Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 10:27 PM - Stupid Criminals
I had a useless, shambling junkie Muslim bum at Pretrial. He was about 41 but he looked 71 because of all the heroin he had jammed into his veins over the years. Of course he was an unemployed sponge who staggered to the intersections each day to beg.
Today, apparently, he must have shot up some of that newfangled cheap Californian heroin that’s cut with cough syrup. Apparently it’s about a buck a dose -- a high even a violent, homeless thug can afford. But it makes the user sick afterwards.
Well, this pathetic waste of flesh was sick all right. He started vomiting all over the place.
Most of the time that I see someone in distress, I think “I hope you feel better.” But with this useless leech, I thought, “I wish you would just DIE!”
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Monday, August 20, 2007, 07:38 PM
I awoke in darkness this morning and it really depressed me. In fact, the whole day was dark, gloomy, cool, and rainy. It felt like a shadow passed over my soul and made things darker than they had to be.
It seems that there will soon come a time when I will have to cut myself again. It is as if being alive makes me accrue a spiritual debt that can only be paid for in blood. I do believe my spirit is real, but I know that I am a replacement for the original personality that died so long ago. I have no right to this life, and yet, by default, I have it.
Why must I, Indigo, be the primary personality? thistle has purity and Ashen has determination and self-discipline (and is heterosexual as well). I, as Indigo, am a sinner and compulsive and strange.
At the other end of the scectrum, I feel Halo gainimg strength again. When he becomes powerful enough to assert control, I know we will hurt this body. Blood pays for sins.
maybe if I cut myself, Doug's sister wonzt die of cancer.
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Sunday, August 12, 2007, 02:49 PM
.My hybrid hit 120,000 miles over the weekend while I was visiting my mom. On the 3 hour drive up, I managed to eeke out 49.5 MPG. That's not bad considering the car is also 5 years old.
I just have to laugh every time I see a huge GM SUV witg new 30-day tags. Not only are they going to burn three times as much gas as me, they'll be lucky if they get 80,000 miles.
It's awesome having a Civic Hybrid.
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Sunday, August 5, 2007, 09:36 PM - nightmares
I had an awful dream last night. In this dream, I could see into other people’s bodies and could see who had terminal illnesses. When someone had terminal heart disease or cancer, I’d see it as black blotches over the afflicted organs.
One woman had bone cancer and ovarian cancer and did not know it. But even then it was too late for treatment.
As I walked down a busy street downtown, I passed by so many sick and dying people. Some knew they were ill, but many more did not.
I did not know why I had been given this sight, since it didn’t give me the ability to do anything about it.
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 09:33 PM - Dumb Happenings
I have (or had) a friend who has refused to talk to me for a month because I didn't like his book. I really did give him a full month to "get over it", but yesterday he wrote to me and said that I failed the test of friendship (by failing to finish reading the dreaded thing) and that he now had "new friends and new priorities". I, apparently, am out of the picture because he won't forgive me for disliking his 500-page epic.
The trouble is this: the book is so bad as to be unreadable. The main character is a 16-year-old Jewish Gypsy orphan, who just so happens to be an international criminal/thief, a security manager at a mega-corporation, and your ordinary high school student -- all at the same time. The high school is so gang-infested that even the teachers and administrators are in gangs. One of the students is an elf, while another is a wererat. Yeah, right.
How is "Greyhawke" for a solid Jewish name? Yeah, right.
And the book just goes on and on and on. I tried for two years to finish wreading it, but it just can't be read. The book is just ghastly. The characters are paper-thin while the plot is labyrinthine. The diologue is stilted and the premise just cannot be believed.
it's okay to have hobbies. I've written a few books too, but I don't have any notions as to being the next J. R. R. Tolkien. Dana, however, acts like "Saga of the Knights" is the next "Harry Potter". Well it isn't.
I am really hurt that he would walk out of a friendship for the sole reason that I didn't like his book. It's not even a published book! He just publishes online. If you want to read the worst piece of literature ever, just go to and click "Possessor of the Book".
I am really pissed off!
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Monday, July 30, 2007, 07:50 PM - Cool Stuff
My desktop computer had been out-of-commission for three months. Basically, it would run for 10-20 minutes and then freeze. It made the computer unusable. The problem wasn't a virus either.
Yesterday, I took the computer apart, blew out all the accu,ilated dust, and re-seated all of the cards. After that, I did a Repair Install of WinXP Pro. That basically removed all updates and patches, but left the drivers intact.
voila! The computer is running again. It's been on for 32 hours straight with no problems.
and to think: all I had to do is clean it up!
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Monday, July 16, 2007, 08:26 PM
My weight yesterday was 181 pounds! That's 40 pounds less than my "high" weight of 221. I really have worked for it. I ate less junk food, excercised a lot, and cut out a lot of soda. I didn't use diet pills or fad diets either. Yay!
So i now weigh what I did ten years ago.
My long-term goal is to get down to 175. I am almost there!
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Sunday, July 15, 2007, 09:28 AM - Random Thoughts
When I think of the useless was in Iraq -- the one that Bush started via lies and fake evidence -- I keep coming back to the question: Why are we still there? Bush is the only one who thinks we're making "progress", but the rest of the world thinks otherwise.
-- The overwhelming majority of Americans (something like 7 in 10) think we should have an orderly, phased withdrawel over a 6-12 month period.
-- A majority of House and Senate members think we need an orderly, phased withdrawel from Iraq.
-- Most soldiers who were polled reported a strong desire to come home.
-- Most Iraqi citizens want us to leave Iraq.
-- The Iraqi president wants us to leave Iraq.
The trouble is that Bush started this war because he really believes that God told him to start this war. Yeah. I remember seeing the press conference in which Bush said that he had been prayung and that God told him to invade Iraq.
Now, if the average citizen were to go around saying that God spoke to him and commanded him to try to take over the world, that person would probably be put on anti-psychotic medication. Unfortunately, since Bush is President, he actually gets to try to take over the world (Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, who knows what's next?!)
January 20, 2009 -- Bush's last day -- can't come too soon!
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Friday, July 13, 2007, 06:07 AM
Alas, I did not get the promotion I wanted. I came pretty close, however. But the two people that got it simply had a lot more experience and slightly higher qualifications. I can't really argue with that. Of course, by the time another Case Agent position becomes available, I'll have more experience and better qualifications. I knew it was a long shot with only 18 months experience.[ 1 comment ] ( 5 views ) | [ 0 trackbacks ] | permalink | ( 3 / 1131 )
Sunday, July 8, 2007, 10:15 AM - Random Thoughts
Why don't want an iPhone?
-- $600 price tag when most other PDA/Phone hybrids cost $300-$350.
-- Proprietary SIM card means you're stuck with ATT forever.
-- Slow Class-6 EDGE means your connection speed will be more like dial-up and less like ISDN.
-- No IM, MMS means you won't be chatting with your friends.
-- No handwriting recognizer means that composing email will be a real chore.
-- No expansion slot for SD or Memory Stick. This means you have to choose between Storing music or installing 3rd Party applications.
-- It only works with iTunes. They charge a dollar a track and they encode at 128K for that high-price, mediocre music listening experience. Rhapsody is a dime cheaper and they encode at 192K. The) also let you redownload your paid-for music if your computer dies.
The funky headset port really limits your listening options.
-- ATT won't fix this phone if there are warranty problems, and Apple charges to do so.
-- The iPhone calling plans are all $20 more expensive than a non-iPhone plan with the same number of minutes. You have to pay more for the priviledge of owing a status symbol!
I think I'll stick with my Nokia E62.
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