Doiug has returned 
Sunday, June 1, 2008, 08:33 PM
Thistle Incarnates

Indigo is away but asked that I write tthis entry. Doug has returned safely. Lola has returned safely. Lola is a dog. Doug was very tired because his drive took seven hours to accomplish. He had to rest for two hours after returning home.

He and Indigo had dinner together and that was good. It is good for them to be together again. The house was neat and tidy for Doug's return. He was happy that things were orderly.

Indigo's dead phone resumed functioning again. He was relieved, as the device would be expensive to replace.

Doug will be able to meet with Doris tomorrow. She will return from New York tomorrow night and return to South Carolina on Tuesday.I was able to incarnate long enough to meet her face-to-face. It was good to be able to do so. She has a shining spirit and has much goodness. I am glad to call her a friend. I am confident that Doug will like her as well.

We are watching Midsummer Murders. It is Doug's favorite British mystery series.

I was able to fly for half an hour today before the weather changed. It is good to be able to fly. It is good to have energy. It is good to have sunlight.

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Nice Visit 
Sunday, June 1, 2008, 11:17 AM - Cool Stuff
Indigo Incarnates

I have to say that is has been a really nice experience having my friend Doris visit these past few days. It really makes me wish she lived closer than 500 miles away. Her family is really blessed to have her as the mom :)

She's visiting another friend in New York today and will be back tomorrow night and then will be headed home on Tuesday morning. The cool thing is that Doug will get to meet Doris tomorrow evening. That will be great.

Doug has been away for a week visting his family (I can never go because his sister has been [and would probably be again] physically violent towards me). But he's coming home tonight. Yay! We can get veggy burgers and garlic fries at Golden West when he gets home. Kewl!

It's hard for a dissociative to have "real life" friendships. At least it's been hard for me since I get the Christian judgement routine a lot (ie. the whole "you're gay, therefore you're evil", the "you're mentally ill, therefore you don't have enough faith", or "I don't understand your diagnosis, therefore it must be from Satan".) But it has been really great that Doris and I have developed a strong friendship and that she accepts the WHOLE system.

The refreshing thing is having a "real life" friend for whom I do not have to project the masquerade. I can be just Indigo -- a 25-year-old changeling. I don't have to project my approximation of a 38-year-old human. If Halo, Thistle, or Willow incarnates, that's been okay too. I wish more people could be as accapting as her. So few are.

So... It's been a really nice weekend. :)

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playing today 
Friday, May 30, 2008, 08:57 PM
am willow. saw sharks and stingrays today. doris is here. nice friend. saw big fish at the aquarium. saw dolphins. saw a big turtle. saw lots of frogs. really liked the big stingrays. pretty. they fly in the water. stingrays are so pretty :)

saw a wall full of bubbly tubes.

saw a tiny rainforrest full of trees and birds.

saw the sharks. neat.

got a snowball later. blackberry blast. it was yummy.

so nice having doris here :)

had a nice day. getting sleepy. bye bye :)

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A Friend In Town! 
Thursday, May 29, 2008, 10:19 PM - Cool Stuff
Indigo Incarnates

Yay! My friend Doris from South Carolina is here! It is SO COOL having her up visiting! We got el-cheapo pasta at the new restaurant in my neighborhood, then we did some shopping, got ice cream at Coldstone Creamry, an watched "For a Few Dollars More". It was a pretty nice day.

It's too bad doug isn't here. He would really like Doris. She's such a nice friend. She didn't think the house was too bad either. I'm glad. :) She likes the goofy Baltimore architecture (my house is 11' wide and 40' long and 3 stories high).

Tomorrow we're going to the Baltimore Aquarium downtown at the Inner Harbor. It will be pretty cool. I haven't been there in years, so I'm hoping the giant manta ray is still there.

Work today was a different story. Wow! Usually I get run-of-the-mill petty crooks at Pretrial. But I had some actual murderers today to process for release. Egads! It's very disheartening to see that cold-blooded murder only gets someone 7 years in jail these days. Another defendant had been arrested on a new attempted 1st degree murder over a Blackberry phone. Yeeesh.

I had one defendant say about his work history, "I tried workin' back in 1991. I didn't like it." He hadn't worked ever before or since. Nice.

But I have tomorrow off. Yay! So Doris and I can hang out the whole day, see the aquarium, and tour the Inner Harbor. That should be really cool! :)

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Plague of Ants 
Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 06:42 AM
Indigo Incarnates

Ok... something doesn't make sense here. When the kitchen was utterly filthy, I didn't see a single bug of any kind. But now that's it's been cleaned up enough to be presentable, all of the sudden I have an ant invasion. What gives?

