Workplace disaster 
Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 10:32 PM
Indigo incarnates

i had a total disaster at work today. Somehow a file got mixed up in a catastrophic way. The long and short of it is the wrong person got arrested. I'm probably going to get a written reprimand and have no shot at getting a promotion anytime soon. The thing I haven't figured out yet is HOW the mistake happened in the first place. What happened shouldn't have been possible to happen. And yet it did.

my day at work really sucked.

Poor Scrunchie (the fuzzy cat) was feeling sick too, so we had to take him to the vet. Apparently he has some sort of stomach bug that a course of antibiotics will fix. At least he's going to be okay.

on the bright side: I've been a Wiccan for FOUR months now (and a vegetarian too!) The good thing about Wicca is the firm knowledge that sometimes shit happens. the Goddess doesn't thrrow caltrops in our path to "test our faith" like YHVH enjoys doing. nope... Someties shit happens and that's just part of life. Tomorrow is a new day.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008, 09:12 PM
am willlow! :)

getting stormy. neat!
can hear wind blowing
rumbly thunder
sky flashes

cooler now
am glad
not so hot now
not afraid of storms
thistle likes storms too
not afraid if he's not afraid :)

wind sounds nice
lola-beastie doesn't like thunder
petting lola-beastie so she won't be afraid
nice dog
pointy ears
little legs
big eyes
licky tongue
likes to lick my hand

might rain soon
will be nice
trees like rain
they were getting thirsty
like trees a lot :)
they're nice

will sleep soon
bye bye :)

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hot here 
Monday, June 9, 2008, 09:36 PM
am willow :)

is so hot here. sky was bright. sun is so strong! took cool shower. felt better. cool water is nice. good to feel clean. can go to sleep now and not be stinky. :)

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Kewl Weekend 
Sunday, June 8, 2008, 08:10 PM
Indigo Incarnates

I did my super-workout yesterday. I did 9 miles and 1,245 calories. Yay! I wanted to do some bicycling, but it was 98 degrees yesterday. Egads! Of course, I can take the heat, but why risk it when I have a gym membership, heh heh.

Last night was Game Night. The adventure entailed the party having to investigate why infant children in the East End were mysteriously vanishing. Of course, it turns out that the mysterious beings known as the Shadow Lords were behind the kidnappings. The town mayor was on the take as well, since he was being paid to allow the Shadow Lords harvest kiddies only in the poor section of town. So, the investigation culminated with a fight against an evil, demon-empowered Priest and his evil secretary. the hilarious thing is that the adventurers dealt with the evil priest pretty quickly but were unable to defeat the secretary! The only way they got her out of the way was to blast a hole in the floor and lock her in the basement. Ha ha ha ha!

This morning was Handbell Sunday at church. Thistle incarnated for the first service, since he REALLY likes church, likes ringing handbells, and likes really old church music. Of course, he *is* a Christian, too, and that helps. I was in a funky mood and didn't want to be seen by anyone so I was happy to let Thistle incarnate.

Unfortunately, Thistle has only a limited ability to physically incarnate, so he was unable to do both services. Halo came to the foreground and was absolutely miserable. Like me, Halo is someone who is not particularly loved by the Old Testament God. He and I are Wiccans for a reason: the Mother Goddess isn't afraid of the dark and doesn't hate injured and broken people. So he was glad when church was over. It's hard for him to be in sunlight. I bought a pair of prescription sunglasses for him a few years ago. They came in handy today.

It's still pretty hot in Baltimore. It's a good thing that George Bush and Pat Robertson (noted ecologists) say there's no such thing as global warming, ha ha.

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The MeMe Catchup Game 
Saturday, June 7, 2008, 03:58 PM
Indigo Incarnates

Wow! I am so happy that I've been tagged for a couple of MeMes. It's Saturday, so I finally have time to get caught up. Yay!

The 123 MeMe (tagged by Hannuman, aka TigerYogi)

The book is "Drawing Down the Moon". It's sort of a history of Pagan and Wiccan practice in America. So, on page 123, 5th sentence, the next three sentences are:

"The path of the Feri is not always easy or safe; it's not for everyone. It requires a rigorous self-honesty and willingness to delve into our own darkness as a source of power and self-healing. It teahes us to go into all of the hidden places where we have buried the parts of ourselves we fear and hate, and find there the source of beauty, creativity, and authenticy".

We.. Most of my blogger friends have done this one, but I think Java and Joan have not, so you two are tagged!!!


The Six Randon Things MeMe (Tagged by Angel)

Six random things about me:

1. We're not all the same sexual orientation. Indigo is gay, Ashen is straight, Halo, Thistle, and Willow are non-oriented.

