Can I borrow your car -- for 5 years?! 
Monday, February 13, 2006, 07:50 PM - Stupid Criminals
It's never a dull day at the Department of Pre-Trial Release!

You'd dig the brain-dead moron I had to interview today. He had been arrested for "Unauthorized Use (motor vehicle)". The reason why it wasn't listed as actual car theft is because his friend *had* given him permission to borrow the car for the weekend. But that was five years ago! Ha ha ha!

So the reason why the cops had such a hard time tracking this guy down is because there is *nothing* in his name. He basically sponges off his girlfriend and doesn't work.

When he was finally caught and was asked why he never returned his friend's car, all he had to say for himself was, "Uh... I forgot!"

Man, how'd you like *that* guy for a friend?!

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