Top 10 from Hanuman 
Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 05:33 PM - Random Thoughts
1. When you were born, how much did you weigh? 9 pounds.

2. What’s your sugar poison? Jebby Bellies, Sweedish Fish, Lemonheads, and Dots.

3. If you had to choose between meat and cheese for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Then be specific. I'd pick cheese. There are so many dishes that require cheese, but almost every meat dish can implement a soy-based subsitute.

4. What, in your opinion, is the worst song ever? One of the songs in the hymnal (I forget which number it is), but I always recognize it in the first few notes. It's boring, uninspired, lousy, and long.

5. Who was your favorite teacher growing up and why? Dr. Cathcart (at Salisbury State). He could ctually understand the spatial relationships between four-dimensional objects. Yeah, his was a rare mind. He was also philosophical and funny.

6. What personal activity, when performed in public, bothers you the most?
While the cell phone thing doesn't bother me, per se, there is a specific kind of cell phone that aggrivates me a great deal. These cutting-edge "two-way" phones from Boost and Nextel are a bane because rude people turn the chirp sound up to full volume and then scream into the speakerphone. It's just so rude!

7. Ok, there’s a $50 bill lying on the ground. You pick it up. Dumbfounded by your incredible luck, what do you selfishly purchase? A british mystery (like Morse, Frost, Wire in the Blood, etc.)

8. Do you have a recurring nightmare? My father (an abusive monster) often plays a pivitol role in my nightmares. He usually appears in my dreams to scream at me, or to tell me how I have disappointed him or or how I am utterly worthless.

9. Name one place on Earth you’ve never been, but vow to visit at least once. I'd love to see Ireland. It is there that I would hope to somehow find one of the Thin Places where the boundary between worlds is stretched thin and one might be able to cross over into some other realm.

10. You notice that question #9 wasn’t really a question. You feel smart for catching such a small detail. What else can you do really well that reminds you how smart you are? I can figure out how to use almost any electronic gadget without ever having seen an instruction manual.

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A really odd play 
Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 04:46 PM - Random Thoughts
So... Doug managed to get some really cheap tickets to a play called "The Homecoming". The play was just plain bizarre. It takes place in some run-down townhouse in London in which a father, two sons, and an uncle occupy the house.

Well, the father is a violent, foul-mouthed braggart on pension. Son #1 is a pimp and Son #2 is a boxer / factory worker. The uncle is a chauffer who I suspect might have been gay.

The "homecoming" part comes into play when the eldest son (a philosophy professor) shows up at midnight with his odd, distant wife.

The long and short of it is this: the wife meets the family and decides to move in and become a prostitute. The husband is, strangely, okay with this plan since he was going to get a 10% share of her illicit earnings. The pimp-son offered to get her set up in business since he said he only dealth with high-price call girls and not "aged trotters".


The pimp-son is also sort of a sociopath, since be bragged about how he thought about murdering his last girlfriend but was too lazy to finish the job (ie. "But then I thought about how I'd have to bury the body and all that rubbish. Too much damned work, so I just kicked her a bit with my boot"). Yeah.

It was a darkly humorous play that was, against all odds, fun to watch. The acting was really good. I just have no idea what the hell the play was trying to accomplish. It inspired lots of questions but darned few answers.

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Why are we still in Iraq?! 
Sunday, July 15, 2007, 09:28 AM - Random Thoughts
When I think of the useless was in Iraq -- the one that Bush started via lies and fake evidence -- I keep coming back to the question: Why are we still there? Bush is the only one who thinks we're making "progress", but the rest of the world thinks otherwise.

-- The overwhelming majority of Americans (something like 7 in 10) think we should have an orderly, phased withdrawel over a 6-12 month period.
-- A majority of House and Senate members think we need an orderly, phased withdrawel from Iraq.
-- Most soldiers who were polled reported a strong desire to come home.
-- Most Iraqi citizens want us to leave Iraq.
-- The Iraqi president wants us to leave Iraq.

The trouble is that Bush started this war because he really believes that God told him to start this war. Yeah. I remember seeing the press conference in which Bush said that he had been prayung and that God told him to invade Iraq.

