Car Woes 
Thursday, May 1, 2008, 09:25 AM
Man! The event I have been dreading has finally occured. The IMA warning light on the hybrid car lit up yesterday, indicating that the battery array capacity has fallen below spec. In other words, that huge $2,800 array of batteries in the trunk is almost worn out. It's not a surprise, since the warranty is for 100k mikes, the expected service life is 150k miles, and my car currently has 135k miles. I have no doubt tht the battery pack will be totally defunct in another 15,000 miles.

That sucks, since I *LIKE* my car.

So, I'll keep driving it until the first time it strands me. But after that, I'll have to trade it in. The general plan is for me to start driving Doug's Accord (since it has only 72k miles on it and is in really good mechanical condition and has only cosmetic damage). Doug's leaning towards getting a Cobalt or a Yaris, since they're inexpensive, cute, and they get good gas mileage.

Oh well... One can't fight off entropy forever, heh heh.

On the bright side, Doug found my cell phone! Yay!

On the magical front, I did a healing ritual for a friend last night (the same as earlier this week). She's in bad shape. Her breathing is getting better, but she had a fainting accident (yesterday) and is in lot of pain as result. It just sucks that someone as nice as her has to be burdened with really serious health problems. I remembered to do shielding and grounding this time. The interesting thing about working with energy is that the area inside the magic circle really does heat up during the ritual. That, and it's physically draining. On the bright side, I had no trouble sleeping last night, and I didn't have nightmares.

Today is Beltaine! It's the first time I'm Wiccan enough to want to celebrate it. Yay!

Blessed Be

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Wiccan Stuff 
Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 06:04 AM
I didn't get a chance to write an entry yesterday because I misplaced my cell phone. I usualy write my posts from the cell phone's browser. I still don't know where it is, but I know it's in the house somewhere because I heard it make it's lamentable "death tone", when it's battery died. Crap! But how can I find it if I can't make it ring?! Aaiieeee!!!!

But I digress, heh heh.

Anyway... I used what I learned from my Wicca class to write what I hope will be a more effective healing spell. Since tomorrow is Beltain, I'll try it out then, since that is a day of power. If it happens to be sunny that day, it'll be even better.

So, my Book of Shadows has it's first entry. Very exciting!

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low energy 
Monday, April 28, 2008, 06:40 PM
Well... It's been rainy/overcast for two days. My energy is low today. I can feel Halo in the background. Fortunately, he's not feeling compelled to cut. Thistle and I came up with a compromise on cutting that Halo will try. We have a diabetic lancelet that he can use instead of a knife or scissors. A lancelet basically inflicts a really tiny wound and only a drop or two of blood will leak out. With any luck, it will be enough. Time will tell.

The work day was unpleqsant. All of the defendants were unemployed and drug addicted. That wouldn't be so bad were it not for the fact that the defendants don't want to be off drugs! Like, I can see getting hooked on drugs, but I can't fathom the idea of LIKING being an addict! I would think one's life would have to be pretty empty to choose that path for one's life.

The spell I did for my friend yesterday had some positive effect, except she had a fall in the kitchen today, so now she's sort of banged up. I feel so sorry for Aianna. Really bad nerve disease (not fatal, but persistant and painful). Side note: I wasn't trying to cure her nerve disease, only her pulmonary infection. Anyway, when she had the kitchen accident, it REALLY hurt. :( I wish there was more I could do for her than just prayers and little spells.

I don't have enough energy for magic today. I barely have enough energy to remain incarnated as Indigo. I am pretty sure I'm going to lose power some time this evening, which will mean Halo will be out. At least I know he's not going to cut tonight.

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A Nice, Easy Day 
Sunday, April 27, 2008, 08:08 PM
Today was a pretty easy day. I had church this morning. I talked to my priest about a spiritual issue and found out he reads my blog (although he's never posted a comment that I'm aware of). This means he knows I have MPD and he knows I'm studying Wicca, and he knows I'm a changeling. So... I was expecting to get kicked out of church. But that's not what happened. He told me I am welcome, and that he likes me very much. I am in good standing. This made me very happy!

The choir loft was as hot as a sauna, so most of the members ended up taking their robes home to get washed. We sweated through our clothes. Yuck!

Doug's thinking about trading his car in for a Checy Cobalt. It really is a nice car for $16,000. I'm pretty sure we can afford one after July since Doug and I will both be getting Step raises from our jobs.

I felt well enough to to do a pretty vigorous workout at the gym. I did 6.2 miles and burned 905 calories. Yay!

I performed a healing spell for a friend who is *really* sick. She has two conditions, one curable (a pulmonary infection) and the other is not curable (but fortunately not fatal either). I focused my intent on the curable illness. The magic circle got pretty warm for a while and I focused my intent until the warmth faded again (which I suppose meant I had expended all the magical energy I had gathered.)

I had to use earth-drawn energy today, unfortunately, since it was overcast today. It's much easier to use sun energy since both Thistle and I are sun-aligned. I am glad that I'm studying Wicca so I can learn how to do healing for people. I really want to help others.