I have to haul out a bunch of trash tonight too, since I've been cleaning house for four days. There was no pickup on Monday because of the federal holiday.

I'm feeling pretty beat.

On the bright side, my uncle invited me over for dinner last night. That was nice. Despite the fact that he lives only ten miles away, I rarely see him. It's a side effect of me being the son of a monster. The monster was savagely evil to my uncle as well as me (well, the guy was savagely evil to just about everyone in the family at one point or another). So my uncle has a sort of aversion to having me over. I know it's purely subconscious and not intentional, so I never bet bitter about it. Instead, I simply am glad when my uncle can overcome it. I had a nice time.

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Really Busy 
Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 05:26 PM - Random Thoughts
Indigo Incarnates

It was really busy at work today. Of course, since the courthouse was closed yesterday for the Memorial Day holiday, we had twice as many junkie bums awaiting pretrial release processing. Egads! Can't the thugs stop committing crimes when we're off-duty?!

One of the "clients" was a realy winner. He was collecting disability income but he didn't know what his disability was. When questioned, he replied, "Dey is gimmie a check each mumph!" Yeah. If you can't cite why you're getting SSDI, you *shouldn't* be getting it Of course, he mostly spends his income on lottery tickets and marijuana. He mooches off him mom full-time. ::sigh:: If you're wondering why Social Security is in trouble, it's because there are too many people collecting from it who have never paid into it.

The other busy part of my life for the past few days has been trying to get the house cleaned up for when my friend from South Carolina arrives. As much as I love Doug, he doesn't really help out with housework very much at all. And I'm not very efficient at housekeeping. Doug doesn't care if the house is messy; I *do* care, but I have a great deal of difficulty staying focused long enough to o it. Long story short: our house is always a disaster My friend is coming. I've cleaned for three days and the house is still messy. Egads. I'm worried that she's going to freak out. I hope she doesn't.

Well... that's it for now!

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Thinking of Memorial Day 
Monday, May 26, 2008, 08:47 PM
Indigo Incarnates

I always have two thoughts about Memorial Day.I think of my grandfather's bravery and I think of my father-monster's cowardice. My grandfather served in the Navy during WWII. He was a lieutennant. The father-monster served no one but himself and evaded the draft. When I graduated college, I dearly wanted to join the Navy. It would have been a pretty unsuitable career for me, but I had wanted to remove the stain of shame that the father-monster's cowardice put on our family.

Alas... I had to submit my medical record and the recruiter said "hell no" is the nicest way possible.

I am grateful for the people who could defend our country and had the bravery to do so. It is a job that often goes unthanked, and yet without the men and women in Uniform, we'd all speaking German now.

So... My day was pretty mundane. I did a bunch of housekeeping. I'm trying to get the house into servicable condition before my friend from South Carolina visits. Egads, Doug and I are real slobs. Mentally ill people are not well known for their tidy housekeeping and both Doug and I have pretty significant diagnoses. But hey, I'm working on it. It's almost fit for human habitation, har har.

My friend Mike invited me to his house for dinner tonight. It was pretty nice. We had veggy burgers and fruit salad. Yum! Then we watched two episodes of the ill-fated "Firefly". That show was pretty cool, but I can see how it could fail. Basically, the producers overestimated the cultural savvy of the viewers by making a Sci-Fi/Western combo that featured a cast of morally ambiguous space pirates as the "heroes". Yeah... gotta love a show that features a train robbery that used a starship as the getaway vehicle. Hee hee!

I am feeling pretty stiff today from that 40-mile bike ride yesterday. But I actually don't feel as worn-out as I thought I'd feel, so that's cool.

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Longest Workout Ever! 
Sunday, May 25, 2008, 08:29 PM
Well... I had the chance to accomplish a truely awesome feat of endurance today. one of my goals for this year was to get in good enough shape to ride a bicycle from Timonium to the PA border. That's a 40 mile round trip!

it was perfect Weather too. It was sunny, warm, and breezy. I could not have ridden 40 miles without being able to draw energy from the sun. But changelings can get energy that way while regular humans can't. Too cool.

so... A 40 mile workout burns about 2,000 calories. Yay!

