Why are we still in Iraq?! 
Sunday, July 15, 2007, 09:28 AM - Random Thoughts
When I think of the useless was in Iraq -- the one that Bush started via lies and fake evidence -- I keep coming back to the question: Why are we still there? Bush is the only one who thinks we're making "progress", but the rest of the world thinks otherwise.

-- The overwhelming majority of Americans (something like 7 in 10) think we should have an orderly, phased withdrawel over a 6-12 month period.
-- A majority of House and Senate members think we need an orderly, phased withdrawel from Iraq.
-- Most soldiers who were polled reported a strong desire to come home.
-- Most Iraqi citizens want us to leave Iraq.
-- The Iraqi president wants us to leave Iraq.

The trouble is that Bush started this war because he really believes that God told him to start this war. Yeah. I remember seeing the press conference in which Bush said that he had been prayung and that God told him to invade Iraq.

Now, if the average citizen were to go around saying that God spoke to him and commanded him to try to take over the world, that person would probably be put on anti-psychotic medication. Unfortunately, since Bush is President, he actually gets to try to take over the world (Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, who knows what's next?!)

January 20, 2009 -- Bush's last day -- can't come too soon!

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Close but no cigar 
Friday, July 13, 2007, 06:07 AM
Alas, I did not get the promotion I wanted. I came pretty close, however. But the two people that got it simply had a lot more experience and slightly higher qualifications. I can't really argue with that. Of course, by the time another Case Agent position becomes available, I'll have more experience and better qualifications. I knew it was a long shot with only 18 months experience.

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iPhone or iHype? You decide! 
Sunday, July 8, 2007, 10:15 AM - Random Thoughts
Why don't want an iPhone?

-- $600 price tag when most other PDA/Phone hybrids cost $300-$350.

-- Proprietary SIM card means you're stuck with ATT forever.

-- Slow Class-6 EDGE means your connection speed will be more like dial-up and less like ISDN.

-- No IM, MMS means you won't be chatting with your friends.

-- No handwriting recognizer means that composing email will be a real chore.

-- No expansion slot for SD or Memory Stick. This means you have to choose between Storing music or installing 3rd Party applications.

-- It only works with iTunes. They charge a dollar a track and they encode at 128K for that high-price, mediocre music listening experience. Rhapsody is a dime cheaper and they encode at 192K. The) also let you redownload your paid-for music if your computer dies.
The funky headset port really limits your listening options.

-- ATT won't fix this phone if there are warranty problems, and Apple charges to do so.

-- The iPhone calling plans are all $20 more expensive than a non-iPhone plan with the same number of minutes. You have to pay more for the priviledge of owing a status symbol!

I think I'll stick with my Nokia E62.

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Three Flags?! 
Friday, July 6, 2007, 10:52 PM
My friend Jeff and I went to Six Flags recently and we were pretty disappointed. Most of the rides weren't working. Superman, Two Face, and Wild One were 100% offline. Joker's Jinx was running on a single shuttle. Many of the smaller rides were also down. Both roller coaster/ water hybrids were down for the count. The bumper cars had only 7 functioning cars. It was all just downright disappointing.

Basically, Jeff and I rode all of the interesting rides by 12:30. We didn't eat lunch there because the prices were just outrageous. We both have season passes. Hopefully conditions will improve later this summer.

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Thursday, July 5, 2007, 09:09 PM
I finally saw the wreckage of my brother's Cutlass. Wow! It was some heck of a wreck! I am really glad he survived and had only minor injuries.


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Bad Movie Bonanza 
Thursday, July 5, 2007, 06:13 PM
I visited my mom, brother, and cousin this week for Treason Day (God Save the Queen!) We saw a real stinker of a movie yesterday, called Dark Harvest.

Wow was it a bad film! It's a story about some 24-year-old college punk who inherits a creepy old dustbowl farm from the 1930s. Of course, the whole place was in amazingly good shape considering that it had been abandoned for 70 years. His four useless friends accompany him,. The pot-smoking and beer swilling commences, and some old hag warns that the farm is haunted.

midnight comes and all of the scarecrows start mowing down the useless teens. The scarecrows were the most passionless, disinterested monsters i have ever seen. The college punks were ultra-shallow and one even had a super-fake British accent. Why? Why?!

this movie got a rating of 2.2 on a 1-10 scale on IMDB, but I think that was generous!

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Happy Treason Day 
Wednesday, July 4, 2007, 09:56 AM
The hillarious thing is that I have a friend who is the biggest pro-England person I've ever met. He calls the Revolutionary War the "War of Colonial Aggression". He flies the Union Jack from his flagpole. Finally, he referrs to this day as "Treason Day". Ha ha ha ha!!!

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Monday, July 2, 2007, 07:06 PM
I'm taking a walk around the neighborhood since the weather is really nice this evening. And I can blog from my cell phone. Yay! It's sunny but it's not too hot out and the humidity is pretty low -- for Baltimore. I haven't even seen any giant rats this evenng, or any crack-whores. All in all, a nice 3.5 mile walk.

i didn't hear anything about the Case Agent job that I applied for. I don't have a huge chance, but it's at least a possibility

doug comes home in six days. Yay!

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Damned knee problems 
Sunday, July 1, 2007, 01:52 PM
I really do want to be able to run a marathon. But ever since my knee injury two weeks ago, all I've been able to muster since then is 4 miles at a time. It's not my joints that hurt, but rather the tendons near my knee joints that start hurting. And I'm afraid that 20 miles of exercise per week won't be enough to keep my weight off. I don't want to get fat again. I don't want to be one of those pudgy, broken-down people that I loathe. Besides, I want to live to be 165 years old!

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Chapter 45 
Sunday, July 1, 2007, 10:35 AM - Cool Stuff
I finished writing Chapter 45 of " I, Construct". In this episode, Frank gets haunted by the spirit of a murdered woman.

Chapters 41-45

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