So... today was pretty good :)

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Fighting a cold 
Saturday, April 26, 2008, 11:19 AM
Well... yesterday at work I started feeling really sick. I didn't get to do a blog entry since I was really ill. I'm feeling a lot better today. My metabolism is really high, so what it seems like is that I get really fatigued all of the sudden, then I sort of go into "standby mode" for a couple hours, and then when my energy returns, I feel incrementally better. So that's how the last 24 hours have been.
I'm guessing that regular humans can't divert huge amounts of their body's resources to overcome an illness and then "resume" from that activity and be mostly better. It's a nice perk that I get from being a changeling. I'm almost okay again -- but WOW am I tired! :)

Doug got his rental car yesterday. It's a 2008 Chevy Cobalt. It's a really nice little car. I used to have really bad opinion of Americal cars, but I was surprised at how sturdy, quiet, and peppy the little Cobalt seemed to be. If it came out in a hybrid flavor, I'd consider one.

Casual Friday was nice yesterday. We still looked better than the defendants, however. Ha ha ha ha!

We did our usual First Watch breakfast this morning. The funny thing is that the same folks seem to eat there every Saturday at the same time we do. I guess Doug and I aren't the only ones who have predictable behavior, heh heh.

My Wicca 101 class starts tonight. I can't wait!

Hmmm.... I was sort of in "standby mode" for another two hours, but after my energy came back, I was drenched in sweat and felt a *whole lot* better. The physical body does really gross things sometimes, heh heh. Well, it was time to do laundry today anyhow.

I felt good enough afterwards that I could do a 2-mile walk outdoors. This let Thistle fly too, and tht's always good for our system. He's fully empowered agan even after helping me beat this cold in just 24 hours. Yay!

The Wicca class starts in 15 minutes! :)


The Wicca class was pretty neat. I learned so much in just two hours. I am so glad that I signed up for this class. I think it's going to really help me in my religious education. I'm really happy. It was a good day today. :)

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Busy Thursday... 
Thursday, April 24, 2008, 09:23 PM
Lemme tell ya: I woke up feeling REALLY stiff this morning after the previous evening's nine-mile hike. Aaiieee!!! But that basically means the excercise was worthwhile. :)

I had a dream last night that I could fly. I flew a blue-sailed hang glider in the summer sky. It was empowering, beautiful, and wonderful. To fly is a sacred thing. It's like how almost every day is for Thistle -- except he doesnmt need a hang glider. :)

Work was super-busy. I had six cases today and three of them were real desperados. Two were wife-beaters and the third was a gun-toting, drug-dealing thug. In the latter case, the guy actually paid the $175,000 bail! Geeeeez! Meanwhile, my lazy coworker dragged her heels so much that she only did three cases. Urrrg.

My other coworker (the hard-working one) gave me a ride home, since Doug is using my car. he gets his rental car tomorrow. Joann is a pretty nice coworker/friend.

After work, I did an hour-long bike ride. it was really good weather for cycling. Thistle got the hour of sunlight he likes to have. It's nice when he can fly and be fully empowered. it feels to nice to recieve energy from the sun. it's good to be a changeling.

I performed some ritual magic for the benefit of a friend with a bad cold. I don't have a lot of practice in Wicca yet, but I figured doing a healing ritual for someone with a cold is tame enough to be safe. Still, it's always nice to have communion with the Mother Goddess. I always feel loved when I pray to her.

I'm feeling pretty tired now. :)

But hey... tomorrow is one of th very rare "casual fridays" at work, which means I can ditch the tie. Yay!.

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Huffing it 
Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 09:38 PM
There's a reason why I don't take public tranportation to work, heh heh.

So... Doug's car i in the shop, and we juggled the remaining car around so that we could both get to work. Long story short, Doug had the car this evening, and I wanted to get a new pair of gym shoes, so I figured I'd take the light rail up to the mall since I can ride the Light Rail for free as a civilian employee of the State Police.

It started as a three mile walk (one to the Hair Cuttery and two to the Light Rail). I got my shoe and was on the way home when the freakin' train broke down. I had to walk six mile home (for a total of nine miles!) It's a good thing I like to stay in shape!

It wa beautiful weather for a walk. Thistle got the full hour of sunlight he wanted and he's once again fully empowered. I'm glad he was able to fly :)

I'm tired now, but it was the perfect day for a long walk. It was sunny, warm, and breezy. There were a handful of pretty clouds in the sky. The trees are getting their leaves in full and I say a lot beautiful flowers. I walked under a bridge and saw a family of geese. All in all, it wasn't bad, even though the walk was unexpected. :)

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What a drag 
Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 05:13 PM - Dumb Happenings
Indigo Incarnates

This week hasn't bee good for our cars. On Sunday, I must have run over a branch or a rock or something during the torrential rain on Sonday. The aerodynamic shield on car is now in tatters and is dragging along the ground. I can't afford to fix it. I also plan on trading my car in for something else next year. Urrrg.