Now, if the average citizen were to go around saying that God spoke to him and commanded him to try to take over the world, that person would probably be put on anti-psychotic medication. Unfortunately, since Bush is President, he actually gets to try to take over the world (Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, who knows what's next?!)

January 20, 2009 -- Bush's last day -- can't come too soon!

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iPhone or iHype? You decide! 
Sunday, July 8, 2007, 10:15 AM - Random Thoughts
Why don't want an iPhone?

-- $600 price tag when most other PDA/Phone hybrids cost $300-$350.

-- Proprietary SIM card means you're stuck with ATT forever.

-- Slow Class-6 EDGE means your connection speed will be more like dial-up and less like ISDN.

-- No IM, MMS means you won't be chatting with your friends.

-- No handwriting recognizer means that composing email will be a real chore.

-- No expansion slot for SD or Memory Stick. This means you have to choose between Storing music or installing 3rd Party applications.

-- It only works with iTunes. They charge a dollar a track and they encode at 128K for that high-price, mediocre music listening experience. Rhapsody is a dime cheaper and they encode at 192K. The) also let you redownload your paid-for music if your computer dies.
The funky headset port really limits your listening options.

-- ATT won't fix this phone if there are warranty problems, and Apple charges to do so.

-- The iPhone calling plans are all $20 more expensive than a non-iPhone plan with the same number of minutes. You have to pay more for the priviledge of owing a status symbol!

I think I'll stick with my Nokia E62.

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Bush's "Credibility Gap" 
Saturday, February 17, 2007, 05:12 PM - Random Thoughts
My opinion on the Bush presidency is this: he lied every time he opened his mouth. I read in MSNBC this week that the Bush advisors were bemoaning the president?s apparent ?credibility gap? -- a newfangled euphemism that means ?nobody believes anything he says?. And then I thought to myself, ?why SHOULD anybody believe anything he says??

We?re in our 4th year in Iraq. It?s a war he lied to Congress about in order to get authorisation for the war. Bush said Saddham had nuclear (?nuk?u?larr?) technology -- Saddham didn?t. Bush said that Saddham had weapons of mass destruction -- he didn?t. He said that Iraq had fully re-armed -- it hadn?t. Bush said that the global community was behind us in this endeavour -- it wasn?t. Bush declared ?Mission Accomplished? six months into the war -- nothing was accomplished. Bush said that the Iraqi people would welcome us as liberators -- they greeted us as an Infidel occupation army. Bush said that the war would ?pay for itself? due to increased Iraqi oil exports -- energy prices doubled because of this war.

Bush lied about the extent to which favoured contractors like Halliburton would defraud the taxpayers (for projects in Iraq and New Orleans).

Bush lied to the American people when he said that gay couples wanted to ?destroy the traditional American Family?. Gay couples just want equal protection under the law and equal access to the services their taxes pay for.

Bush lied when he said that Homeland Security would make America safer. All it did was create a branch of Secret Police that operate outside the bounds of the Constitution.

Bush lied when he said that the huge tax cuts for the nation?s millionaires would somehow benefit the middle class. In reality, the gap between rich and poor grew wider under Bush?s watch than under any other president.

But if I took the time to list all of Bush?s lies, it would fill an entire book. The legacy of George W. Bush is this: Because he lied, thousands died.

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Bachelor for a week 
Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 08:36 PM - Random Thoughts
It’s been a drag this week. Doug is visiting his family this week, as he usually does after Christmas, so it’s just me and the two cats this week. Gigi is lounging on a cushion to my left while Scrunchie is perched on the arm of the couch. The cats are just too cute.

At least I’m not too depressed this year. Still, it will be nice to have Doug back next week.

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The latest list! 
Monday, January 1, 2007, 10:17 PM - Random Thoughts
Stolen from Larrytronic's Blog!

