Stupid Leach! 
Wednesday, March 1, 2006, 11:09 AM - Drrruuggsss
My partner's sister is a completely useless leach. I don't use the word "useless" lightly, but I can't think of a better word.

She has apparently started using cocaine *again*. This is the third time she's gotten herself in trouble with dope. It's too bad she never gets an overdose.

The first time she became an addict, it drove my partner's father to suicide. The second time, she blew through her $30,000 inheritance in just 3 months. Lord knows what will happen this time. With dope dealers coming to her home on a regular basis, it just can't end well.

Aside from her dope problem, she uses her so-called disability as an excuse not to work. Her "disabilities" are depression and dyslexia. Gimme a break. I have dyslexia, depression, *and* a dissociative disorder, and I've never been unemployed for more than 48 hours since I was 13.

Her personality is also just plain nasty. She's greedy, cheap, lazy, cruel, hot-headed, violent, jealous, bigoted, and foul of mouth.

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Too Many Martinies! 
Sunday, February 19, 2006, 08:18 PM - Drrruuggsss
Lemme tell ya: there is such a thing as too much of a good thing...

But it was a lot of fun...

My partner and I went to an awesome Drag Queen bar called "Lips" last night. It was both fun and funny. Lips is decorated in a total tacky 70's motif and is hosted by a gaggle of drama-prone gay men ln sequin gowns. The decor included lava lamps and disco balls.

The food was *fantastic*, and the booze was really good. There was even a drag queen lip-sync show.

It's a good thing that our straight friend (Dana) was with us, since my partner and I managed to rack up a $110 bar tab by the time it was all over.

Me: 6 Cosmopolitan Martinies
Partner: 1 lemon-tini, 3 margaritis, 1 shot of some mystery booze.

As amazing at it sounds, our hangovers weren't *too* bad the next day. And belng Multiple means never passing out from too much booze!

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