Another Perfect Saturday! :) 
Saturday, March 1, 2008, 04:01 PM - Cool Stuff
Well... when perfect days come around, I'm never one to waste them. Doug and I both had the same day off, so that was a real treat. My day started off really peacefully. I had the experience where my mind sort of woke up and my body was still asleep. I tend to call this "standby mode". It's very relaxing and time seems to pass incredibly slowly. It feels regenerative and healing. Over the course of an hour, my body slowly woke up and I felt really refreshed and balanced.

Doug and I went to First Watch for breakfast. It's our favorite Saturday morning thing. They have totally awesome pancakes and french toast. I used to get their ultra-crunchy bacon before I became a veggy, but their scrambled eggs are pretty good. And their bottomless coffee was pretty good.

The wounds that Halo inflicted on our shared body are healing pretty well. There's no infection and we didn't need stitches. The injuries are definately going to scar, but that's okay. There's plenty of scars on the shared body already, so a few more won't make a difference. Halo was aware for a few minutes (deeply, far away). I didn't waste this opportunity. Thistle and I told him as well as we could that we aren't mad at him and we do love him, and that soon things will get better and he'll be safe.

Since the weather was just about perfect (sunny, windy, not too cold), I did a 2.5 mile walk outdoors. Thistle flew and he was able to recover from losing all of his energy in the battle with Halo on Wednesday night. I wish I could relate in words how wonderful it is when Thistle flies. He shines in the sunlight and he seemed to be able to fly really high today. It was just so wonderful! :) He was happy and I felt incandescent. Angels need sunlight, humans need food, changelings need a bit of both. So we are both fulfilled and my changeling spirit rejoices. Thistle was thinking of a friend who has been kind to us and willed some excess sunlight her way. :)

So... after goofing off on Second Life for a while, I went to the gym and did my Saturday super-workout. If I include the outdoor walk, I did a total of 8.6 miles and 1,200 calories. It's great having an obediant body. Nice!!!

I did my Wiccan visualization/drawing/grounding exercises before the sun set. Yay! It's good to feel groounded and re-centered.

Next stop was dinner at Mango Grove. It's a totally awesome all-vegetatian Indian food restaraunt that's not too expensive either. I ordered my dinner "as hot as you can make it", which is a dangerous thing to do in an Indian restaraunt, heh heh. But I love spicy food and I flet like I could exhale fire by the time dinner was done, hee hee hee! This is day 18 of being a vegetarian. the body grumbles here and there, but my changeling spirit is happy for the change. Yay! Fun fun fun!

Days like this are sacred. I didn't waste it. Blessed Be. :)

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40 Pounds! 
Friday, February 22, 2008, 12:54 PM - Cool Stuff
Back in the bad old days, I used to have this really stressful job as a district manager for a cell phone company. I pretty much drove 30,000 miles per year, had horrible hours, 50-55 hour work weeks, and super-high stress. The long and short of it is that by the time I quit that job, this physical body was not only drained beyond understanding, but also weighed 221 pounds -- and that's not a healthy weight. A fat changeling is not a pretty sight. Aiieee!!

Well, once I got the job I currently have, my stress level dropped by about 2/3, my workweek went to 40-45 hours per week, and I have pretty normal hours. So I got into excercise and improved my diet. Over a 2-year period, I lost 37 pounds. For the past four months, I've been unable to lose those last three pounds I wanted to lose -- until I stopped eating meat, that is.

Ten days of being meat-free allowed me to shave off that last bit of weight I wanted to lose. So now, I weigh the same as I did 15 years ago. YAY!!!

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Other Fun Stuff 
Monday, February 18, 2008, 05:56 PM - Cool Stuff
I had Presidents' Day off so I got a chance to do some fun stuff today. I never waste days off that have good weather. :)

I did another full-sunlight 1.5 mile walk (1.5 mile flight for Thistle). We just feel so energized! :) It was unseasonably warm, too, so I didn't need a jacket, which means that more of my skin got direct sunlight. Changelings need sunlight, and I got it! Yay! I think Thistle and I have about as much energy as this mere human body can contain :)

I had so much energy that I did a whole bunch of chores (which REALLY pleased Doug -- my ever-loving partner!)

Then I got my bicycle cleaned up and went out biking for half an hour. It started raining on the way back, but it wasn't a cold rain, so it didn't bother me.

