that looked to be in poor repair.

It did not speak as it attacked us, but it had some rudimentary telepathy since I was able to hear its raging hate in my mind. It hated those of the living.

I pulled out my Rosary beads and, using the Crusafix as a talisman, commanded the Priest to retreat.

It did.

When the dream ended, it reminded me of why I wish that the World of Gaianar was a real place. Sure, the Undead roam the land and terrifying monsters abound. But in that world, prayer has real power and good is on an even playing field with evil. A handful of heroes can make a lasting positive difference.

In the real world, evil almost always triumphs. Evil has all the power, money, resources, and political capital. The few good men are cowardly and impotent. There are no heroes.

I would risk having a very short life living in a dangerous world where prayer had real power.

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Totatitarian Alien Regime 
Sunday, March 19, 2006, 10:14 AM - Odd Dreams
I had an odd dream that Earth had been taken over by a race of aliens that were Xenophobic and heavy handed. They claimed to be emotionless and logical (like the Vulcans from Start Trek ) but in reality they were racist bigots with reserved demeanors. their modus operandi was to make almost everything illegal. Humans were put in ghastly prisons with long incarceration terms for even the smallest infractions. These dark Prisons were cold, wet hell holes with insufficient, contaminated food. The idea was that human inmates would die of disease and malnutrition after a few weeks of confinement. Then the captors would use this informant ion to publicly state how human. beings were innately dirty and inferior.

There was a resistance movement in the alien culture. They would use their limited resources to smuggle humans out of the death-prisons. Then they would cosmetically alter the people who they rescued in order to make then look alien (and thus exempt from the human containment laws). the members of the resistancehad these technologicalamulets that could openlocks and disable securitysystems. They were illegalto own, of course, butthe aliens rarely prosecuted their own.

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The Socialist Bandit? 
Wednesday, March 15, 2006, 08:19 AM - Odd Dreams
I had this really odd dream that one of my friends from college had somehow become a kind of socialist bandit. What he would do is go into some chain store (like Target or McDonald's) and rob the contents of the safe. But instead of taking the money for himself, he would divide the cash amongst the employees. Then he would say something Socialist like, "Power to the workers!"

So in the dream, I made the tactical mistake of going to a coffee shop with him. Of course, he robbed the store and gave the loot to the employees. I cringed, thinking "they'll probably think I'm an accomplice!" Ugh.

On the way home from the "workers' liberation event", I turned on the radio and found that a different college friend was running an illegal radio station that criticized the government while singing the praises of the Socialist Bandit.

It was just so *weird*.

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Great Train Robbery 
Sunday, February 26, 2006, 12:36 PM - Odd Dreams
Now, I've never been on a real train other than the Metro Light Rail. But last night's dream would certainly inspire me to give it a shot.

I'm not sure where we were actually headed, but the countryside looked sparse and rocky (definitely not Maryland) and the weather was sunny and warm. It had that Middle-of-nowhere look to it. Ashen was with me.

Well, with a screech and a huge cloud of dust, the train's mighty diesel engine failed, and the train ground to a halt. Ashen (dressed in black as always) said that word came down from the front of the train that an observer spotted some highwaymen approaching the train in Jeeps. Dust clouds on the horizon marked their approach. Imagine! A 21st Century train robbery!

It was then that Ashen pulled a huge suitcase from under the seat and opened it. Lo and behold! It was packed full of guns, rifles, and ammo. Yeah, Ashen packs smartly for trips. Ha ha ha!

In a matter of moments, everyone in the last train car had a rifle or handgun. I had a light, 22 cal pump-action rifle (probably because it's only kind of rifle I've shot in real life, heh heh).

The dream ended just as the highwaymen were coming into range. I focused my telescopic site on the helmet of one of the bandits. It was one of those old, green kind from a Military surplus shop. I was about to pull the trigger...

The dream ended. But win or lose, it looked like it was going to be one hell of a shootout!

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Weird Used Cars 
Tuesday, February 21, 2006, 06:15 PM - Odd Dreams
So... I had this really weird dream in which I was still working for my old company and the boss wanted me to pick up a used car for the business (the one that is *out of businesses* don'cha know!) So I drove to this odd little car dealer to look at some cars on the cheap.

The lot was overgrown with all manner of shrubs and such. I think the main showroom used to host some other kind of business, because it was a bit small for cars. But in the main room was parked a strange old car from another time.

It was old, worn, but incredibly clean and maintained by a caring hand. It was some sort of green station wagon, with all-leather interior. Maybe it was a Ford? It was a pretty car, but I didn't know exactly what it was.

Here was where it got odd. A trap door opened in the showroom floor when I touched the door of the old car. I fell down a narrow chute into a totally *different* room. It was an abandoned floor of an office building. It wasn't exactly *dirty* but it was slightly dim and very dusty. The trouble was that I didn't exactly see a way out.

As I walked around, I realized that the "trap" floor was a *lot* bigger than the floor above me. The dream ended before I could find my way out, but I didn't get the impression that I was in any kind of *immediate* danger.

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