What I've Learned About Islam 
Friday, May 12, 2006, 08:23 AM - Stupid Criminals
What I’ve Learned About Islam:

1. It’s a sin to drink alcohol. It’s not a sin, however, to smoke marijuana, snort cocaine, or shoot heroin (or do all three concurrently!)

2. It’s a sin to eat pork. It’s not a sin, however, to lie, steal, forge documents, kite checks, smuggle guns, or deal drugs.

3. Homosexuality is a sin. It’s not a sin, however, to father 5 or 6 illegitimate children by 5 or 6 different women and then never pay a dime in child support.

4. Muslim folk are apparently supposed to hate America. This hatred, however, doesn’t preclude them from collecting welfare, food stamps, Section-8 housing subsidies, Medicaid, and bogus “disability” income.

5. Americans are supposed to hold Islam in the highest respect. It’s okay, however, for Muslims to harass, harm, or even murder anyone who doesn’t follow Islam.

6. “Pride” isn’t about doing things that make other people proud of you. Most Muslims demonstrating “pride” actually just demonstrate arrogance, rudeness, and contempt.

7. Suicide is a sin. Strapping a bomb to yourself so that you can blow up a school bus full of elementary school children is a holy act.

8. Shaving one’s beard is a sin. Paying a surgeon to mutilate your wife’s genitals, however, is not a sin.

9. Middle East poverty is the fault of America and Israel. The fact that the ruling families of each Middle Eastern country are all mega-billionares who don’t spend a red cent on their respective country’s infrastructure is simply a co-incidence.

10. When disasters happen in Islamic countries, the United States is supposed start cutting checks. When disasters happen in America, Muslims worldwide (including those in the USA) dance in the street and praise Allah.

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Advanced Devolution in Baltimore 
Monday, April 24, 2006, 08:29 AM - Stupid Criminals
In nature, particularly in mammals, the female of a given species usually tries to advance the characteristics of species by selecting a mate with advantageous qualities (smarter, faster, healthier, furrier, better claws, etc.) But in Baltimore, the human species appears to be undergoing an advanced, accelerated reverse evolution. Why, because the females of the human species choose to procreate with males of no discernible human advantages.

Baltimore is second in the nation for illegitimate births, burglary, and car theft. We’re third for unemployment in youths 18-25. We are numero uno in drug addiction. Yes indeed! One in eight citizens in Baltimore has a substance abuse problem, and that directly corresponds to the high crime, high unemployment, and high illegitimacy rates.

So how does this relate to reverse evolution? Glad you asked!

When I’m doing a pretrial release interview, some of the questions I ask pertain to the defendant’s demographics. Here’s how these questions usually go:

Me: Marital Status? Your choices are single, married, widowed, divorced, or separated.
Def: Single
Me: Any children?
Def: I thinks I gots four or five.
Me: Do you pay child support?
Def: No
Me: Who is your current employer?
Def: Ain’t gots no job.
Me: Your highest level of education?
Def: 9th grade.
Me: Are you using any illegal drugs?
Def: Heroin. I use a little coke here and there too.
Me: How often?
Def: Every day.
Me: Would you be interested in free drug treatment and detox?
Def: Man, I can stops any times I wants!

Yeah. Right.

So I have to ask: what woman in her right mind would want to have sex with these sleazy, grubby, violent, lazy losers? And yet they do. . . Frequently!

By having gaggles of fatherless, drug-prone kids, these inner city women are NOT helping the human race advance to the next level of evolution.

For humans, the three primary traits worthy of increase are intelligence, empathy, and creativity. But in Baltimore, these traits are actually shunned -- severely and actively. You can actually get murdered in Baltimore for maintaining a 4.0 grade point average (or straight “A”s, depending on the scale). Here, the female of the species appears to value stupidity, laziness, and aggression as traits worthy of passing on to the next generation. The result? Some of the younger defendants are so stupid that they can barely speak! But their low cunning enables them to still cut the throat of an old man (for $5) so he can buy a crack rock or a heroin gelcap.

Another four or five generations of this and we could be looking at an actual divergence of the species. We’ll have regular humans in the ‘burbs and rural areas and have a new, violent orc-like species that rule the crumbling inner cities.

In Baltimore at least...