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Alone for 8 days :( 
Saturday, May 24, 2008, 09:18 PM
Indigo Incarnates

Well... I am going to be alone for 8 days. That is to say I will be without Doug for 8 days. Alas, he gets 3 weeks of vacation each year and I only get two. So on his spare week, he visits his mom and sister. It's good for him to do so, however, since he thinks of them often and his sister has been ill from chemotherapy. I just wish his sister and I could get along. We can't. The last time we saw each other in person, she punched me. Never again!

So, I'll be a bit lonely. :(

On the bright side, I have a friend visiting from South Carolina on Wednesday night and she'll be in Baltimore until the weekend. My friend Mike is inviting me over for Memorial Day on Monday. My uncle Blake invited me over for dinner on Tuesday. So, the only day that I'll be completely devoid of human companionship will be tomorrow. Still, I always miss Doug when he's away. But it's good for him to see his family.

Today was a pretty good Saturday, however. I did my usual Saturday super-workout at the gym (9 miles, 1167 calories!) and I did a walk outdoors in the sun too. It's good for Thistle to be able to fly in the sunlight and it's good for me to get energy from the sun. I'm still maintaining a 40-pound weight loss. Yay!

Then I had my Wicca class. It was very informative. We had our first test -- 50 questions! I think I only got one answer incorrect, but I suppose I'll find out next time the class meets. The teacher did agree that I was biting off more than I can chew by attempting to use magic to cure a friend of fibromyalgia. That's just something a Seeker is too inexperienced to do (Seekers are Wiccans in their first year of study. After that, we're Initiates.)

I got a Sicilian pizza for dinner. I love the thick, square pizzas and I got mushrooms on mine. They only come in one size, so that means I'll have enough leftover for lunch tomorrow too. Groovy.

Mom said she'll probably be able to get an appointment with a specialist next week to figure out what medicines will work best for her. I'm really glad that she's willing to finally take her health seriously. I want her to be around for a while!

The only really stupid thing that happened today was that my Samsung Blackjack phone got shorted out because I was talking on the phone while jogging on a treadmill (sweat seeped into the keypad and shorted out the motherboard underneath). If this incident sounds familiar, that's because this is not the first time I've done this. As Homer Simpson would say: DOH!!!! Well... there's a reason why I buy my phones off Ebay: I'm tough on phones. Arrrggg.

Hopefully the weather will be good tomorrow since I want to do some bicycling. If it's like today, then it'll be perfect.

Blessed Be :)

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Bush Economics 
Friday, May 23, 2008, 10:13 PM
Indigo Incarnates

It's really amazing how eight years of a rampantly incompetent President and a rubber-stamp congress can screw up a country. Yesterday morning, it cost $57 to fill up the tank of our Honda Accord. This is not a big car and it's not a big tank. Back in 2001 when the car was new, getting 29 MPG was considered pretty good. At $3.94/gallon, it's bleeding me white.

And how is it that possible?

Bush started this STUPID war in Iraq to get some sort of petty revenge for the first Gulf War being something of a letdown. The result has been a destabilized Middle East and the price of crude oil has been spiraling upwards ever since.

Then there's the huge debt the war has cost (alongside with huge tax cuts for the rich) that has gotten our nation nearly ten trillion dollars in debt. That's about three times what it was in 2000 when Clinton left office.

Of course, Bush has favored the agri-corporations with big gimmies for growing corn -- not for food, but for making ethanol. The result has been higher fuel costs because it actually takes more fuel to create ethanol than is created in the ethanol distilation process. Smooth. So while the price of gasoline goes through the roof, so does grain, and milk, and beef, and chicken.

In other words, a gallon of milk now costs about the same as a gallon of gasoline. Thanks a lot, Bush!

Now, another factor in the rising fuel price is the weakening dollar. Basically, the Federal Reserve has been printing money nonstop 24/7 for years under Bush's watch. Why? In order to reduce the effect of the national debt through diluting the currency. The downside to this policy is that anything that somes from overseas will cost more as the dollar is worth less against other currencies. Oil is one such item.

I am just so SICK of this stupid, incompetent, lazy man being our president. I know that I don't talk politics too often on this blog, but having a $57 fillup this morning and knowing damned well that in 2001 it cost $15 is just outrageous. My pay is still about $3,000 less than it was in 2001 (I changed jobs 3 years ago), but the price of fuel has increased by over 300%, the utilities have gone up over 100%, my health insurance has gone up over 50%, and the price of food has gone up at least 50%.

But Bush's cronies have all gotten even richer than they already were before. Gotta love those no-bid Haliburton contracts!

Yeah, this is a rant, but I'm frustrated as hell!

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