Too Many Martinies! 
Sunday, February 19, 2006, 08:18 PM - Drrruuggsss
Lemme tell ya: there is such a thing as too much of a good thing...

But it was a lot of fun...

My partner and I went to an awesome Drag Queen bar called "Lips" last night. It was both fun and funny. Lips is decorated in a total tacky 70's motif and is hosted by a gaggle of drama-prone gay men ln sequin gowns. The decor included lava lamps and disco balls.

The food was *fantastic*, and the booze was really good. There was even a drag queen lip-sync show.

It's a good thing that our straight friend (Dana) was with us, since my partner and I managed to rack up a $110 bar tab by the time it was all over.

Me: 6 Cosmopolitan Martinies
Partner: 1 lemon-tini, 3 margaritis, 1 shot of some mystery booze.

As amazing at it sounds, our hangovers weren't *too* bad the next day. And belng Multiple means never passing out from too much booze!

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