Hidden Images 
Friday, February 17, 2006, 08:32 AM - Dissociation & Switching
So... There are times when a shadow seems to pass over my soul, and I cease being a creature of light, but instead I become a harbinger of Death Magic. I imagine that, in the spirit plane, a horrible and ghastly black radiance emanates from my soul. This darkness has the power to make other people sick, or make their bodies deteriorate, or make their aging accelerate. I hate when I become a thing of Darkness.

Right now, I can feel the Death Magic streaming outward. My body is numb, and my skin is like some sort of strange facade. I could cut myself now and know that it would not hurt. I could bleed without fear.

As Halo, my blood is the blackest, most caustic poison known. But I do not feel. I am the Incarnation of Darkness and Death Magic.

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Valentine's Day Rip-Off 
Wednesday, February 15, 2006, 08:28 AM - Dumb Happenings
My partner and I headed to Boordy Vineyards last night for a Valentines Day soiree. We spent 60 bucks per person for an evening that promised romance and candlelight and even a red rose. And what the menu promised! Here is the rundown from Boordy’s own page:

"Cascading Winter Display of Cheeses, Crackers, Bread, Hummus & Olive Tapenade
Oysters on the Half Shell with Chesapeake Cocktail Sauce, Horseradish & Lemon
Carved Beef Tenderloin with Haricot Vert, Herb Roasted Fingerling Potatoes & Rosemary Sherry Demi Glace
Paella Station with Saffron Rice, Chicken Breast, Baby Shrimp & Andouille Sausage garnished with Little Neck Clams & Chive Oil
Chef prepared Bananas Foster over Mascarpone Crepes, Assorted Truffles & Miniature Cheesecakes
Afterwards, wander outside with hot Wassail & roast marshmallows over an open flame cauldron".

Well... Let me tell you about the REALITY:

-- The whole thing was set up as a really expensive, really bad, really crowded buffet with long lines to get even the smallest scrap of food.
-- The "waterfall of cheese" was a single tray that had only three kinds of cheeses, and was 90% depleted by the time we got to the front of the line. (No bread and hummis evident).
-- They only let us have *one* oyster each.
-- The beef tenderloin consisted of a sliver of meat the size and thickness of a silver dollar. We got *two* string beans, and *two* slivers of potato.
-- There was *no* shrimp. We got one tiny clam, and a rather sad little scoop of flavored rice.
-- We never did see the desserts, but I figured they were going to wait until 8:59pm to bring them out.
-- The wine was doled out in such miserly quantities that I'm surprised they didn't use an eye dropper.
-- When I complained to the manager, she just said "nothing in our ad is technically incorrect. Any difference between reality and your expectation simply reflects an error in your perception!"

Nice customer service!

For our $60/ea., I estimate that my partner and I got about $3 worth of food, $1 worth of wine, and $0 worth of customer service.

Well, as we Irish like to say: "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me". We won't be fooled again by Boordy's Vineyards.

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Not too alarming  
Tuesday, February 14, 2006, 08:01 AM - Dumb Happenings
One doesn't usually think of alarm clocks as being a household item that generally breaks or wears out. But mine sure did! But it fooled me by still telling the correct *time*. It just doesn't make *noise* anymore. What a draaaaag!

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Can I borrow your car -- for 5 years?! 
Monday, February 13, 2006, 07:50 PM - Stupid Criminals
It's never a dull day at the Department of Pre-Trial Release!

You'd dig the brain-dead moron I had to interview today. He had been arrested for "Unauthorized Use (motor vehicle)". The reason why it wasn't listed as actual car theft is because his friend *had* given him permission to borrow the car for the weekend. But that was five years ago! Ha ha ha!

So the reason why the cops had such a hard time tracking this guy down is because there is *nothing* in his name. He basically sponges off his girlfriend and doesn't work.

When he was finally caught and was asked why he never returned his friend's car, all he had to say for himself was, "Uh... I forgot!"

Man, how'd you like *that* guy for a friend?!

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Abandoned Planet? 
Monday, February 13, 2006, 09:51 AM - Odd Dreams
Ya know... I just don't have *ordinary* dreams. But I think that's just fine when the dreams aren't nightmares.

Last night, I dreamed that Thistle and I were on this huge colonization starship. The great thing is that it didn't look like any ship I've seen on TV on Sci-Fi. It had a lot of windows, and had really low-key, seemingly sourceless lightning and carpeting the color of port wine. All of the furniture was made from inorganic materials: glass, metal, plastic, etc. No wood or leather could be seen. It was all charmingly ultra-modern.

Anyway, this ship possessed a propulsion system that allowed it to somehow "sidestep" normal space. It never went faster than light, but instead sort of popped from one location to the other.

