Finished Chapter 43! 
Sunday, May 27, 2007, 07:07 PM - Cool Stuff
I finished writing Chapter 43 of "I, Construct". my novel now has 167,000 words!

Chapter 43 - I, Construct

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Super Workout! 
Sunday, April 22, 2007, 10:06 AM - Cool Stuff
Other than having a 30 second dissociation, my workout yesterday went really well.I did 9.1 miles in exercise (combination of treadmill, eliptical machine, and Stair Master). That burned 1,350 calories! Then I did some weightlifting: 4,500 pounds worth of weight!! How cool is that? My current weight is 182.8 pounds.

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I, Construct - Chapter 42 
Sunday, March 18, 2007, 09:01 PM - Cool Stuff
I finished writing Chapter 42 of my novel!

I, Construct: Chapter 42

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More Twisted Christmas Carols! 
Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 03:26 PM - Cool Stuff
Rudolph the Cyborg Reindeer

Rudolph the Cyborg Reindeer
Had a red prosthetic eye
And when it shot out lasers
The children would all run and cry

All of the other reindeer
Used to stay the hell out of his way
They didn't want to be bisected
When Rudolph came around to slay!

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say,
"Rhudolph with your eye so bright,
Won't you be my laser sight?"

Then how the children feared him
As Santa launched a shooting spree.
Rhudolph the Cyborg Reindeer
You'll go down in infamy!

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New Record! 
Friday, November 24, 2006, 08:16 PM - Cool Stuff
This month was pretty good for me, at least in terms of my workout plan. Today, I had my fastest 5km run: 27m 02s. I also had my longest distance in one day: 8.2 miles!

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Thursday, November 23, 2006, 10:07 PM - Cool Stuff
Oddly enough, Thanksgiving was mostly stress-free this year. Doug and I usually either eat Thanksgiving with our lesbian friends (Gail and Ro), or eat at the Nautiloid. But this year Doug and I were invited to my Uncle Blake’s house. It was pretty nice. My cousin Christy had her new baby over (Taylor) who is only 5 weeks old and cute as a button. Although legally separated, Blake and Marylou were surprisingly civil to each other.
The funny thing is that I’m not actually a big fan of turkey. But I like all the other stuff that comes with a Thanksgiving meal: stuffing, corn casserole, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, cranberry bread, and more! Yummie!
I was happy to see all my relatives getting along (for a change!) All in all, it was a nice holiday.

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More Novelization 
Sunday, October 1, 2006, 05:57 PM - Cool Stuff
Now that I have the OrigamiPC, I spent a whole lot of time yesterday and today writing more stuff for my novel, "I, Construct". I finished chapter 40 today, for a grand total of 149,800 words (for all 40 chapters combines, of course).

The link below shows chapters 36-40. In chapter 40, the brave adventurers get attacked by giant rats!

Open Chapters 36-40

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New tiny computer! 
Sunday, October 1, 2006, 10:25 AM - Cool Stuff
The other reason I haven't posted often lately is that I haven't had a laptop computer for two weeks. I sold my old laptop on eBay to get cash to buy a new computer. My new machine is an origami-class computer. It's only 7" across and weighs 1.5 pounds. There's no keyboard. You just handwrite on the screen with a plastic stylus. It has the unusual resolution of 480 by 800, so it's portrait instead of landscape. The aspect ratio is perfect for word processing.

The great thing about eBay is that I effectively paid about $100 for a $1000 computer, since by the time I sold my old laptop and some DVDs, I had over $800 cashed in.

The only sour note in the deal is that the seller tried to cheat me. She refused to ship the computer until I filed a Pay Pal fraud alert. This was not a pleasure.

But I've got the computer now and it works fine!

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Jogging Nut! 
Saturday, September 30, 2006, 10:41 PM - Cool Stuff
I've been working out several days each week for the past eight months. I've lost 31 pounds and I can now jog for an hour straight! My new distance record is 6.4 miles over an hour run. My fastest 5km has been 28m 15s.

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The Montecello Adventure 
Sunday, June 11, 2006, 02:14 PM - Cool Stuff
Doug and I went to Montecello yesterday, the home of Thomas Jefferson. I thought it was an absolutely beautiful and efficient home. Unlike typical mansions of the rich, everything in the Jefferson home had purpose and function. I liked the fact that he believed in ordinary staircases instead of the huge spirals that were so popular with the wealthy of the time.

It was also cool how he designed all the bedrooms such that the beds were built into the walls. How efficient! Many of the rooms had high ceilings and skylights.

He designed his own home. He invented the double-pane window concept. He also made windows that also worked like doors (you slid them up from the floor and just walked out!)

The only sad note was the knowledge that he owned over 100 slaves in his lifetime. While it is generally thought that he did not abuse or torture his slaves, the fact that he actually OWNED other human beings is something that strikes me as abhorrent. It was a pretty standard practice in the Southern states, however. And although Jefferson was an enlightened man of his time, he was still OF THAT TIME.

Jefferson's genious made me realize, of course, how short-changed we are nowadays with respect to Presidents. Here's how I see it:

Thomas Jefferson: He could speak, read, and write seven different languages fluently.
George W. Bush: He has never demonstrated the ability to read or write. He can barely speak English, much less any other language.

Thomas Jefferson: He couild play two musical instruments and composed music in his spare time.
George W. Bush: He cannot play any instruments. He has no interest in art of any kind and is generally fearful/distrustful of those that do.

Thomas Jefferson: As a man of science, he collected many scientific instruments and enjoyed performing experiments in his house.
George W. Bush: He has no interest whatsoever in science and has a pathological fear of those who do.

Thomas Jefferson: Was a man who promoted religious tolerance and the seperation of Church and State.
George W. Bush: He is a Bible-thumping religious bigot who misuses the Bible to push his austere Right-Wing agenda. He promotes the idea of a theocratic oligarchy based on ultra-conservative Christo-fascism.

Thomas Jefferson: He owned over 5000 books and read every single one of them.
George W. Bush: He is not known to have read any book except for the Bible. He is not known to actually own any books at all.

Thomas Jefferson: He was a natural-born tinkerer. He designed locks, clocks, doors, and all manner of appliances for the home.
George W. Bush: He has never demonstrated any desire to invent anything, and generally distrusts/fears those who do.

Thomas Jefferson: He was an expert chef and knew how to prepare French cuisine.
George W. Bush: It is not known if this man has EVER prepared a meal for himself.

Thomas Jefferson: He was skilled at various money-making trades, including farming, brewing, map making, surveying, architecture, and wine making.
George W. Bush: He has never held down a single job that his daddy didn't get for him -- including the Presidency.

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