1. The phone rings. Who are you hoping it is? Doug (my Partner), Ed (a close friend), or mom.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Always. Lazy people REALLY bug me.
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? A little of both. It depends on how much the other person talks.
4. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? No. I’d get lost and then freeze to death while walking around in big circles.
5. Do you like to ride horses? I haven’t had much experience. They seem like nice animals.
6. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? A Christian summer camp in PA. I only went one summer, when I was 8. Just ghastly.
7. What was your favorite board game as a kid? Monopoly.
8. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was taken what would you do? I don’t purposefully hurt people, so I would not pursue.
9. Are you judgmental? Yes. I loathe cheaters and deceivers. I hate laziness.
10. Would you date someone with different religious beliefs? It depends on the other religion.
11. Are you continuing your education? I’d like to, but I don’t have the $$.
12. Do you know how to shoot a gun? Yes. I own a Browning Buckmark .22 pistol.
13. If your house was on fire, what’s the first thing you’d grab? My USB hard drive.
14. How often do you read books? Probably 20-30 books/year. I also have one novel in print and am 155,000 words into writing a second book.
15. Do you think more about the past, present or future? Some of my past is sealed off to me. Most of what I do remember is unpleasant. So I think about having a good present and a better future.
16. What is your favorite children’s book? I enjoyed many of the Redwall books. Mice as heroic figures… too cool.
18. How tall are you? Five foot ten inches.
19. Where is your ideal house located? I don’t know.
20. Last person you talked to? My partner.
22. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden? Probably in November. It’s always SO CROWDED!
23. What are your keys on your key chains for? My car, partner’s car, our house, back door, desk drawer, locks to my old company that went out of business, five or so keys that I have no idea what they go to.
24. What did you do last night? Watched the Clint Eastwood marathon with mom.
25. Where is your current pain at? Got a bit of a headache thanks to an allergy.
26. Do you like mustard? All Kinds! I love mustard, tolerate ketchup, and loathe mayo.
27. Do you like your mom or dad? I like mom. My dad was an abuser who enjoyed hurting me. We don’t talk.
28. How long does it take you in the shower? Monday-Friday: 10 minutes. Saturday-Sunday: Until the hot water runs out.
29. What movie do you want to see right now? I’m reading a Star Trek novel while watching Miss Marple.
30. Do you put lotion on your dog or cats? Where? They are all so furry!
31. What did you do for New Year’s? I watched the Clint Eastwood marathon with mom/
32. Do you think The Grudge was scary? I never saw it.
33. Do you own a camera phone? Yup! A SonyEricsson W810i.
34. What’s the last letter of your middle name? None of my Alters have middle names. The body’s legal middle name ends in “R”.
35. Who did you vote for on American Idol? I've never watched an episode!

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Too nice to be Conservative 
Saturday, December 23, 2006, 05:35 PM - Random Thoughts
Too nice to be a Bush Conservative
I actually have a friend who is a complete and utter “true believer” when it comes to George W. Bush. He really doesn’t think Bush has done one single thing wrong throughout his “presidency”. It’s a shame, too, since my friend is a really nice guy who otherwise seems educated and reasonable.
I do try to get him to understand that our president is a stupid, lazy, arrogant ass. But he has somehow been programmed by the Far Right.
Here’s a sample of what it’s like:
(me): “You know, the Republican party lost because of how badly the Iraq war is going.”
(him): “But we’re WINNING in Iraq. And the Iraqi people are GLAD we are there.”

(me): “But what about how Bush lied in order to get us into war?”
(him): “Just because they never found WMD’s doesn’t mean they were never there.”

(me): “What about how only 17% of the Iraqis want us there, and how this war has cost the lives of over 600,000 civilians in Iraq?”
(him): “Those are just media lies from folks who hate America.”

(me): “What about how Bush has been illegally tapping into phone conversations and email? And what about how Homeland security illegally tracks all citizens’ credit card purchases?”
(him): “Bush has executive privilege, so that’s okay.”

(me): “So, what do you think about global warning?”
(him): “It’s a media hoax by people who hate America.”

(me): “What about hybrid technology”
(him): “It’s just a fad.”

(me): “What about conservation?”
(him): “The world will never run out of oil.”

(me): “What about overpopulation?”
(him): “The world can easily handle 100 Billion.”

Yeah, it gets pretty frustrating. He pretty much sees it in the same way except he can’t turn me into a Right Wing believer. Oh well, what can you do?