2. I totally did itty bitty cars. The Fit, Scion xD, Yaris, and Aevo are all neat little cars. I also love hybrids that AREN'T SUVs.

3. I can't wear a watch; I drain batteries. I sort of call this the "changeling effect". One of the aspects of me not being human is that I sort of drain batteries of gadgets by proximity (somehow!) My average wristwatch has lasted 3 months.

4. I'm sort of an exercise nut. Every Saturday I do a "super-workout" that always burns at least a thousand calories (today's workout was good for 1,245 kc).

5. I wrote two really lousy books under my legal name (as opposed to using my true name (Indigo)). It's a good thing I didn't quit my job.

6. Halo hasn't had a significant cutting incident since he and I began practicing Wicca (Thistle is a Christian, while Halo and I are Wiccans).

-- I think I'll tag Pink and Phosgene for this one!


The 5x5 MeMe (Tagged by Carol)

-- What was I doing five years ago?
Let's see... I was still selling cellular phones and was a district manager. We had been living in this house for one year. I weighed 40 pounds more than I do now. My grandfather died right before Fathers Day five years ago. My own father (monster) didn't attend his own father's funeral). I know I wasn't as happy then as I am now either.

-- Five Snacks I Enjoy: Cheese curls, cheese of nearly every type, fruit salad, crackers, Chex Mix. (Yeah, my taste leans more towards salty than sweet).

-- Five things I would do if I had a billion dollars: Buy up a bunch of rainforest to keep it from being cut down; set up a scholarchip fund for gay kids who get disowned by their Christofascist parents; open a school for hang gliding and Wicca (why not combine my two passions?); get a better house (preferably powered by wind and solar); fund a research project into affordable electric vehicles.

-- Five places I have lived: York, PA; Columbia, MD (which was a lot like living in a cookie cutter); Kennesaw, GA (where the father-monster killed the original person who had this body); Owings Mills, MD (rudest drivers ever); Baltimore, MD (the SECOND most dangerous city in the USA!)

-- Five Jobs I Have Had: Cashier at People's Drug (now called CVS); weed-wacker dude at Howard County Public Schools; Roofer (MagCo); Project Inspector (the now-defunct Roof Systems Design); District Manager (Cellular Connections); and Pretrial Release Investigator (Dept of Public Safety and Correctional Services). Side note: My first job ever was at IHOP, as a dishwasher, when the body was 14 (which would have made me 2 years into my incarnation).

I'll tag Ashley and Coco for this one!


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Getting a raise! 
Thursday, June 5, 2008, 06:33 PM
Indigo Incarnates

Today I had my semiannual performance review and I did really well. There are five grades an employee can get: Unacceptable, Needs Improvement, Meets Standard, Exceeds Standard, and Outstanding. I got an "Exceeds Standard". So... I get a nice big raise! Yay! I basically will get an extra $100 per paycheck starting in July. Very awesome! There is also a job opening for Case Agent, so I will be applying for that since my performance review was so high. Kewl. It's really great having a job that I like and I'm good at.

I texted a bit with Doris today. She's progressing well on her drive back to South Carolina. I'm glad she's having an uneventful journey, since that is such a long, REALLY LONG drive. I am so grateful that she likes me enough to have made such a long drive to see me.

I talked to mom today also. She seems to be doing a little better. I cast a spell on her behalf a few days ago. Either the spell worked, or her medicine worked, or both. I have confidence in both magic and medicine. I'm glad that Mom is interested Wicca and magic. She wants me to visit for June 21st for the summer solstice (Midsummer).

The AC was still broken at the courthouse, so it was as hot as the blazes. Oh well. I'm a changeling, so I can take the heat. Hee hee. The defendants sure were whining though. Forget the fact that they were mostly wearing shorts and t-shirts, you'd think we were located in the Sahara, ha ha.

So... I've written two spells now that seemed to either work or have worked due to the recipients wanting it to work (is there a difference? I'm not sure.) I am really glad that I'm studying Wicca. It's just the total opposite of the hate-based, rigid right-wing Christofascist fundamentalism. Everyone's an equal in Wicca: gay/straight, black/white, male/female, etc. It really is a loving, kind, accepting faith.

So... That's my day. It's not been a bad day.

Oh... I still have to do two more Memes. I might get to it after choir tonight :)

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Somebody fix the friggin's air conditioner! 
Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 08:51 PM
Indigo Incarnates

Lemme tel ya: This courthouse gets REALLY hot when the air conditioner goes on the fritz. It was 87 degrees outside, but it was about 92 or so indoors because of the heat that warm bodies and lots of computers seem to produce. The junkie-bum defendants were all complaining about the heat, but THEY weren't wearing dress shirts and ties, heh heh. I sweated through my shirt within the first half hour and I don't even sweat that much usually.