Doug got sideswiped by some goofball who wasn't paying attention. Doug isn't hurt (that's the most important thing). But the car is scraped down the entire side and the mirror's ripped off. URRRRRGGG!!!

It's been overcast/rainy for three days. I need some sunlight.

Halo wants to cut but I am resisting that urge.

My useless coworker called out sick AGAIN which mean I had to process extra cases.

I worry that my Christian friends won't like me anymore because I'm practicing Wicca in addition to Christianity.

Not a good day today. :(

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Monday, April 21, 2008, 02:46 PM - Church Stuff
Well, yesterday was a pretty interfaith kind of day. I sung in church choir. Doug and I attended a Passover rite at a friend's house. I also got to do a full moon meditation (for Wicca). So I got to approach deity from three different traditions. Nice!

My Wicca 101 class starts this Saturday (April 26th). Doug's confirmation service in the Episcopal church is May 10th. Cool.

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MeMe stolen from Java! 
Sunday, April 20, 2008, 09:11 AM
Confessions Meme

1. Taken a picture completely naked? Nope. I’m actually pretty modest.
2. Made out with a friend from MySpace/Facebook? Noope. I don’t even have an account there
3. Danced in front of your mirror naked? I’ve never owned a big enough mirror, har har.
4. Told a lie? Yes. I’ve written a resume, haven’t I?
5. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Too many times, regrettably..
6. Been arrested? No, but it could have so easily happened when I was younger and dumber..
7. Made out with someone of the same sex? Well… I am gay after all…
8. Seen someone die? Yes. I was in the ER once because we had a cutting episode and the wounds wouldn’t stop bleeding. Someone else flatlined and they couldn’t revive her.
9. Slept in until 5 P.M.? No. Regrettably, my diurnal cycle it pretty hardwired to the day/night cycle.
10. Had sex at work? No. I’ve never had any co-workers who I felt that attracted to. And I’d never cheat on Doug.
11. Fallen asleep at work/school? No. I fell asleep at the wheel once while driving home from work, however..
12. Held a snake? Yes. A really big one too. It took four people to hold the snake.
13. Ran a red light? Yes. I especially do it when the pressure sensors are out of whack, causing the light to essentially stay red forever.
14. Been suspended from school? Yup. Almost got expelled once too. That was a year after I incarnated this body and I was lashing out a lot at people around me.
15. Wrecked your car in an accident?
Yes. I’ve had several car accidents, a motorcycle accident, and a hang gliding accident.
16. Pole danced? Nope.
17. Smoked? I did it a few times. But I was always too cheap to make it a habit Ashen smokes, but he doesn’t incarnate very often.
18. Been fired from a job?
No, but I’ve quit a few times when I saw the writing on the wall.
19. Sang karaoke? Nope.
20. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
Yes. HA! Who hasn’t?
21. Laughed until a drink came out of your nose? Yes.

22. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes! It was fun..
23. Kissed in the rain? I think so.
24. Sang in the shower? Once in a while
25. Given your private parts a nickname? Not just no but hell no.
26. Ever gone out without underwear? Long story, but no. I can’t
27. Sat on a rooftop? Yes. I was a roofer once.
28. Broken a bone? Amazingly enough, no.
29. Mooned/flashed someone? No. I’m not that stupid
30. Shaved your head? No, but I've wanted to dye my hair a few time (I wanted to dye it white).
31. Slept naked? When I was younger.
32. Played a prank on someone? Yes. But I’ve never played any cruel pranks.
33. Had a gym membership? Yes, and I still do!
34. Felt like killing someone? Not seriously. Unless you count myself. So I guess in that case, yes I have, but only myself.
35. Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes, unfortunately.
36. Cried over someone you were in love with? Yes. Although it is pretty hard for me to cry. Sometimes I’ve wanted to and been unable to.
37. Had sex more than 10 times in one day? Is that even possible for a man? Egads. In any event the answer is no.
38. Had Mexican Jumping Beans for pets? Nope.
39. Been in a band? No. The whole “lack of talent” thing was always my stumbling block.
40. Subscribed to Maxim? No .I’m gay.
41. Taken more than 10 shots of alcohol? On one of the cruises, yes. I don’t recommend making a habit of it.
42. Shot a gun? Yes. A Browning Buckmark 22 pistol..
43. Had sex today? Unfortunately, no. Yesterday, yes.
44. Played strip poker? Nope.
45. Tripped on mushrooms? Hell no! Having a dissociative disorder changes my perspective on reality enough without having chemical modifiers, har har.
46. Donated blood? Yes, and platelets. Too bad the Dread Cross won’t take donations from gays once they’ve had sex for the first time.
47. Video-taped yourself having sex? Nope.
48. Eaten alligator meat? No, but I would.
49. Eaten frog legs? No, and I wouldn't.
50. Ever jump out of an airplane? No But I would give it a shot – assuming I have a parachute, har har.
51. Have you been to more than 10 countries? No. I think I’m up to six.
52. Ever wanted to have sex with a platonic friend?
Yes. I never have, however.

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