The Socialist Bandit? 
Wednesday, March 15, 2006, 08:19 AM - Odd Dreams
I had this really odd dream that one of my friends from college had somehow become a kind of socialist bandit. What he would do is go into some chain store (like Target or McDonald's) and rob the contents of the safe. But instead of taking the money for himself, he would divide the cash amongst the employees. Then he would say something Socialist like, "Power to the workers!"

So in the dream, I made the tactical mistake of going to a coffee shop with him. Of course, he robbed the store and gave the loot to the employees. I cringed, thinking "they'll probably think I'm an accomplice!" Ugh.

On the way home from the "workers' liberation event", I turned on the radio and found that a different college friend was running an illegal radio station that criticized the government while singing the praises of the Socialist Bandit.

It was just so *weird*.

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Great Train Robbery 
Sunday, February 26, 2006, 12:36 PM - Odd Dreams
Now, I've never been on a real train other than the Metro Light Rail. But last night's dream would certainly inspire me to give it a shot.

I'm not sure where we were actually headed, but the countryside looked sparse and rocky (definitely not Maryland) and the weather was sunny and warm. It had that Middle-of-nowhere look to it. Ashen was with me.

Well, with a screech and a huge cloud of dust, the train's mighty diesel engine failed, and the train ground to a halt. Ashen (dressed in black as always) said that word came down from the front of the train that an observer spotted some highwaymen approaching the train in Jeeps. Dust clouds on the horizon marked their approach. Imagine! A 21st Century train robbery!

It was then that Ashen pulled a huge suitcase from under the seat and opened it. Lo and behold! It was packed full of guns, rifles, and ammo. Yeah, Ashen packs smartly for trips. Ha ha ha!

In a matter of moments, everyone in the last train car had a rifle or handgun. I had a light, 22 cal pump-action rifle (probably because it's only kind of rifle I've shot in real life, heh heh).

The dream ended just as the highwaymen were coming into range. I focused my telescopic site on the helmet of one of the bandits. It was one of those old, green kind from a Military surplus shop. I was about to pull the trigger...

The dream ended. But win or lose, it looked like it was going to be one hell of a shootout!

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Weird Used Cars 
Tuesday, February 21, 2006, 06:15 PM - Odd Dreams
So... I had this really weird dream in which I was still working for my old company and the boss wanted me to pick up a used car for the business (the one that is *out of businesses* don'cha know!) So I drove to this odd little car dealer to look at some cars on the cheap.

The lot was overgrown with all manner of shrubs and such. I think the main showroom used to host some other kind of business, because it was a bit small for cars. But in the main room was parked a strange old car from another time.

It was old, worn, but incredibly clean and maintained by a caring hand. It was some sort of green station wagon, with all-leather interior. Maybe it was a Ford? It was a pretty car, but I didn't know exactly what it was.

Here was where it got odd. A trap door opened in the showroom floor when I touched the door of the old car. I fell down a narrow chute into a totally *different* room. It was an abandoned floor of an office building. It wasn't exactly *dirty* but it was slightly dim and very dusty. The trouble was that I didn't exactly see a way out.

As I walked around, I realized that the "trap" floor was a *lot* bigger than the floor above me. The dream ended before I could find my way out, but I didn't get the impression that I was in any kind of *immediate* danger.

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Abandoned Planet? 
Monday, February 13, 2006, 09:51 AM - Odd Dreams
Ya know... I just don't have *ordinary* dreams. But I think that's just fine when the dreams aren't nightmares.

Last night, I dreamed that Thistle and I were on this huge colonization starship. The great thing is that it didn't look like any ship I've seen on TV on Sci-Fi. It had a lot of windows, and had really low-key, seemingly sourceless lightning and carpeting the color of port wine. All of the furniture was made from inorganic materials: glass, metal, plastic, etc. No wood or leather could be seen. It was all charmingly ultra-modern.

Anyway, this ship possessed a propulsion system that allowed it to somehow "sidestep" normal space. It never went faster than light, but instead sort of popped from one location to the other.

Well... The drive system must have been experimental, since the ship was in significantly worse condition *after* the jump. In fact, all of the propulsion was failing, as was internal power. Fortunately, we had made it to the destination world, since I could see it from one of the huge windows. The bad news is that we were caught in its gravity well.

It was an interesting looking world. It seemed bigger than Earth, and the land/water distribution was closer to 40/60. Many areas looked like high, mountainous deserts. The lands near the equator were green, flat, and reasonably habitable.

It took a *long* time to crash, and it was spectacular. I guess the ship must have been made of some nearly indestructable alloy, since the ship skidded along the ground for miles before it finally came to a stop. The crash ripped off the two engine pods, so this world was definitely where we were going to be.

We left the ship, and the first thing we noticed was that this planet had been occupied before! Everything was totally overgrown, indicating that habitation had ceased 5-10 years previously. From the abandoned gadgets we found (a lawn mower and an edge trimmer), it looked like 1940's era technology. All the houses were covered with vines and grass had reclaimed most of the streets.

The question I had was this: where had the former occupants gone? Did they abandon the planet, or were they all dead? If they left, then how and why did they leave? If they died, what had killed them? I didn't think it was world war, since evening was too intact (other than being partially reclaimed by nature.)

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