Well... The drive system must have been experimental, since the ship was in significantly worse condition *after* the jump. In fact, all of the propulsion was failing, as was internal power. Fortunately, we had made it to the destination world, since I could see it from one of the huge windows. The bad news is that we were caught in its gravity well.

It was an interesting looking world. It seemed bigger than Earth, and the land/water distribution was closer to 40/60. Many areas looked like high, mountainous deserts. The lands near the equator were green, flat, and reasonably habitable.

It took a *long* time to crash, and it was spectacular. I guess the ship must have been made of some nearly indestructable alloy, since the ship skidded along the ground for miles before it finally came to a stop. The crash ripped off the two engine pods, so this world was definitely where we were going to be.

We left the ship, and the first thing we noticed was that this planet had been occupied before! Everything was totally overgrown, indicating that habitation had ceased 5-10 years previously. From the abandoned gadgets we found (a lawn mower and an edge trimmer), it looked like 1940's era technology. All the houses were covered with vines and grass had reclaimed most of the streets.

The question I had was this: where had the former occupants gone? Did they abandon the planet, or were they all dead? If they left, then how and why did they leave? If they died, what had killed them? I didn't think it was world war, since evening was too intact (other than being partially reclaimed by nature.)

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With a lot of fatigue. . . 
Sunday, February 12, 2006, 02:02 PM - Dissociation & Switching
Well... Two factors can make me start dissociating again, even though I'm integrated: Being off my meds too long, and being way too tired for too long. Last night, I got to experience both.

I accidently left my prescription bottle of Effexor (an anti-depressant) at work on Friday. But then I had already agreed to help a friend out with some side-work selling phones at a trade show. (I used to sell cellular phones full time, but now I'm in law enforcement as a Pretrial Release Investigator.)

So by 9:30pm last night, I was exceedingly tired and I had missed two doses of my meds. I felt the integration sort of "fall away" and realized that I was functioning just as Indigo, not as the integrated super-personality.

In one way, it's interesting to function as simply a powerful Alter. I became reaquainted with my own unique capililities and what I can do unaided. But then there was the chorus of voices that I was not used to hearing. Before I was integrated, it was normal for me to never have my mind all to myself. Last night I could hear Thistle humming a church hymn, Ashen complaining about liberal judges and worthless junkies, and I could *feel* Halo's sadness. I have almost no contact with Willow (and I never did), but I could feel his presence in my mind.

This is not a bad thing, per se.

But I/we function better as one, for it really seems like the psychic potential of the integrated super-personality is stronger than the colelction of pieces. (by psychic potential, I mean a concept akin to "willpower", not telepathy or ESP).

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Dark Dream: Torture Factory 
Sunday, February 12, 2006, 01:52 PM - nightmares
The nightmare I had last night was a real doozie. It didn't involve my dad, at least, so that was a plus. But the vision was pretty bad nonetheless.

In this dream, there was this underground complex where people whould be abducted to and tortured to death. It sometimes took the victims days to die at the hands of their tormentors. The victims were all hooked up to wires and sensors of some kind, which, in turn, were connected to a bank of computers. The torturers wore white smocks and hid their faces behind white cloth masks so that one could only see their eyes. The tormentors had dark eyes -- none of blue or green, but instead were all black or dark grey.

It seemed that the purpose of the so-called experiment was to somehow collect the energy of the psychic imprint generated when someone dies badly. This energy was stored, augmented, and focused into some kind of weapon.

Beneath and to the right of the torture rooms, a single human subject was restrained to an observation table. He was also covered with sensor wires. It seemed that the purpose of the tormentor's experiment was to put the combined psychic imprint of dozens of bad deaths into the mind of this one single person -- just to see what would happen. They theorized that the influx of remembered pain and suffering would be a potent weapon that could drive the recipient into madness and suicide. The target, in this case, would fully experience what it was like to die in agony and fear -- over and over again, and concurrently.

Imagine what it must be like to feel another's death-pain. But also experience that kind of fear, betrayal, and hopelessness magnified a dozen times at once.

It was a pretty bad dream.

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Dark Dreams 
Sunday, February 12, 2006, 01:34 PM - nightmares
One of the curses of my life is the fact that my dreams -- even to this day -- are ruled by darkness and horrors. Sometimes my father (the chief abuser in my life) is the main character in my nightmares, but other times the nightmares have other, dismal themes.

I don't think of my father too often during my waking hours, but at night it seems hard to escape him. It's like I'm being hauinted by an angry, hateful ghost -- but the abuser is still ALIVE! I just don't get it.

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Wednesday, December 31, 1969, 07:00 PM

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