Abandoned Planet? 
Monday, February 13, 2006, 09:51 AM - Odd Dreams
Ya know... I just don't have *ordinary* dreams. But I think that's just fine when the dreams aren't nightmares.

Last night, I dreamed that Thistle and I were on this huge colonization starship. The great thing is that it didn't look like any ship I've seen on TV on Sci-Fi. It had a lot of windows, and had really low-key, seemingly sourceless lightning and carpeting the color of port wine. All of the furniture was made from inorganic materials: glass, metal, plastic, etc. No wood or leather could be seen. It was all charmingly ultra-modern.

Anyway, this ship possessed a propulsion system that allowed it to somehow "sidestep" normal space. It never went faster than light, but instead sort of popped from one location to the other.

Well... The drive system must have been experimental, since the ship was in significantly worse condition *after* the jump. In fact, all of the propulsion was failing, as was internal power. Fortunately, we had made it to the destination world, since I could see it from one of the huge windows. The bad news is that we were caught in its gravity well.

It was an interesting looking world. It seemed bigger than Earth, and the land/water distribution was closer to 40/60. Many areas looked like high, mountainous deserts. The lands near the equator were green, flat, and reasonably habitable.

It took a *long* time to crash, and it was spectacular. I guess the ship must have been made of some nearly indestructable alloy, since the ship skidded along the ground for miles before it finally came to a stop. The crash ripped off the two engine pods, so this world was definitely where we were going to be.

We left the ship, and the first thing we noticed was that this planet had been occupied before! Everything was totally overgrown, indicating that habitation had ceased 5-10 years previously. From the abandoned gadgets we found (a lawn mower and an edge trimmer), it looked like 1940's era technology. All the houses were covered with vines and grass had reclaimed most of the streets.

The question I had was this: where had the former occupants gone? Did they abandon the planet, or were they all dead? If they left, then how and why did they leave? If they died, what had killed them? I didn't think it was world war, since evening was too intact (other than being partially reclaimed by nature.)

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