I finished writing chapter 52 of my novel ("I, Construct"), and I dedicated the chapter to my friend Jewell. In this chapter, the pirate-hunter ship Gaelic Knot ends up battling against a bloodthirsty pirate ship Rusty Rudder. The Knot gets heavily damaged, but does send the Rusty straight to Davey Jones' Locker, heh heh. Oh... and I just did a word count: it's got a shade over 232,000 words! Yay! Here's the link (and it's kinda a big file!):

Oh... and it's day-6 of being meat-free. In 24 more days I can call myself a vegetarian. Cool!

So... All in all it was a good day :)

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A Really Nice Day :) 
Saturday, February 16, 2008, 10:34 PM - Cool Stuff
Well... I have to say that perfect days like today are few and far between, so I savored the hours of this day since it was enjoyable and peaceful.

Doug and I went to Bob Evans for breakfast and got blueberry pancakes and they were perfect! Oh, I've been meat-free for four days but I won't call myself a vegetarian until I've been meat-free for a month. I will say that the change of diet feels very healty. Yay!

After breakfast, I took a 1.5 mile walk in full sunlight. That was perfect too. Thistle flew freely and his spirit shone brightly in the sunlight. It was a really nice feeling. Humans only need food, angels only need energy, but changelings need a bit of both. And I got both. Yay!

So then I got to chat with some friends on Second Life for a while. I have a really cute avatar that looks like a giant butterfly. One of my friends is a Wiccan and he is really cool.

Then Doug, Rich, Jeff and I got to play my World of Gaianar roleplaying game. In tonight's adventure, the heroes got to bust up an Orchiel cult, rescue a stranded angel, pummel some zombies back into the ground, and begin a murder inquiry to solve a brutal murder. All in 4 hours! Yay! I'm really glad that my friends like my roleplaying game. :)

So, now I'm home and it's 10:30pm. It was a perfect day, and I am thankful.

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Tonight's Super-Workout! 
Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 08:32 PM - Cool Stuff
I've found excercise is really good for fixing depression. The body had a flu last week so I couldn't excercise. But the crap is finally cleared out of my lungs enough that I could do a decent workout.

Well... If I *must* exist as a changeling spirit stuck inside an inherited human body, at least it's a good body! I was able to do 6.1 miles and burn 801 calories. I am grateful for having a healthy body, so I try to keep it in good shape.

So, I guess a changeling life-force must be somewhat more powerful than a human's since I can get the body's heart rate up to 195 for extended periods of time without getting out of breath. Goody! I never feel exhausted after a workout. I like doing excercise, since it makes me feel like I am shining. I can't fly like Thistle can, but there are times that I can at least shine like he does. :)

I also came to the conclusion tonight that I am simply not going to allow Halo to hurt this body anymore. Even though it is a human body, it is a gift nonetheless. It is an obedient body and worthy of respect. I won't be made to feel shame for being a changeling. Being different isn't the same as being bad. I will honor the gifts I've been given.

And that's what I did! :)

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A Computer back from the Dead! 
Monday, July 30, 2007, 07:50 PM - Cool Stuff
My desktop computer had been out-of-commission for three months. Basically, it would run for 10-20 minutes and then freeze. It made the computer unusable. The problem wasn't a virus either.

Yesterday, I took the computer apart, blew out all the accu,ilated dust, and re-seated all of the cards. After that, I did a Repair Install of WinXP Pro. That basically removed all updates and patches, but left the drivers intact.

voila! The computer is running again. It's been on for 32 hours straight with no problems.

and to think: all I had to do is clean it up!

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Chapter 45 
Sunday, July 1, 2007, 10:35 AM - Cool Stuff
I finished writing Chapter 45 of " I, Construct". In this episode, Frank gets haunted by the spirit of a murdered woman.

Chapters 41-45

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Finished Chapter 43! 
Sunday, May 27, 2007, 07:07 PM - Cool Stuff
I finished writing Chapter 43 of "I, Construct". my novel now has 167,000 words!

Chapter 43 - I, Construct

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Super Workout! 
Sunday, April 22, 2007, 10:06 AM - Cool Stuff
Other than having a 30 second dissociation, my workout yesterday went really well.I did 9.1 miles in exercise (combination of treadmill, eliptical machine, and Stair Master). That burned 1,350 calories! Then I did some weightlifting: 4,500 pounds worth of weight!! How cool is that? My current weight is 182.8 pounds.

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I, Construct - Chapter 42 
Sunday, March 18, 2007, 09:01 PM - Cool Stuff
I finished writing Chapter 42 of my novel!

I, Construct: Chapter 42

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