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If Bush was a tour bus driver 
Wednesday, November 29, 2006, 06:33 PM - Random Thoughts
To put Bush's mishandling of the Iraq war in context, let's imagine how he'd do as a tour bus driver instead of as a president.There's a bus with 100 people on it. Two of them are millionaires, while the rest are middle class or working class. All of the passengers have paid the bus fare in order to ride the bus, and Bush's salary comes out of that bus fare.

At some point, there's a fork in the road. Bush gets out his map, but he's just not quite smart enough to read the map in order to determing the right direction. Without telling the passengers this, he simply guesses and then turns hard to the RIGHT.

Before long, the road gets bumpy. Someone pushes a huge boulder down the side of the mountain and it hits the bus really hard -- killing one of the passengers. Bush could have swerved out of the way, but he was asleep at the wheel. He spends the next half hour saying that anyone who accused him of being asleep at the wheel is lying and traitorous.

Meanwhile, the road continues to degrade. Some of the passengers start grumbling and a few of them ask Bush if he took the correct turn at the fork. Bush replies, "I've made up my mind. We're going to STAY THE COURSE!"

Then an hour later, huge potholes appear in the road. Bush radios ahead and asks maintenance crews to fix the problem. Unfortunately, he sends almost EVERY repairman to the WRONG ROAD. It turns out that there isn't even anything wrong with the other road. But because of bad instructions, the repairmen destroy the other road while allowing the current one to keep degrading.The people who live alongside the other road start killing the repairmen out of anger.Bush, however, says that he won't recall the repairmen either. He says, "I've made up my mind. We're going to STAY THE COURSE!"

At this point, Bush decides to give a big refund to the millionaire passengers, but makes the middle class passengers pay out of their pockets for the refund. Bush says this will somehow make the view better.

Three hours later, the bus starts careening down a really steep hill. The brakes start making noise as the pads begin to overheat. The passengers are now getting really upset. They start murmuring about wanting to CHANGE DRIVERS. Bush recruits one of the passengers to kill some of the other passengers who are making too much protest. Then he briefly stops the bus to let in 20 OUTSIDERS who haven't paid their fare to ride the bus for FREE. Now the bus is cramped and overloaded. The brakes are now about to fail as the bus heads down an incredibly steep incline.

At the base of the mountain, a sign reads "Bridge Out" and "5000' drop". The passengers scream for Bush to change directions, but Bush simply says, "I've made up my mind, and I'm going to STAY THE COURSE!"

As the bus careens into the mile-deep abyss, Bush jumps out of the bus into his daddy's SUV. the rest of the passengers plummet to their doom.

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If I called the shots... 
Sunday, November 26, 2006, 10:59 AM - Random Thoughts
If I called the shots, things would be a whole lot better in this country almost overnight. Here are my ideas:

Convert the Middle East wars into a psychological warfare campaign. Basically, our CIA operatives could infiltrate the opposing Muslim factions and stir up enough hate for the Muslims to kill each other in mass quantities. Muslims Killing Muslims is NOT a tragedy.

Use “theatre” nukes when pulling out of Iraq. Unlike strategic nukes, theatre nukes only destroy small pieces of land. This allows the Military to cauterize certain trouble spots without contaminating the entire country.

Redeploy our military for border patrol. While this would be bad for Wal-Mart, we could be rid of illegal aliens very quickly. The Military could be given the authority to shoot intruders on site.

Employ the Charter of Workers’ Rights. That piece of legislation would end outsourcing and poverty overnight.

Revoke tax-free status for “Social Disease” religions. Some religions only inspire hate, fear, and violence. Those religions should NOT have tax-free status. Islam, Mormonism, and the Assemblies of God are examples of social diseases because they only inspire their follows to act violently and to hate others. Members of these religions should also be overseen by social workers (at their expense) when raising children in order to prevent the children from being brainwashed.

Impose yearly fees for gas-guzzlers. Depending on the price of the vehicle, any SUV that gets under 25 MPG should have a yearly fee of $1,000 to $5,000 for ownership. The fees would be used to develop advanced hybrid and electric vehicle technology. People who insist on owning SUVs would have to have red license that bears the caption “this driver supports terrorism”. Moreover, there should be a 14-day “cooling off” period between applying for a SUV and actually signing the papers for ownership. All SUVs would hare to be registered with the FBI as “Weapons of Environmental Destruction”.

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