Happy Treason Day 
Wednesday, July 4, 2007, 09:56 AM
The hillarious thing is that I have a friend who is the biggest pro-England person I've ever met. He calls the Revolutionary War the "War of Colonial Aggression". He flies the Union Jack from his flagpole. Finally, he referrs to this day as "Treason Day". Ha ha ha ha!!!

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Monday, July 2, 2007, 07:06 PM
I'm taking a walk around the neighborhood since the weather is really nice this evening. And I can blog from my cell phone. Yay! It's sunny but it's not too hot out and the humidity is pretty low -- for Baltimore. I haven't even seen any giant rats this evenng, or any crack-whores. All in all, a nice 3.5 mile walk.

i didn't hear anything about the Case Agent job that I applied for. I don't have a huge chance, but it's at least a possibility

doug comes home in six days. Yay!

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Damned knee problems 
Sunday, July 1, 2007, 01:52 PM
I really do want to be able to run a marathon. But ever since my knee injury two weeks ago, all I've been able to muster since then is 4 miles at a time. It's not my joints that hurt, but rather the tendons near my knee joints that start hurting. And I'm afraid that 20 miles of exercise per week won't be enough to keep my weight off. I don't want to get fat again. I don't want to be one of those pudgy, broken-down people that I loathe. Besides, I want to live to be 165 years old!

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Chapter 45 
Sunday, July 1, 2007, 10:35 AM - Cool Stuff
I finished writing Chapter 45 of " I, Construct". In this episode, Frank gets haunted by the spirit of a murdered woman.

Chapters 41-45

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No Doug for a week 
Sunday, July 1, 2007, 10:29 AM
Doug will be away for a week because he is helping take care of his sister who just got home from the hospital after setting breast cancer surgery done. Doug is a better person than Iam and is a vastly better person than Heather (his sister). The "Creature"; as I sometimes call her, is one of the few individuals I've met that have zero redeeming features. She snorts cocaine, smokes, drinks, curses, and lies.She's lazy, greedy and selfish. She's a glutton and a spendthrift. She's a racist, bigot, and homophobe. She cant hold down a job because of her nasty temper.

But Doug offered to help her during this difficult tine in her life, despite the fact that I know she would never lift a finger to ever help him in anyway, no matter how great or trivial.

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War Traitor 
Sunday, June 24, 2007, 06:14 PM
I had an odd dream last night that involved a war traitor. The dream took place in World War II and all the imagery was in a weird flickering black-and-white, like the old news reels from the early 1940s.

There was a man who stole a file containing troop movement plans and he had intended to give it to a German agent. But he had been shot during the theft and the file was lost. He evaded his pursuers and managed to limp his way to a hospital for treatment for his gunshot wound. He had been shot in the abdomen.

He used a fake name at the hospital so that the doctorss would treat his injuries. But some

Some nurse recognized him and called the War Department. An assassin was sent to kill the traitor. The dream ended before the assassin arrived to the hospital.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007, 11:07 AM
My brother was in a pretty bad car wreck yesterday. He was hit by a SUV. I don't know yet who was at fault. Andy has a few broken bones but is otherwise expected to make a full recovery. Damned SUVs. Even if the wreck was Andy's fault, his injuries are the direct result of his compact car hitting some 6000 pound monstrosity. But I hope the wreck isn't his fault. SUV people are generallly greedy, selfish, and never one to turn down some free Law$uit Ca$h.

I'm really glad that Andy wasn't killed. He was wearing his seat belt, so he didn't get thrown through the windshield.


UPDATE: I talked to my mom today. The hospital let Andy out already. Apparently his concussion wasn't too bad. His arm will be in a sling for two weeks and he has a simply fracture of his collarbone. The only only thing the doctors are really worried about is a bruise on his lung (from the seatbelt constriction)

The thing that could get deadly would be if the bruise turns into a blood clot. But if the bruising subsides naturally, he will be okay.

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A little buggy 
Saturday, June 23, 2007, 07:06 PM
Doug and I went to New York City today to see "Legally Blonde". The play was fun. But we got a rather interesting surprise at dinner. We ate at the Playwright's Pub. About halfway through the meal, Doug noticed a dead roach in his pasta. Yuck!!!!

we told the waitress, who in turn told the manager. the manager was very apologetic and offered to erase the check and replace our meals. We took her up on the check cancelation, but we really didn't want anything else that came out of that kitchen. It had a high "ick" factor. Ewwww!!!

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The city that disappeared 
Saturday, June 23, 2007, 07:25 AM
I had a rather depressing dream last night. I was an observer, so I could not be seen and I could not directly interact with my immediate environment.

The dream took place on a different world. On this world, all of humanity lived in a single vast city that was home to tens of millions of people. . At night, the city's skyscrapers looked like shining jewels against the night sky. It was beautiful and perfect.

The city drew its energy from a sacred stone that was housed in the middle of the metropolis. Thus there was no pollution and no waste. In fact, the presence of the stone was what made all life possible. It granted life-energy as well as conveNtional power.

it was midnight when the stone failed.

The Lights of the city extinguished in a contracting spherical patters. within moments, everything became black and silent. Even time stopped working correctly.

Days flicked like frames in a film. All the life on this planet disappeared. Even the mountains and valleys gradually vanished until the world was nearly flat. All that remained was the dead Sacred Stone. Everywhere I looked, the world and sky was grey.

Time stopped flickering and I was able to approach the stone. It suddenly cracked in half, revealing a new (and young) Sacred Stone within. It slowly began to glow with a rich, warm, orange radiance. I had the feeling that life was about to return this world.

But the loss of the Great City was sad

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The uselessness of Mensa 
Sunday, June 17, 2007, 01:18 PM
Every once in a while I will be reminded of the existence of a completely useless social club called Mensa. There is only one qualification for membership: you have to pass an IQ test and have a result of 135 or higher. That' it!

of course, IQ is predetermined by one's genetics. It's not as if one can train to be more intelligent the same way one can train to be more athletic. Your IQ is what it is, for better or worse.

My big gripe with Mensa is that they believe people of lower IQ are inferior people. They also believe that people who are mentally ill or mentally retarded should be destroyed. Nice group.

of course, my dad is a Mensa member since his IQ is 165 and he views vast stretches of humanity as disposable. For all the hooplah about geniuses, I've noticed that the serial murderers all have very high intelligence.

i'm really glad that Mensa is nothing but a fringe group. They would be dangerous if they had political power.

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