Performance Review 
Wednesday, May 3, 2006, 09:35 PM - Random Thoughts
My fifth probationary performance review went well. As an entry-level law enforcement agent, I'm on probationary status for a whole year. What a drag! The trainee pay is pretty low too. But at least in seven more months, I get made permanent, I get a promotion from Investigator-trainee to Investigator-I, and I get a $5000/Year raise.

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Wednesday, May 3, 2006, 09:13 PM - Random Thoughts
I had a dreaded dentist appointment today. I have to go in for a checkup every three months instead of every six Because my teeth are so weak. And my teeth are weak because of the malnutrition and neglect I experienced when I was a kid. I've probably spent about $3,000 per year for the past seven years getting my teeth fixed.

But today, the dentist actually didn't find anything wrong! It was really just an ordinary exam! Maybe my teeth will finally hold up for a while.

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Proud of Doug! 
Tuesday, May 2, 2006, 08:13 PM - Cool Stuff
Doug has lost 22 pounds on his weight loss plan. He lost two pounds this week. I am REALLY proud of him!

A lot of people in his family are big, but he's bucket genetics! I am really happy for him!

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My Roleplaying Game Forum 
Monday, May 1, 2006, 05:26 PM - Cool Stuff
I added a forum for my roleplaying game (located at It's pretty cool. I don't know how many of the readers here enjoy Dungeons & Dragons, but I wrote a roleplauying game from scratch that is in the fantasy RPG genre. The big difference here is that my game is FREE, heh heh.

Aside from game topics, I'm going to use the forum to host political rants as well (including a special section dedicated to bashing Bush!)

If anyone wants to check it out, just visit my RPG site and click the "Gaianar Forum" icon on the lefthand menu bar

World of Gaianar

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A Shining Ally 
Friday, April 28, 2006, 01:40 PM - Dissociation & Switching
Choir practice is always a fun activity. Sometimes I think that I enjoy the practice sessions more than the actual church service.

Most of my music capability comes from Thistle. There are times that he just seems to shine with goodness, energy, and purity. I wish I had those features. For me, the instances of shining are few and far between indeed.

I don’t know why my integration centred on Indigo instead of Thistle. I’m not as nice a person and I tend to be more judgmental and aggressive. Thistle does not have these moral failings. He also never has doubts of faith.

If the integration had somehow made Thistle the primary personality, I wonder if I would be in ministry now instead of law enforcement? I know I’d be a lot thinner than I am now because angels don’t eat, ha ha.

I guess that I sometimes become aware of what a broken and morally flawed individual I am, and how Thistle is *not* broken or morally flawed. I guess that’s the difference between being a human and being an angel.

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Dinner with a friend 
Thursday, April 27, 2006, 08:55 AM - Cool Stuff
Last night’Doug and I had dinner with Larry, my friend and former supervisor. The company I used to work for closed 90% of its stores. In the late 1990s, we had 80 locations and now the company has EIGHT. Larry runs the last remaining store in Maryland.

He seemed to be doing okay. His wife went back to work now that his income has dropped 75%. On the other hand, he doesn’t work 65-hour work weeks anymore either.

Somehow, Doug and I got talked into helping him sell wireless phones at a baseball game on May 12th. Ha ha ha! Doug has never been in sales. On the other hand, I’m not one to turn down some easy side-money!

The thing to know about the cell phone industry is that it is rapidly moving away from a brokered/contracted product. I predict that within five years, cell phones will just be sold “off the shelf” without contract or credit check. The end user will just key in a credit card number and use on-screen prompts to select rate plans and features.

Personally, I don’t sign contracts anymore. The “full” price of a phone is a lot less than the early termination fee. Besides, most “free” phones on contract are junk.

It was nice meeting up with Larry again, however. We had pizza and salad at Pizza Hut. It was a pleasant evening.

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The Power Company Parody 
Tuesday, April 25, 2006, 10:01 PM - Random Thoughts
For you British readers, BGE is the power company that services Maryland. They just became a deregulated monopoly and announced a huge rate hike. They have this condescending spokeswoman who lecturespeople on conserving energy.

Here's MY version, ha ha.

More Tips From Allegra
A BGE Parody

Now that price caps are ending and BGE is becoming a multi-billion dollar unregulated monopoly, we’re going to nearly double your bill over the next eighteen months, and charge you extra for the process of raising your prices! But our spokesperson, Allegra, is here to tell you how you can cut back even further on energy use!