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Super Thug! 
Monday, April 3, 2006, 08:02 PM - Stupid Criminals
I have to say that I ran into one of the most worthless ghetto thug I have ever encountered. He was 46, but he looked more like 66. He was booked on felony drug conspiracy/distribution charges. Some liberal judge gave him Pretrial Supervision rather than having him rot in jail until his trial.

He was unemployed, of course, but I then found out that he had NEVER worked -ever! He was a lifelong welfare recipient. He was on parole AND probation at the sane time, for drugs of course! He was a high school dropout. And yet, the judge still gave him PTRS. Every parole and probation he had been assigned in the past resulted in an unsatisfactory closing (he broke the rules a lot). But he was released from jail. Yay! (Not!)

Now he was also a big-time drug addict. But, according to HIS philosophy, he was not an addict because he did DIFFERENT drugs every day. See, on odd days, he would smoke Crack; while on even days, he would shoot Heroin. But he didn't think he had a drug problem.

His family life left something to be desired. He had managed to father EIGHT illegitimate children, and had never paid a penny in child support. He was, however, sponging off his uncle for free room and board.

He had obviously lived a violent lifestyle. He had a long ragged scar across one cheek, and another across his throat. there was a ropey scar on his left hand where he had been shot. He reported a similar gunshot scar on his leg.

I thought to myself: What a useless piece of human garbage! All he knew how to do was deal, steal, and screw.

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"Buck Rogers" Criminals  
Wednesday, March 29, 2006, 07:12 PM - Stupid Criminals
Yes, indeed! I've had some real "model citizens" at work lately. But there is a *special* class of crook that I call "Buck Rogers" criminals. Why? Because they have so many charges listed against them that they would have to live to be 500 years old to serve out their sentences!

Here are my favorite "Buck Rogers" losers.

--:: A 21-year-old punk who decided to mug some guy who *used* to be his friend years ago (but had fallen out over the years). Thg victim had a whopping $5 in his wallet and no credit cards. So the felon stabbed his ex-friend in the neck with a switchblade. Amazingly, the victim survived (w/40 stitches in his neck!) Estimated maximum penalty for all six charges related to this incident: 76 years.

--:: An idiot 16-year-old decided to rob the pizza man at gunpoint -- right as the pizza man made the delivery to the house! The teen also stole the delivery man's car and cash bag ($42.00!) He also left the front door to his house open as he sped away in the stolen car. The pizza man walked into the house and called the cops (and probably ate the pizza,
too!) Total penalty: 165 years.

At least in law enforcement, the customer is always WRONG!

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Friday, March 3, 2006, 08:15 AM - Stupid Criminals
Lemme tell ya: I *know* what it's like to be poor, desperate, and hungry. But not once in my life have I ever begged. I've worked two jobs, done odd jobs, and sold personal possessions when I've been broke. But I've *never* begged.

The reason I bring this up is that the inner harbor area of Baltimore has become something of a beggar's paradise. On my four-block walk from the parking garage to the courthouse, I get accosted by beggars at least once every day, and sometimes two or three times! They shamble up and make some incoherent entreaty for cash. And they don't want just spare change anymore. They want fivers!

Well, let me tell you about the "plight" of the homeless.l've been working at Pretrial services for three months now and *every* homeless defendant has had these factors in common: they are high school dropouts; they are heroin/cocaine junkies; they have lengthy criminal histories for assault, burglary, and drugs; they have no interest in getting off drugs; they have no interest in seeking employment.

I don't feel sorry for them. I won't give them a penny because I know they'll just use it for smack or blow. These wrecks of humanity just make me sick!

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Can I borrow your car -- for 5 years?! 
Monday, February 13, 2006, 07:50 PM - Stupid Criminals
It's never a dull day at the Department of Pre-Trial Release!

You'd dig the brain-dead moron I had to interview today. He had been arrested for "Unauthorized Use (motor vehicle)". The reason why it wasn't listed as actual car theft is because his friend *had* given him permission to borrow the car for the weekend. But that was five years ago! Ha ha ha!

So the reason why the cops had such a hard time tracking this guy down is because there is *nothing* in his name. He basically sponges off his girlfriend and doesn't work.

When he was finally caught and was asked why he never returned his friend's car, all he had to say for himself was, "Uh... I forgot!"

Man, how'd you like *that* guy for a friend?!

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