But hey, one of the big perks of being a changeling is that I can really take the heat well. I'm totally miserable in cold, but warm weather is no problem.

So... I did have to hear the defendants whine about their fate throughout the day. Word to the detainees: stop getting locked up! If you don't like getting arrested, you can always get a job and stop committing crimes, har har.

I had a great defendant quote today. When asked for proof of employment (which we check prior to a defendant's release), he exclaimed: "You wunts a paystub?! I'z ain't workin' nowhere. I'z ain't NEVER goan work nowhere!" Yeah. And he wonders why he has a long criminal record.

Then I had another defendant who was somehow able to collect disability payments because he broke his foot EIGHT YEARS ago! His foot is fine now, but the "gimmie" checks keep on coming. So, the next time the politicians start whining about why Social Security is in trouble, consider the fact that there are simply too many people collecting benefits for decades of their lives for trivial reasons and these people have never paid a dime into the system. Social Security could easily be viable long-term it they audited the user-base and told people with ADHD and "bipolar" to simply get jobs. I figure, I've got a dissociative disorder and I've only missed five days of work over a 15-year period. People whose "disabilities" are easily mitigated with prescription medicines just shouldn't be getting a free ride.

Ok... Maybe I'm sounding harsh. But I've just finished an 8-hour shift in a humid, 90+ degree cubicle. Egads!

On the bright side, Willow got to talk to Doris on the phone today. She's visiting a cousin in Virginia Beach on her way home to South Carolina. She's looking forward to being back with Clint and her children. It sure is a long drive!

It's 8:45pm now. I'm eating a pizza. Yum!

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End of the visit 
Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 07:23 AM
Indigo Incarnates

My friend Doris leaves for South Carolina this morning to return home. Having her visit made for a really nice five days. She's funny, caring, and kind. She was really nice to Willow too. I'm glad she got to meet Doug too. I sure will miss her. Of course, I will probably be able to visit her in January.

The three of us went to Blob Evans for dinner. I was careful, since they tried to pass off bean and ham soup as vegetarian, ha ha. But I sent it back and said "try again". Ha ha ha!

Doris got to see an episode of Poirot last night. We have almost every episode ever made. She liked it.

Doris also made a little stuffed critter for Willow. She sewed together a little stuffed crab. It's so cute!

so... It was nice having a friend who fully accepts all of us. :)

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Doiug has returned 
Sunday, June 1, 2008, 08:33 PM
Thistle Incarnates

Indigo is away but asked that I write tthis entry. Doug has returned safely. Lola has returned safely. Lola is a dog. Doug was very tired because his drive took seven hours to accomplish. He had to rest for two hours after returning home.

He and Indigo had dinner together and that was good. It is good for them to be together again. The house was neat and tidy for Doug's return. He was happy that things were orderly.

Indigo's dead phone resumed functioning again. He was relieved, as the device would be expensive to replace.

Doug will be able to meet with Doris tomorrow. She will return from New York tomorrow night and return to South Carolina on Tuesday.I was able to incarnate long enough to meet her face-to-face. It was good to be able to do so. She has a shining spirit and has much goodness. I am glad to call her a friend. I am confident that Doug will like her as well.

We are watching Midsummer Murders. It is Doug's favorite British mystery series.

I was able to fly for half an hour today before the weather changed. It is good to be able to fly. It is good to have energy. It is good to have sunlight.

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Nice Visit 
Sunday, June 1, 2008, 11:17 AM - Cool Stuff
Indigo Incarnates

I have to say that is has been a really nice experience having my friend Doris visit these past few days. It really makes me wish she lived closer than 500 miles away. Her family is really blessed to have her as the mom :)

She's visiting another friend in New York today and will be back tomorrow night and then will be headed home on Tuesday morning. The cool thing is that Doug will get to meet Doris tomorrow evening. That will be great.

Doug has been away for a week visting his family (I can never go because his sister has been [and would probably be again] physically violent towards me). But he's coming home tonight. Yay! We can get veggy burgers and garlic fries at Golden West when he gets home. Kewl!

It's hard for a dissociative to have "real life" friendships. At least it's been hard for me since I get the Christian judgement routine a lot (ie. the whole "you're gay, therefore you're evil", the "you're mentally ill, therefore you don't have enough faith", or "I don't understand your diagnosis, therefore it must be from Satan".) But it has been really great that Doris and I have developed a strong friendship and that she accepts the WHOLE system.

The refreshing thing is having a "real life" friend for whom I do not have to project the masquerade. I can be just Indigo -- a 25-year-old changeling. I don't have to project my approximation of a 38-year-old human. If Halo, Thistle, or Willow incarnates, that's been okay too. I wish more people could be as accapting as her. So few are.

So... It's been a really nice weekend. :)

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