Food Poisoning Saga Continues! 
Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 01:56 PM
The food poisoning saga continues. While I was unaffected (since I am allergic to shellfish), those who ate the seafood pasta at the workplace Christmas party are still in rough shape. Our senior case agent said that he lost ten pounds over Christmas and is only now able to start eating. For two others, they said that their physicians think they might have contracted intestinal parasites. Yummie!

Egads! I am so glad that I stuck to chicken and macaronni salad!

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An Ashen Encounter 
Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 11:03 AM
An odd thing about my internal psychic profile is that one of my alters is heterosexual. The Ashen personna is a straight, white, cigarette-smoking conservative. I, as Indigo, am a gay, white, socialist, environmentalist whacko.

Since Ashen is not the dominant personality, this rarely causes any conflict. But once in a while it does.

For some reason, I woke up briefly after Doug and I went to bed. But I woke up as Ashen. I was horrified for a moment. After all, I was undressed, laying in bed WITH A NAKED MAN of all things! How could THIS happen?! I didn't really know where I was either.

Then the Ashen personna subsided and I became Indigo again -- the gay, liberal Indigo that has no problem being in bed with a naked man (so long as the man in question is Doug!)

It was a weird 60 seconds or so.

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Split between realities 
Tuesday, December 26, 2006, 05:10 PM
I had an odd dream last night. In this dream, there were two people who were split between two very similar parallel realities.

The first was a man who lived in a small rural house. The landscape reminded me of Pennsylvania. Inside his house, a staircase went from the kitchen to the second floor. For anyone else, the staircase would function as one would expect. For him, however, when he climbed the stairs, he would somehow emerge in the kitchen in the other reality.

He HAD to go from one reality to the other on a regular basis. When he was gone from one world, everything green would begin to wither and die. When he would return, life would return to all plants.

I saw him emerge from a green world into one where almost everything was dead. He stepped out into the front yard. An unseen power emanated from his hands. Where he pointed, the grass turned from grey to green and the trees regrew their leaves. There was only one spot his power could not touch. In his absence, some fool had dumped a contaminant into the soil and no grass would grow. Even when he used the full extent of his power, any flora he created would immediately die. While the spot was small, it demonstrated the lasting effects of careless pollution.

When he returned to the world that he usually resided in, his front lawn was a bit spotty, but he quickly touched up those spots with a casual wave of his hand.

The scene changed. There was a woman who was also split between worlds. On one end was her bedroom, but the other side of the door was a hospital room in a psychiatric ward. In the reality she usually resided in, people near her would feel safe, be immune to phobia, and be less likely to receive injury if involved in an accident. Her power was a less intense, more passive force. But she used her abilities for good. But in the other world, she could not use her powers as effectively.

In the other world, she had schizophrenia. And even though she could do the most good in the world in which her mind was healthy, she still felt compelled to spend at least some time in that other place.

She stepped through her bedroom door and emerged in the hospital room. (She had to crawl out the window of her house if she wanted to go outside in her usual world!) In the other world, it frustrated her how poorly her mind worked, yet she still felt the desire to help others -- even there. Unfortunately, she basically couldn't.

She was haunted by hallucinations. She heard voices that weren't real. She thought a pile of clothes in her room was a person for a few minutes. Her mind cleared for a moment and she was frustrated because she realized that she had just been babbling for the past several minuites. The nursing staff at the hospital were unsympathetic jerks. She didn't like this reality, but for some reason she had to spend at least SOME time here.

All in all, it was a pretty odd dream.

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Christmas Choir 
Monday, December 25, 2006, 09:05 AM
Christmas Eve wasn't too bad. I am in the church handbell choir, so I ended up spending about 6 hours at church last night. Considering the fact that we are a volunteer, amateur choir, we are probably one of the best church choirs in Maryland. We sounded pretty darned good last night.

The vocal choir in particular was on the ball. They sounded good enough that they could cut a CD and people would buy it.

We also had the Bay Street Brass Works adding the sound of a brass quintet to the mix. We also have a choir member that plays huge kettle drums. It was great.

The unexpected bonus was that inbetween the 8:00pm and 10:30pm services, we had little sandwiches and snacks. I probably ate too much. Oh well... I'll have to hit the gym extra-hard tomorrow!

I'm pretty "bah, humbug" most of the time. But it is nice to actually celebrate the birth of Christ.

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Bah! Humbug! 
Sunday, December 24, 2006, 10:39 AM
Well... I have to say that I'm having a really tough time getting into the Christmas spirit. I'm flat broke, and the only Christmas present I could afford to buy was a few new shirts for my partner (Doug). Aside from that, we're basically out of food and there's no money left in our checking account. So there's no Christmas dinner. My uncle is having his Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve, but I have to be at church since I am in the choir.

Aside from all that, it's 65 degrees outside. Our dumb, lazy President claims that there is no such thing as global warming. But I can't recall any 65-degree Christmas holidays -- in Baltimore -- when I was a kid.