>>> Set your hot water heater to 80 degrees. It’s tepid, uncomfortable to bathe in, and isn’t hot enough to wash your clothes or dishes -- but you’ll save so much money!
>>> In the winter, set your thermostat to 50 degrees. Wear a sweater, parka, mittens and boots indoors for extra warmth.
>>> Have a fireplace? You can burn the Baltimore Sun and other junk mail for extra heat. Breaking down no-longer-needed wooden furniture is also a smart, cost-effective way to keep out the chill.
>>> Buy a dog. Not only do they add household security and amiable companionship, dogs are great for keeping your couch or bed warm.
>>> Buy a Toyota Prius and siphon off electricity from its internal 500-volt power plant. Who says hybrids just save you money at the pump!
>>> In summer, stay at work later so that you can enjoy your boss’s air conditioning system. The extra overtime will help pay the rate increases!
>>> Consider moving the Family Room to the basement. Underground dwellings tend to maintain a comfortable 59 degrees year-round!
>>> Own a three bedroom house? Trade it in for a one-bedroom flat. The energy savings will let you afford to put your kids in boarding school.
>>> Buy a treadmill. Losing weight increases one’s circulation and therefore ones tolerance to heat and cold.
>>> Savvy seniors: you, too, can afford the rate hikes. Just take your prescription medicines every other day to save money for your power bill. Smart seniors have also already learned that cat food isn’t just for cats anymore! Take those grocery savings and pay for your August air conditioning!

See, Citizens? With just a few common-sense adjustments, you can not only pay the 72% price increase, but ensure that the BGE directorate gets their billion-dollar year-end bonuses! And doesn’t that give you a warm feeling?

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The Quiz 
Monday, April 24, 2006, 06:50 PM - Random Thoughts
I got the clever notion from Sunshine's page. Just click the link to take a groovy 10-question quiz on how well you know me!

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Monday, April 24, 2006, 08:51 AM - halo's thoughts
when the last of a thousand candles burning brightly have extinguished
darkness will return

when the last of a thousand voices singing hymns of life have died
silence will return

the sigil of entropy

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Advanced Devolution in Baltimore 
Monday, April 24, 2006, 08:29 AM - Stupid Criminals
In nature, particularly in mammals, the female of a given species usually tries to advance the characteristics of species by selecting a mate with advantageous qualities (smarter, faster, healthier, furrier, better claws, etc.) But in Baltimore, the human species appears to be undergoing an advanced, accelerated reverse evolution. Why, because the females of the human species choose to procreate with males of no discernible human advantages.

Baltimore is second in the nation for illegitimate births, burglary, and car theft. We’re third for unemployment in youths 18-25. We are numero uno in drug addiction. Yes indeed! One in eight citizens in Baltimore has a substance abuse problem, and that directly corresponds to the high crime, high unemployment, and high illegitimacy rates.

So how does this relate to reverse evolution? Glad you asked!

When I’m doing a pretrial release interview, some of the questions I ask pertain to the defendant’s demographics. Here’s how these questions usually go:

Me: Marital Status? Your choices are single, married, widowed, divorced, or separated.
Def: Single
Me: Any children?
Def: I thinks I gots four or five.
Me: Do you pay child support?
Def: No
Me: Who is your current employer?
Def: Ain’t gots no job.
Me: Your highest level of education?
Def: 9th grade.
Me: Are you using any illegal drugs?
Def: Heroin. I use a little coke here and there too.
Me: How often?
Def: Every day.
Me: Would you be interested in free drug treatment and detox?
Def: Man, I can stops any times I wants!

Yeah. Right.

So I have to ask: what woman in her right mind would want to have sex with these sleazy, grubby, violent, lazy losers? And yet they do. . . Frequently!

By having gaggles of fatherless, drug-prone kids, these inner city women are NOT helping the human race advance to the next level of evolution.

For humans, the three primary traits worthy of increase are intelligence, empathy, and creativity. But in Baltimore, these traits are actually shunned -- severely and actively. You can actually get murdered in Baltimore for maintaining a 4.0 grade point average (or straight “A”s, depending on the scale). Here, the female of the species appears to value stupidity, laziness, and aggression as traits worthy of passing on to the next generation. The result? Some of the younger defendants are so stupid that they can barely speak! But their low cunning enables them to still cut the throat of an old man (for $5) so he can buy a crack rock or a heroin gelcap.

Another four or five generations of this and we could be looking at an actual divergence of the species. We’ll have regular humans in the ‘burbs and rural areas and have a new, violent orc-like species that rule the crumbling inner cities.

In Baltimore at least...

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