And why am I so damned poor? A year ago, the company I worked at for TEN YEARS went out of business. Basically, they were just another casualty of Bush Economics. My new job, which I like VERY MUCH, only pays half of what I used to make. Unfortunately, I still have a fairly expensive car payment that I had no problem affording when my income was much higher. Oh well. In 17 more months, that will be over.

On the bright side, I did earn my first promotion at work, so my income will go up $200/month starting in January. I also have Doug with me. Rich or poor, I am always glad to have Doug by my side. There have been years that I've been both penniless and alone. At least this year I'm broke but with someone I love who also loves me.

Still... I'm feeling pretty "Bah, Humbug" this year. Maybe next year will be better.

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Too nice to be Conservative 
Saturday, December 23, 2006, 05:35 PM - Random Thoughts
Too nice to be a Bush Conservative
I actually have a friend who is a complete and utter “true believer” when it comes to George W. Bush. He really doesn’t think Bush has done one single thing wrong throughout his “presidency”. It’s a shame, too, since my friend is a really nice guy who otherwise seems educated and reasonable.
I do try to get him to understand that our president is a stupid, lazy, arrogant ass. But he has somehow been programmed by the Far Right.
Here’s a sample of what it’s like:
(me): “You know, the Republican party lost because of how badly the Iraq war is going.”
(him): “But we’re WINNING in Iraq. And the Iraqi people are GLAD we are there.”

(me): “But what about how Bush lied in order to get us into war?”
(him): “Just because they never found WMD’s doesn’t mean they were never there.”

(me): “What about how only 17% of the Iraqis want us there, and how this war has cost the lives of over 600,000 civilians in Iraq?”
(him): “Those are just media lies from folks who hate America.”

(me): “What about how Bush has been illegally tapping into phone conversations and email? And what about how Homeland security illegally tracks all citizens’ credit card purchases?”
(him): “Bush has executive privilege, so that’s okay.”

(me): “So, what do you think about global warning?”
(him): “It’s a media hoax by people who hate America.”

(me): “What about hybrid technology”
(him): “It’s just a fad.”

(me): “What about conservation?”
(him): “The world will never run out of oil.”

(me): “What about overpopulation?”
(him): “The world can easily handle 100 Billion.”

Yeah, it gets pretty frustrating. He pretty much sees it in the same way except he can’t turn me into a Right Wing believer. Oh well, what can you do?

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Vacation Pictures & Videos 
Friday, December 22, 2006, 12:25 PM
It took a while, but I finally uploaded the vacation pictures and videos from the cruise Doug and I took this month. To see them, just go to:

And click the "Bits & Pieces" link, located in the lefthand navigation column. Then click "Cruise 2006".

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Food poisoning Bonanza! 
Friday, December 22, 2006, 08:44 AM
The company party was pretty fun yesterday. The only downside was that one of the dishes apparently was either spoiled or contaminated. Half of the staff called out sick, and a third of the ones who did show up have stomach problems.

I am fine, however. Since I'm allergic to shellfish, I didn't eat any of the langostino pasta. I just had fried chicken and macaroni salad. And I still jogged 3.4 miles yesterday.

The talismanic figure known as "Mr Pretrial" even called out sick. It was his first sick day used in 20 years. They guy literally has thousands of hours of unused sick leave.

Well, aside from crippling the staff, the party was pretty fun!

Oh... And I'm not the one who made the pasta!

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Dumb, dumb, DUMB! 
Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 04:33 PM
My partner's boss is an idiot. She's trying to force Doug into getting counseling because he wrote about being depressed. Well, his dad died about 8 years ago, and Doug misses his father around the holidays. What a shock. What normal, functional human being DOESN'T miss deceased loved ones around key holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving? Doug's boss isn't even making a ruckus out of some misguided compassion. She just likes giving her staff a hard time whenever possible.

So Doug had to delete his blog so that its contents couldn't be held against him.

His boss is a jerk.

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More Christmas Parodies! 
Sunday, December 17, 2006, 03:55 PM
More Christmas Parodies!

What Christmas holiday is complete without more bloodthirsty parodies? These are just a few short ones to round out the season...

The Golem Song
[To the tune of "The Dradel Song"]

Golem! Golem! Golem!
I made you out of clay.
And when I'm finished sculpting,
The neighbors you will slay!

Silent, Deadly Night

Silent Night
Deadly Night
All is stark
Kids have fright

There's yon Santa Claus
Weilding an axe
Because the parents
Have been way to lax

He'll chop the kiddies to pieces
Yes, chop all the kid to pieces...


Up on the Rooftop

Up on the rooftop
Clickity click!
Down comes pissed off old Saint Nick

He's not bringing the kiddies any fun
Instead he's packing a great big gun!
He'll shoot the christmas tree full of holes
Before he picks off some innocent souls!

Ho ho ho!
Both barrels to blow!
Ho ho ho!
Who's gonna know?

Up through the chimney
Lickity split
A night full of mayhem
By good Saint Nick!

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